An effort to document for posterity while attempting to maintain a sense of
sanity... Enjoy.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Wednesday night entertainment

A busy Wednesday, Garrett's sudden stomach virus that mimicked appendicitis*, and the threat of traffic on a long drive almost kept up from going.

But then we would have missed this:

The American Idol star came to Houston (well, Beaumont, but it was worth the drive and the stop at the scary grocery store for chocolate donuts and Advil) and my awesome friend, Kim, had tickets. Okay but seriously, Kim has crazy connections and when she calls and says,
"do you want to go see David Archuleta"
she really means it.
That's us, in a photo op


Me, Kim, David, and his back up singer, Kendra.

I know. You SO want to be me. Or really you want to be Kim, so you can stand next to him. Seriously, what a fun night. We were like teenagers- squeeling the whole way home. Then we turned back into Moms.

Thanks to our men who made it work for us to go, sick kids and all. Thanks to Kendra for getting us up close, and thanks to Kim for taking me along!

*Garrett's doing much better. He perked up and the pain subsided shortly before we decided not to cancel our plans. The nurse is pretty sure it's a virus that's going around school that causes sharp abdominal pain. It should go away on it's own soon.