By Patrick Henningsen
Courtesy Of "Global Research"
The UN is currently expanding beyond its traditional citadels in New York City and Geneva, dispatching brand new missions to the various global ‘regions’ which many believe will join a new ‘global government’ over the coming decade. The UK appears to be paving the way, hosting the first ‘UN House’ in a key oligarchical seat of power – located in Edinburgh, Scotland.
In keeping with its altruistic public relations narrative, its missions will be erected under the guise of “helping to raise awareness of the UN’s work on issues including child welfare, women’s rights and climate change”, according to a recent
report by the BBC.
In essence, this new ‘UN House’ constitutes a UN Embassy, as its own sovereign territory located within the United Kingdom.
The present United Nations international body was formed after the Second World War, and financed by luminaries like
John D. Rockefeller, Jr, before its headquarters opened on January 9, 1951. It continues to receive hundreds of billions of dollars per year from its member states, with the United States of America injecting the largest sum into the UN system, totaling over $6.34 (figure available from
Wherever its outposts are located, the UN enjoys numerous
diplomatic privileges and special
immunities for its workers.
During the UN’s Kosovo mission in 2004, reports saw the rapid growth of sex-trafficking and forced prostitution rackets enabled by key UN administrators and NATO peacekeeping soldiers who took over the Balkan province in 1999. According to the
Guardian’s accounts at the time, “UN police, and western aid workers operated with near impunity in exploiting the victims of the sex traffickers”. This is just one example of many, whereby anyone working for, or corporates affiliated with the UN were granted
immunity, and allowed to conduct illegal and destructive activities falling far outside of the norms of local and international law, in many cases – with little or no accountability.
The popular public narrative for its function is as a ‘international peace keeper’, but with hundreds of conflicts raging globally at an almost constant rate, critics of the UN will rightly questions its
peace keeping credentials, and often ask whether or not the UN is simply a political device which facilitates Anglo-American and European financial, military, and pharmaceutical interests worldwide, as well as seeding its own UN socialisation, educational and collectivist ‘green’ agendas like
Agenda 21 globally, not only in the developing world – but also in developed countries like the US and Great Britain.
Critics also claim the UN is nothing more than a global ‘gravy train’ for thousands of career bureaucrats, NGO’s and their associate contractor companies, who feed off of the UN’s thousands of social engineering and economic development programs annually.
PR will be a key part of the UN’s brand new Edinburgh mission. The UN’s press department claims that its new UK mission will help the organisation to “play its part in tackling global poverty, inequality and injustice”, somewhat inferring that individual nation states could be ill-equipped to achieve such socially progressive goals.
Aside from its obvious PR, recruitment and social education, residents might rightly ask:
Will the UN be running its social programs for the UK from its new Edinburgh base of operations?
If a ‘One World’, global government is to be ushered in as a result of some future catastrophic event like a 911, a mass biological or radiological, or a WWIII scenario, then the UN will certainly be the template for such a momentous transition.
This article just in…
UN House Scotland Opens In Edinburgh
A new centre which aims to become the voice of the United Nations in Scotland has opened in Edinburgh.
Sept 20, 2012
UN House Scotland brings together agencies raising awareness of the UN’s work on issues including child welfare, women’s rights and climate change.
Based in Hunter Square, the centre also acts as a resource centre for academics, students and members of the public interested in UN affairs.
The shared facility is the first of its kind in the UK.
It includes representatives from eight UN-affiliated organisations currently working in Scotland.
Among them is the United Nations Association (UNA) Scotland, whose convenor Gari Donn said: “By combining our activities under the umbrella of UN House Scotland, we hope to raise public awareness of the work of the UN on issues that concern and, in many cases, directly affect the people of Scotland.
“Essentially, our aim is to become the voice of the UN in Scotland.”
External Affairs and International Development Minister Humza Yousaf said: “The agencies and organisations who will work here already make a significant contribution to civic life in Scotland.
“By bringing their combined expertise and experience together, their impact can only be enhanced.
“The establishment of a UN House in Edinburgh is a recognition of Scotland’s long and proud history as a nation with an international approach and a concern to play its part in tackling global poverty, inequality and injustice.”