An effort to document for posterity while attempting to maintain a sense of
sanity... Enjoy.

Showing posts with label blogging from Brazil. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blogging from Brazil. Show all posts

Sunday, February 01, 2009

forgetting to remember

I'm not sure how this is going to actually sound outloud (so to speak) but I was visiting with some dear new friends last night. They asked me about Brazil and it brought up a lot of tender feelings that I've been thinking about recently. Although it's a world away from us now, it really wasn't all that long ago when I was thinking about things like this and experiences like this.

And I had really strong feelings about things like this.

And I said I'd never forget.

Then I came "home". To a house. With a lot more space. With a lot more yard. In a comfortable neighborhood. With a lot of things to do. And less time to think about so much of what I learned in another place and time.

So I start to forget. And it makes me angry.

Angry when I get wrapped up in my new little world. Angry when I complain. Angry when I get lazy. Angry when I get complacent. Angry when I find myself comparing my house and my "things" to the beautiful homes around me.

Despite the current state of the economy, Americans had a lot. Even Americans who don't have a lot, have...well, a lot.

I never want to forget. I never want my kids to forget.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

letting go

Dear Brazil,

I'm breaking up with you. The separation just isn't working for me anymore. Have you noticed how ridiculously long my front page is getting? I couldn't bear the thought of parting with our last memories together and letting them fall away into the archives, so I kept you hanging on.

But let's face it. It's time to move on. I have a new life now. You changed me. You opened my eyes, you won my heart, and I'll never forget you.

Love, Me

For our final farewell, I leave you my favorite sand creation:

I borrowed this picture from Dixie's blog. I remember seeing this very sandcastle down the beach from us in Barra da Tijuca. We loved driving along Copacabana and Ipanema and admiring the amazing sand creations. At Easter time, someone created a sand rendition of Leonardo da Vinci's Last Supper. It was amazing!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

you gave up on me, didn't you?

When I realized we're almost into August I decided I'd better post something, if for no other reason, so that I don't have a gap in my blog archives.

Frankly, July wore me out.

It's been over a month since we left, and Brazil almost feels like a distant dream now. After a week or so of hesitating before flushing toilet paper, drinking tap water, and greeting people in English, we're all adjusted to being in America again. It's really good to be back.

We miss it though. Brazil was an incredible experience and one we will never forget. We miss living across the street from one of the most beautiful beaches in the world. We miss the tropical climate, the fruit, and the juice, but most of all we miss Matt. After nearly 4 intense weeks of business trips around South America, he's almost done with his international assignment. We get him back on Saturday.

We already really like Texas. The kids and I spent a few weeks there before flying to California to visit family. We've had a lot of fun over the last month along with a fair share of tears and exhaustion. We feel a bit displaced and are all ready to be home, to put the suitcases away (for a really long time), and to start decorating this place:

more to come...eventually.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Last Day

We leave tomorrow. Matt took today off. We lived it up.
Ipanema Beach

Ipanema market

The Lagoa


Barra Beach

It was a perfect day.

Tchau, Rio. We will miss you.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

never forget

This place simply captivates me.
I will never forget it.

almost all packed up

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

The sun is setting on Rio

Such a metaphor... we leave for Texas on Saturday.

Monday, June 23, 2008

extra curricular activities

I am so happy my boys both have passions in their lives.
Garrett's is futebol. He eats, drinks, and breathes the sport. He spends all week anticipating soccer practice with his Brazilian soccer coach. He does a pretty good job keeping up with the rest of the kids and following thePortuguese instructions!

Ethan's passion is music. Passion is probably an understatement. His whole life pretty much revolves around his music. He seldom goes anywhere without his MP3 player in his pocket. He's been going to a weekly music class that he loves. He now wants to play the violin and the guitar when we get to Texas.

Ethan and his music teacher, Claudia

Ethan "hooked up" to his music

And just for fun, the boys talked Matt into taking them to a nearby skate park. They had so much fun. I don't know how long I'll go along with the skateboarding thing, but they sure looked cute.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

always remember

In anticipation of our move back to the US, we've spent a lot of time in the last several weeks looking at houses online. While the kids salivate over the large backyards, I easily get carried away in the excitement of furnishing and decorating our new home.

But I'm quickly humbled (once again) the minute we step out of our cushy expat lifestyle and open our eyes to life around us.

Our drive to church each week is beautiful. We are surrounded by beautiful landscape.
But the scenery quickly turns to this as we pass the poorer neighborhoods and the guilt sweeps over me for ever complaining about broken appliances and small apartments:
My heart aches for the people that struggle each day to just put food on the table; the barefoot kids that juggle tennis balls at the stoplights in front of our car in hopes that we'll pay them something for their entertainment. Anything we do never really seems like enough to really help. I hope these images will forever be imprinted in my mind and the minds of my children. I hope we always remember how incredibly blessed we are in so many ways.

Saturday, June 21, 2008


Saturday Cara, Matt and I went to Petropolis, a cute little town in the mountains near Rio. We toured the Imperial Palace. It was fun. Lunch was too, but my favorite part of the day was shopping at the Luiz Salvador Ceramic Store where we bought a set of handmade dishes. I love them. No picture yet since they're all boxed up safely for the shipment.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Friday Market

One of our favorite weekly outings...

I'm going to miss walking down the beach every week to the market and buying papayas, mangos, bananas, savory fried pastries and cheap jewelry.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

favorite family pictures

So, it's turning out to be a little more than one photo-a-day...but it's crunch time for the photo posting. We're down to one week left...

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

on a walk to school

The school year ended for Garrett last week, so in honor of that I'm posting this slideshow of the beautiful surroundings we walked past everyday to school for the last 4 months. It also includes a few last day of school pictures. Hooray for summer (or in our case, winter) vacation!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

It just wouldn't have been complete without it...

Remember this? Could there really be more to add?


The refrigerator stopped working this weekend. No, I'm not kidding. I'm throwing out food right and left. We'll see if we get it fixed before we move next weekend.

I guess now we have all kinds of justification to order out at all our favorite Brazilian restaurants one more time before we go...

Coco Gelado

A favorite refreshment at the beach is coconut water, available pretty much everywhere including every 30 feet or so at the beachside snack huts.
We really just buy them to take cool pictures drinking out of a coconut. They look and sound good, but we think they taste a little strange.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Cidade Maravilhosa

Cara (a lifelong family friend who is staying with us for a few weeks) and I at the top of Sugar Loaf Mountain at sunset. This was my third time to the top, and by far my favorite view!

Father's Day

cards, hugs, a chocolate concoction, and Volume 9 of The Work and The Glory on the patio for our Dad on his day. We love you.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

a praia

With plans scheduled for next Saturday, today might very well have been our last Brazilian Saturday Family Beach Day. We're really going to miss it...

Friday, June 13, 2008

lunch date

At a remote restaurant with a spectacular ocean view and monkeys that climb down the trees, through the windows and right onto the tables...

Thursday, June 12, 2008
