An effort to document for posterity while attempting to maintain a sense of
sanity... Enjoy.

Showing posts with label vacation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vacation. Show all posts

Monday, March 21, 2011

Spring Break

What started out as "Hey, let's see if anyone wants to go camping for Spring Break", turned into this: And that wasn't even all of us! We had such a fun time with these great friends from the ward. It may go down in history as one of the kids' favorite spring breaks! Thanks everyone for such a great week!
S'mores! Seeing everyone else on their bikes, and completely depleating her training wheel on the rough gravel, Lydia decided it was time to ditch the training wheels and taught herself how to ride a 2 wheeler!
See y'all next year!

Friday, December 31, 2010

and a few last favorites

building a gingerbread house with the Bishops Aunt Bobbie giving haircuts Brian being well, Brian
Meli and Lance sledding Natalie and Lydia

It was a long and busy trip, but we had such a great time. We got to see so much family, do so many fun things, and made so many great memories.

and still more cousins

That's it. We have to move back. We have way to much fun with these guys.
And oh my gosh, this guy's adorable.
Brian, Bobbie, and little Finn were up from AZ, so we got to see them too.
Grandma was also around for all of this, but she craftily managed to avoid being in any of my pictures.

Burch cousins

What's a few more hours in the car when you've come as far as we have? And it was so worth the extra drive to Idaho to visit our Burch cousins. Seriously, so much fun. We could have stayed forever.

and still more snow to play in

oh I miss this...

Matt's getting older...


Christmas Week with the Glausers

After 25 hours on the road we made it just as the snow started to fall. Three kids could not have been more thrilled as they watched it come down. They've been waiting for the snow for a long time....and they got plenty of it.

We had the whole week before Christmas with the Glausers. It was cold, snowy, and so much fun.
A quick (as in long enough to pull out the camera and turn around and go home) trip to Temple Square in the freezing cold to see the lights.
Lots and lots of snow to play in... Sawyer just relaxing with Natalie and Jeremy Grandpa getting fancy with his new found crepe flipping skills.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Thanksgiving Getaway

Seriously, one of our favorite Thanksgivings, ever.

It was one of those years we weren't leaving town, and didn't have anyone coming to visit. We decided we've stayed home and cooked our own Thanksgiving Dinner enough times and it was time to do something different. We got a hotel in downtown Houston, went to the Thanksgiving Day Parade, got takeout for dinner, and had such a great little vacation!
Eating our pumpkin pie by the outdoor pool.
Although it was warm on Thanksgiving, the day after was significantly colder. It was the best of both worlds. We swam on Thanksgiving, and ice skated the next day.