
Friday, October 7, 2011

Blogging Challenge/$10 Amazon Gift Card Giveaway--Date night brings out the "best" in Melanie

Last Friday night topped "Melanie's 2011 Good Times, Noodle Salad" Chart (what?  It means I had a good time) and shows promise of staying in #1 for a while.  (I only wish the week following could have been as great).

I had such an awesome time.  Wanna hear the story?

At church, Roberto, was recently called (asked to volunteer) to be an adviser/teacher to the male youth in our ward (congregation) ages 16-18 (Mormon Lingo:  Priest Quorum Advisor).  Quite a few of these youth are stars, or at least starters, on the local high school football team.

Roberto, in his love for both football and these boys, has had a strong desire to support them. We tried to get out to a game a few weeks ago but were both disappointed when I was completely laid up with drug withdrawal issues from coming off of anti-depressants , and Rob stayed home to take care of me (at least it was being broadcast on a local sports channel here so he got to watch and cheer from a distance).   

"Next time," we said.

Well, "Next time" just happened to be last Friday night.

Roberto and I headed out, without the boys, for a much needed (MUCH NEEDED!) date night. 

I was so happy to get out of the house, away from my lovely boys. I felt very giddy and excited even before we left.  "Goodbye......," we said, after dishing out hugs, kisses, and warning of misbehavior to each of the boys.

 We hopped in the car....Destination....Richland High School Bombers football game.....but first, a pit stop at the local gas station.

Roberto had been fighting a lingering headache all day and was looking for some caffiene to heighten the blood to the brain flow-age thing.  I don't normally endulge myself in such frivolities (I prefer to expend my calories on things much sweeter with much more saturated fat) but decided, why not?....I'm on a date...I'm free...and there is no one here who will demand I give them a sip and throw a tantrum when I deny them.

It was then that I was knocked over the head with a SERIOUS case of nostalgia.  I was taken back to the days of high school-hood when my friends and I would go to the nearby Conoco station at least 2 times a day (AT LEAST...seriously) and ALWAYS before a football game or dance, to grab a "much needed" Pepsi Cola.  Although really it wasn't "needed" at all...we were just trying to "be cool" since that particular Conoco was "the hangout" for the "coolest of the cool" people at our school.)

Funny enough,12 years later, I felt "cool" all over again.  Because "cool" people go to the gas station to get drinks before football games.  "Cool" people drink Pepsi...and I SO got a Pepsi (my favored beverage in high school but of which I rarely ever drink now).

I felt young, giddy, and carefree before we even left the station.  It's like I was back in high school again.  And let me tell you....that's kind of a scary thing.  Let's just say I was a bit of a "goofball" (aka totally awesome) in high school and had a tendency to be somewhat silly.  And I was feeling it again....

After leaving the convenient store, we head toward the school and I was hit with another case of the nostalgia's.

The song "Long Cool Woman in a Black Dress" by The Hollies, come one the radio .....NO FLIPPEN' KIDDING!...I love this song!  It reminds me of my all time favorite FOOTBALL/FALL movie..."Remember The Titans"(which I watch EVERY least twice).  We're singing along ( well, at least to the words we knew) rather loudly (caffeine?  freedom from responsibility?  Don't know, don't was fun), and I was way beyond excited now....and I couldn't hold it in any longer.

(uh comes "lady spastic"....)

I look at Roberto and yell....."IT'S FOOTBALL SEASON!   WAAAAHOOOOOO!"

Rob-o just smiles from the seat next to me.  Just content to see the lighter side of me, I'm sure.

We get to the game...we're without our kids ... we're laughing and joking together... we're holding hands.  The fall air is crisp and pleasant, the sound of the announcer over the loud speaker is loud but somehow soothing... the rebellious way I sneak in my not-quite-empty soda cup, and the "graceful" way I trip up the stadium bleachers just as we catch the attention of our good friends who flag us over to sit with them ("My wife is so graceful," Roberto says to them with a smile)....these were all contributing factors in making me feel happy and free.  And even more goofy. 

We sit...we chat...we cheer for "our" Bombers...I watch the cheerleaders (of which there was a particularly fantastic one of the male species who, let me tell you, has better jumps than I ever did) and...I watch the students in the "student section" envying them, remembering "back in the day" when I was one of them... and was far less weighed down by the cares of the world. 

But I'm not one of body reminds me.  By the third quarter my back is killing me (dang SI joint injury), and by the fourth, I have to get up and walk around.  "Okay,"...Rob jokes, when I tell him I will be back, "maybe you should go cheer in the student section."  I laugh, "Funny, real funny."

And yet, after a few minutes of wandering, I find myself there....I double dog dare myself to jump in and pretend to be one of them, just to see what kind of reaction I get  (see what I mean, a total "goofball").  I wander down the bleachers into the crowd and take my place below a group of boys and next to a group of girls.  The girl next to me kept looking at me, with her sideways glances, and I finally ask her,

"Do you think I could pass for a high schooler?"

"Um, yeah, sure," she said.

I chuckled and couldn't resist backing her into a corner (my husband says I am quite good at this), "So you are saying I look OLD?"  (he he he...poor girl).

She looked like a deer in the headlights...I reassured her that I was just joking and laughed it off. (funny ending though, after several minutes she turned back to me and said, "You could totally pass for one of us."  he he he...too awesome).

