An effort to document for posterity while attempting to maintain a sense of
sanity... Enjoy.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

sleepless nights

I'm going to file this little picture away and bring it out in 20 or so years when my little Lydia is a mom and calls me in tears after staying up all night trying to get her newborn baby to sleep.

And we'll laugh.

We'll laugh over the hard night she had as an almost 3 year old trying to get her baby to sleep.

For our own amusement, Matt and I kept peeking in at her. It was quiet. Each time we assumed she'd finally fallen asleep, but she was busy-- reading books to baby, wispering soothing words, rocking.

Finally at 10:30, I caught her laying down with Baby on her chest, fighting to keep her eyes open, and softly patting Baby's back while they both drifted off to sleep. It was so true to life that I couldn't help but laugh...then grab the camera.

This baby thing is a full time job for her. It's adorable, and a little obnoxious sometimes too. They go everywhere with us, and she gets really worried if she has to leave them in the car, because they will be scared without her. I've been known to call Monkey on the phone and ask if he'd babysit because we accidentally left the babies at home. My favorite is when she bounces them to get them to stop crying. I still haven't gotten it on video.

I hope she always loves being a mom this much.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

American Idol

I couldn't get the video to upload, and I'm too tired to figure it out so you'll just have visit my sisters here or here for it. It's totally worth the extra click to their blogs to see it. How many times in your life do you get to say that you know someone who's
going to Hollywood!

Yay Kai!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

today is a big day

it's back.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

today is a big day

True, I didn't vote for him.

He and I disagree and I'm still not quite sure who he really is.

But today was historic; amazing really, and it brought me to tears.

Our country has come so far.

Now, I pray he can do what he says he will.

Monday, January 19, 2009

today is a big day

4 became 5.
This boy couldn't have been more excited. He's asked if it's his birthday yet practically everyday for the last 3 months. Here's how most of the conversations went today:

E: Mom, tell me happy birthday.

M: Happy Birthday, Ethan!


The idea of gaining a whole year in the matter of 1 day is rather perplexing, isn't it? He kept asking if he's really 5 now and if he's taller than he was yesterday. It's true, my boy, you're really 5. Now please stop growing up!

Happy Birthday, my sweet boy! I love you!

Friday, January 16, 2009

today is a big day

She's back.
I love you, Steph.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

oh, the places you'll go

I'm just going to pretend that I don't have a lot of catching up to do. I'm going to overlook the things I've neglected to blog about- New Years, Matt's birthday, trip to Austin, trip to San Antonio, various new projects, this crazy Houston weather, not to mention what we have coming up with Matt and Garrett's trip to Salt Lake this weekend and Ethan's birthday on Monday.

Instead I'm going to blog about TODAY.

I'm putting the last of my pictures up and it has thrown me into a world of nostalgia. I'm decorating our office/project room with photographs we've taken at some of the places we've lived and loved. I have such fond memories attached to each one, and I'm homesick.

I'm homesick for all of them.


Though I've never lived there, I visited the summer before Matt and I were married. It sort of marked the beginning of this phase of my life. Plus, I took this awesome picture of the Eiffel Tower, so Paris makes the cut into my photo collection. Prior to France, the furthest I'd ever travelled away from California was to Colorado. I fell in love with France, the history, the charm, and this whole idea of exploring new places and new people.

New York
(Really we lived in Jersey, but were total New York wannabees)
The Bay Area
I am so grateful for all the experiences we've had, the things we've been able to see and do, and the ways I've been forced to grow, learn, and open my mind. We have no doubt that the Lord has had His hand in our lives every step of the way.

Now we've been here in Texas for about 6 months and we're starting to get a little bored.

Just kidding.

It is absolutely wonderful and absolutely the right thing for our family to now be settled and semi-permanent. But I have a feeling we're not done. It may be years away, but if and when it's time to go again, we'll know...

and we'll embrace it.