Showing posts with label The Daily Five. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Daily Five. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Real Readers and Fake Readers

Our real readers and fake readers chart states that real readers can talk about the books they read.  Fake readers can't.  In order to remind my readers that talking about books is so important, each one keeps a little checkmark in their book basket at all times.  (Bless my talented aunt and uncle for making them several years ago out of some type of study board.)  Here are some pictures of the checkmarks in action.

I spotted this reader with the checkmark in his hand as he was talking about his book with himself.  (They also use them with their reading buddies.)

This young reader was doing the same.

Here's where the checkmark lives when it's not helping a reader talk about their book.

Thanks to The Sisters for inspiring me to have my readers check on their understanding!

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Saturday, May 11, 2013

Saturday Sayings: Play the Hand You're Dealt

In no way am I trying to trivialize my profession, but I've often thought that being a teacher is similar to playing a game of cards.  I play the hand I'm dealt.  I've no control over which cards I get at the beginning of the year, but I do control how I play the game.  Now that the game is almost over, I look at my cards and ask myself, "How'd I do?"  It's tempting to look at certain cards and list off excuses as to why that particular one didn't do as well in the game as I would have liked.  I've been there many times when someone asks "How's so and so doing?" and I start listing off home, social, or motivation problems that get in the way.  Although valid, those excuses are things I had no control over.  I can only worry about how I strategically used that card to its best advantage.  My goal is to find a way to sharpen my card playing skills in a way that ensures the success of each one in spite of the external factors that I have absolutely no control over.  Pie in the sky?  Maybe.

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Saturday, October 6, 2012

Saturday Sayings: Reading on Your Head

(click above for other Saturday Sayings)

I secretly nabbed this shot a few weeks ago.  I wasn't sure what I was going to do with it.  All I knew is that it was priceless.  When I came across the above quote while looking for a good Saturday Sayings for the day, I knew I had the perfect picture to use.

There are certainly lots of ways to promote choice for readers.  Location is just one of the many.  During Read to Self, my readers get to choose where they sit.  As long as they're not close to anyone and their spot allows them to be the best reader they can be, they can sit on desks, under desks, under tables, in corners, sprawled out on the carpet, and obviously even on their heads.  As an adult reader, I'm the same way.  I might not read on my head, but making my own choices about reading motivates me.  Kids are no different.  

"Purpose + choice = motivation."  Gail Boushey and Joan Moser, The Daily 5 21.
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Saturday, April 21, 2012

Saturday Sayings: So Are the Ants

(Click on the above graphic to read other Saturday Sayings.)

Today's quote comes from The Daily Five.  It originated long before this book's time though.  Henry David Thoreau penned the words.
Selah.  I almost don't want to say anything and ruin the moment.  Let that soak in for a minute if you will. 

"I believe three things determine the successful development of literacy: time, time, time.  Stand in the doorway of your classroom and ask yourself this question: 'How are my students spending their time?'"
Richard Gentry, The Literacy Map 22

Classrooms are busy and buzzing with activity.  That's a given.  What are we busy about though?  How do our kids spend their time? It seems obvious that if we want them to be readers, they should be reading.  If we want them to be writers, they should be writing.  Sometimes it's hard to put ourselves in the position of the observer from the doorway, but if we did, what would we see?  

Remember, you're just getting started.  We'd love for you to visit three more Saturday Sayings.  Be ready for some inspiration.  I definitely am!

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