count-up to 1000 miles

LilySlim Fitness goals tickers

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Bending over

Good grief! It suddenly seems like such a chore to be bending over and picking up assortments of stuff throughout my house. Little JT has an attention span of 30 seconds or so, and my front room shows that. Throughout the day, I have picked up sauce pans and lids (for drumming) the empty oatmeal box (once again, for drumming) my reading light, a ball, legos, some of the Thomas the tank engine trains, his shoes, his blanket, a fake credit card, several sippy cups, mixing bowls, and books....all from my front room! DB has been a trooper so far and generally helps pick up after his brother on an hourly basis since my bending capabilities are quickly waning. Did I have to bend over so much before and just didn't notice because I didn't have this big bowling ball in the way, or has JT just decided that the toy room is not big/sufficient enough to accommodate his creativity?


calmrapids said...

I like your list of things to pick up. :)
Aren't kids great?

Amanda said...

That sounds familiar!! I feel the same way about constantly picking up. My Madi must be the same age as your JT. Your blog is so cute! I love all the slideshows. It's fun to see you and your family! I sent you an invite again, let me know if you don't get it. I probablly typed it wrong last time. Sorry!

Rachel said...

JOIN THE CLUB! My oxygen is temporarily cut off every time I have to bend over.

Do I need to breath? Nah.

Quick update: I am 1 cm and 37 wks in a couple of days...I'm not even close to being ready! Yikes! I just can't get everything done!

The Steele Family said...

Wow girlfriend...I hear ya! It took me like 2 weeks to finally get my suitcases unpacked from Kentucky (which I just accomplished today!) since they were on the floor and I can't really bend over! And should see MY living room! At least you have a little helper. Maybe by my next pregnancy Marshae will be in the "helping" age-group. So for now I just crawl around on my hands knees every night to clean things up, lol. Since I'm measuring 34 weeks (if I only had one in there of course), I pretty much can't breath, sit, stand, lie down, eat, or anything else. So I wanna see your pregnant little self!

Marlin, Becky & Josh said...

Amanda!!!! I can't believe I haven't been keeping up with you all! Kick me you know where! I'm SOOOO excited for you and Ben! I wish we could have seen you when you were out here last time but I guess we can see you when you all come for Brandon's wedding! I want to see a belly pix before then though! I may have missed it but when are you due? Can't wait to see you!!!

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