For 19 years, I've relied on Scholastic bonus points to provide me with books for my kids' Christmas gifts. This year I couldn't find the right book, so I went on a search for another option. This is what I came up with. My best friend Paige helped me think this through.
I made scarves. These were my 6 fabric choices.
After my dear Aunt Pat cut the fabric for me and my sister-in-law, Tammy Jo, reminded me how to use a sewing machine, I sewed pockets at both ends of each scarf.
I also sewed their names on the underside.
I'm obviously not an accomplished seamstress. I managed to graduate from high school without ever taking a home-ec class. Surprisingly, I've made a few quilts in my day, even though I really don't know what I'm doing. Here's my favorite. Look closely and you'll see several embroidered Nike swooshes.
Anyway, even though I love giving away books as gifts, I think these scarves have become my new Christmas tradition.