I finally caught Roberto's attention from across the bleachers and was only egged on by his laughter and the shock of our friends (who, I'm sure, never believed, in a million years, that I would do it).

I found a girl in our ward (congregation) in the row in front of me....decked out in all her green and yellow glory.  I tap her on the shoulder...."nice outfit," I say.  "Thanks," she says as she throws back a quick glance....and then...a double take.  When she realized who I was she again repeated her  "Thanks," only with a bit of confusion in her eyes (like "what the heck is she doing here?").

Eventually I made my way down into the the know, where all the "really extra cool" kids are.  I'd like to say it's because I am super cool and was WAY into the game....but mostly it was because my back was hurting and I needed the support (he he).

Let me tell you...I can cheer with the rest of them (and even complemented the very effeminate yell leader on his jumps).  It was awesome.  And the best part...being an adult and be able to do something so stupid, and yet have the maturity and security to not care what other think about me.  It's empowering.

Unfortunately the Bombers lost (ugh).  I made my way back to Rob and our friends.  They couldn't stop laughing at my "daring" attempt at returning to high school (the kind of thing that just fuels my fire).

I tell Rob, "Next time I'm gonna do it again...only all decked out."

I know he believes you?  I'll take can count on that.

It was such a fun night I wasn't even bothered when I had to come down off my "cloud of nostalgia"(aka come home to two sleeping children and two not so sleeping, more like naughty, children who refused to go to bed for the babysitter).

It was the best date night we have had in a LONG TIME!  LOOOONNNNGGGG TIME!
(not to be topped by our "sit on the couch and watch a movie together after the kids are in bed" date night tonight.

 So...that's my story....I hope you liked it.

Now I want to hear from YOU!

Melanie's Blogging Challenge/Giveaway! 
(this giveaway is part of the Happy 4th Birthday T.O. Birthday Bash/Giveaways--which will be announced NEXT Friday (Oct 14th) where you will have a chance to win even MORE stuff).

Choose one of the following topics....FALL, FOOTBALL, DATE NIGHT, THE GOOD OL' DAYS or 30 YEAR OLD WOMAN PARADING AROUND PRETENDING TO BE A TEENAGER (or any other story of you as a "not so acting your age" person)...which ever one tickles your writing fancy...


(story can be a previously posted, yet related, post as long as you re-post it a. with the current date (so it comes up the first post on your blog page) b. with the challenge rules and c. with proper links to this post). 

What can I win?  
The winner of this blog challenge/giveaway will randomly be chosen to win a $10 gift card (provided from my very own pocket lining).  

How can I win?
One entry will be counted for every "valid" comment/entries left on T.O. (Remember to leave a separate comment for each of the "valid" entries).

"Valid" comments include:
#1 a personal story entry (see below)
#2 a referral story entry (see below)
#3 by signing up to "follow" T.O. and leaving a comment to tell me that you did (if you already "follow", just leave a comment stating that you already do.)

What is a "personal" entry?
A personal entry is a single comment left on T.O. by you consisting of a link to your Melanie's Blogging challenge/giveaway entry (aka your posted story).

What is a "referral" entry?
A "referral" entry is a single comment left by one of YOUR READERS listing YOU as their "referral" to Melanie's Blog Challenge/Giveaway.  The more of YOUR readers you can engage in this challenge, the more entries/chance YOU will have to win.

Things to remember:
#1  BE SURE to link back to this post (any submitted story NOT linking back to this post will be disqualified from the giveaway) and post the challenge/giveaway rules for your readers (copy and paste from the pink text down).

#2 BE SURE to leave a comment linking me to YOUR challenge/giveaway entry (again, your story) as well as your e-mail address so that I can contact you if you win. (your "personal" entry)

#3 BE SURE to tell your readers to A. come back here and post a comment linking me to THEIR story (which will be their "personal" entry) but also leave ANOTHER comment telling me who referred THEM (which would be one of YOUR "referral" entries).

Do you need an example.?  I know I would (if I hadn't thought it up myself...and even that confused me).

"Personal" entry comment example:
Hi, Melanie, that was a great story.  :)
My name is ____________ and here is a link to my Melanie's Blog Challenge/ Giveaway Entry http://_________________. 
I hope I win.

"Referral" entry comment example:
Hi Melanie....I was referred to your Blog Challenge/Giveaway by (insert Name) at (blog name or address you came from).  OR just leave the blog name if you don't know their name personally.

Does that make sense?  If you have any questions please contact me at testosteroneoverloadXY at gmail dot com.

Challenge/Giveaway ends two weeks from today---Friday, October 21, 2011.  The winner will be announced and then I will ask for your e-mail address so I can get you your prize. 

So go....write your stories....and don't forget to link back, post the rules for YOUR readers, and leave your comment(s).

Happy Winnings!

This post may or may not include affiliate links

DON'T FORGET TO VOTE HERE!  (Just one easy click)
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Melainie said...

I follow you on GFC!

Lisa Merkley said...

Oh, oh...Pick me! I'm a follower of this blogity blog!

NACJMAC said...

OH I LOVE AMAZON! And I just ordered a expesive little photo device after clicking through on your button for Amazon, so you should get a nice little profit:) Anyway, I use amazon a lot and am always looking for ways to save. I'm glad you told me to do it via your blog!

saavylistener said...

Hello there !
I am Yvette Rivas.
And here's the link to my Melanie's Blog Challenge/ Giveaway Entry

Hope it lives up to your story!