
Showing posts with label depression. Show all posts
Showing posts with label depression. Show all posts

Sunday, October 30, 2011

"Here is some bad things I do not like about my mom"

Excerpt from G-McBabe's journal (written today--I know...I shouldn't be peeking):

Here is some bad things I do not like about my mom.
1.  she makes me get off the computer right when the timer goes off
2.  you never know when she is going to yell.

Funny?....sort of.

For the "full story" and how it links to depression, come on over to my other blog...Methodical Musings of an Unbalanced Woman.

I'm just too lazy to type it up twice (or copy and paste it for that matter).
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Wednesday, October 19, 2011

"It takes a village....."

Somehow when we went from three to four boys,we also went from "normal" to "side show".

And let me tell you....a trip out in public with my brood is never very far from just that.  

Let's just say that we attract A LOT of attention.

I'm not gonna lie.  When I see a mom walking through a store with a long line of duckling waddling behind, I stop and count them....doesn't everybody?  It just that because mine are all of the same gender....and BOYS in particular, we seem to turn a lot more heads.

I thought I would entertain you with a list of comments I frequently hear....and my responses:

Q:  "Are 'these' all yours?"
A:  "Yep"...or "Sure are"...or, more often than not, "(sigh)" (usually followed by a "get back here", "stop touching that"or "leave him alone.").  It all depends on the day, # of errands run, or the "time of the month".

Q:  "4 boys!?!?!" or "4 boys, huh?" (depending on the persons level of shock/disbelief)
A:  Again...."Yep ('unless I lost count somewhere back there', I think to myself)"

Which is almost ALWAYS followed by one or all of these: 
" must be a busy mama"..."You've got your hands full".....or "God Bless You!"

To which I respond:
"I sure am"...."Yes, I do".....and either, "He sure does" or "He's gonna have to"

But my favorite is...

Q:  "HOW DO YOU DO IT!?!?!?"

The reason I love this one so much is because people are usually caught off guard by my answer.  Which is either...

"One day at a time"....or....."Not very well".....or, my usual "go to"......"I'm medicated."

This last one almost always sends the "questioneer" into a fit of nervous laughter.  Their not sure what to say, so they just laugh.  And I laugh right along with them.  When the laughter finally dies down, I usually follow up with a, "No seriously....(pause)....I am."   (then they are really at a loss for words.  I'm sure they are thinking....Did she really just say that?)

And this was true, until almost 2 months ago when I had the brilliant idea that maybe I should come off said medication.  3 long weeks later I was "free" from them....and now, four weeks after that, I am going back on.

Picked up my RX tonight....tomorrow's the day.

I'd like to say it's because I "need" them, or "can't cope" without them.

But, in reality, it's because I have missed using that particular comeback at the grocery store.  :)
hardy har har..... all's just better this way.

I've decided that my boys deserve the "best" mommy possible....and unfortunately, this mommy needs a little help in order to be "on her best".

You know the old African proverb, "It takes a village to raise a child"?'s true.....and it just so happens that in our village resides Mr. Anti Depressant and Mrs. Anti Anxiety, too.

And you know what....we like them and we are grateful for their contribution.

Here's to hoping that they are just as helpful as they were before.

Wish me luck!
 (for a more "in depth" and far less silly read about my decision to "go back on" anti-depressants, you can visit me at Methodical Musings of an Unbalanced Woman sometime tomorrow (no, I haven't posted it yet so you'll just have to stay tuned).

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Tuesday, August 23, 2011

The day from "H-E-double-hockey-sticks"

Today was not a very good day.  Not a very good day at all.

We had LOTS of errands to run (back to school shopping included) which made for a very

4 kids....4 very hyper kids....4 very grabby kids....4 very dawdler-ific kids (I really shouldn't add the baby into all of this...he is actually pretty angelic for the most part)...leads to one very tired, cranky mama (and I even took a nap halfway through the ordeal).


Now that the kids are in bed and I am looking back on the day, however, I have found a little humor in it...just a little...when I was reminded of this scene from Dumb and Dumber.

I kid you not...this scene is near IDENTICAL to our car ride home after our afternoon set of errands.  Myself playing the "bad guy" (I totally react like him too) and my two oldest playing Lloyd and Harry.  Just replace the second set of hitchhikers with my two youngest children and the "bad guys" antacids with chocolate/ice cream my husband is right I type...on assignment to retrieve from the store and you've got the complete picture.

What a day....

It makes me a little unsure about my decision to start weening myself off my anti-depressants tomorrow.

You see...I'm an angry depressed person...not much weeping (or any for that matter)...just a lot of anger and even more RAGE.  Ugh.

I'm not gonna lie...I was a little scared before I'm even more so.

Pray for me (and my poor family), please.   We're gonna need it.
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