Showing posts with label work. Show all posts
Showing posts with label work. Show all posts

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Fresh air with the kiddos: Field trip to the Korea National Arboretum

Some wonderful Fall foliage pics here to share with you as I talk about my final field trip for this semester. The kiddos were sent to the Korea National Arboretum up in Pocheon, which is slightly north of Seoul.

Our day was blessed with little cloud cover, warm air and wonderful colors along the way.

You might be asking yourself, "What is an arboretum, that sounds familiar?" Well this is likened to a collection of trees, so in essence this park was a tree-park. What does every tree park need? A museum to enlighten you on the varieties of wood out there and it's many uses, of course!

In one exhibit they reminded viewers the destruction that Japanese occupiers left on the forests here, which was kind of sad. However, the organization of the museum was quite nice and it also had a lovely lingering smell of fresh cut wood.

Also in the museum was a gallery space with shadow boxes full of hand crafted sceneries made from wooden items.

After our stint around the museum we headed over to a greenhouse for some humid air and to take a look at some greenery.

The most of this trip was spent wandering through the many paths admiring the changing colors in the leaves, and mostly for me taking in the fresh forest smell.

In fact the fresh air and Fall foliage reminded me of my small-town home back in California, so I became a bit homesick and nostalgic at the same time. But the kids constantly kicked me into remembering where I was, and Fall in Korea is certainly a special time.

We enjoyed lunch in a opening under the trees, where unfortunately bees also had a good time checking out what we brought.

For the final leg of our trip we walked up a trail admiring the forest once more, before heading back to the busses.

Now is the peak time for fall foliage it seems, as the trees are in full bursts of color. I can't help but think by the end of next week the trees might look like sticks, and winter will be around the corner. Time surely does fly!

Monday, April 16, 2012

On the Business of Being a Team Leader

It's been almost two months into my second year at my school, and I figured it is time to talk about being a Team Leader. This title makes me in charge of three other foreign Native English teachers in my department (2nd grade). It also means that I am in the intermediary between the English crew and the Korean homeroom teachers. When I was first given this duty I was stricken with fear that I couldn't do it, and would find myself stressed out too much. Today I am going to expose how being a Team Leader has developed for me and give insights into what's been happening so far.

Things started off kind of rough when on the first day back I was bombarded with level testing. I wasn't aware this had to be done so I was found scrambling for the test and spending my prep time giving it to the new students. But I handled it quite well and did my best to keep up with the day. During that first week I thought it was very important to make a good impression with the Korean staff, and so tried to talk with them, and one day gave them some chocolate I acquired from recent travels. But it seemed they were too busy and into their own worries to really pay attention to me or my English staff in general. I mostly just tried to go with the flow and so stayed out of their way.

Since then I have gotten use to being the person the Korean staff goes to when delivering important messages. Information includes schedule changes or nuances about vocabulary and tests. There are four Korean homeroom teachers and the make up is interesting. One of them is an older woman and doubles as the school's Vice Principal. So she doesn't really talk to me much, but I try my best to be nice and mild around her. The other homeroom teacher is the one to go to for paperwork and schedule changes, and mostly for English messages. However, she is going to have her first baby at the end of this month, so we won't see her again till next semester. Then there is the next homeroom teacher, a guy, who pretty much keeps to himself. I only go to him if one of the kids from his class is having trouble. That leaves us with the Head Teacher, a guy who is nice and communicates well with me. All major things pass through him, so I try to be nice and just do whatever he requests.

For example, today we had a new student and this morning as I was just setting up in my room, he informed me of her. I was to give her the level test. If this were me about 4 years ago when I first came to Korea, these last minute things and random invites would have me in a twirl. But I've gotten use to a lot of the Korean workplace nuances and so I'm nice about these things.

Otherwise, being Team Leader seems to mostly be about keeping up with everyone's paper work. Monthly planner, vocabulary and lesson plans are the major forms of paperwork I have to check and make sure are all right throughout the month. I have to make sure folks are keeping up with these things and occasionally ask them to hurry along.

As leader itself I am letting things grow at a good pace. I have had bi-weekly meetings with my staff to catch them up on current topics and agenda. It seems to make my team happy, as we also end up talking about the kids and our classes.

I have to say I find being team leader not as stressful as I thought it would be, but at times I hope I'm not slacking off too much. My concerns would be that I don't really talk to the Korean staff or get to the know them. This is something I am notorious for doing. I just figure if I'm being nice and doing what is being told, than I am on their good side anyways. Hmm, maybe time to rethink my strategy, haha.

In the end, I feel that my position at this school and the unique teaching environment that I am is a fortunate win on my side. So being Team Leader, so far, is treating me very well.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Back to Work

Yesterday was a full day of learning what it will be like to be the team leader of the 2nd grade, at my school. It wasn't too bad, but of course started out with a hiccup. I arrived about 30 minutes early to rearrange the desks, and got this done. Then as I was heading back from a quick peek into a new teacher meeting there were students sitting in my room. I wasn't sure why, and after standing there for a while and seeing the parents outside I realized they were new students. They needed the level test and that is what they were waiting for.

Alas, I didn't have the level test and so spent the next 15 minutes chasing it down. I got a hold of the paper tests but didn't have the listening promps or answer sheet. Time was wasting so I handed the tests to the students and had them skip the listening till that was ready. I then realized I might have the paperwork somewhere amongst my stuff scattered about the classroom. I found it and all was well, except the testing ate up an hour or so of my morning.

All the while I didn't panic and just carried out the task as if it were a usual thing. After this was done I met up with my new team of foreign teachers and quickly said hello and had them get things ready in their room, while I did the same. Later we went out to lunch together and I filled them in about the procedures at school and answered their questions.

Unfortunately, we didn't really get to know our Korean homeroom teachers as they were busy with their own duties. I however managed to meet with the one homeroom teacher who will be my "go-to" person for the grade. She is very nice and seems use to communicating with us foreign folk. Also the head teacher of the grade (the Song teacher) is a guy and speaks English himself. I'm glad the head teacher is a guy as I am more comfortable around Korean men than older Korean women. Anyways, the general outlook of the 2nd grade Korean staff look very nice and communicative. One strange thing is that one of the homeroom teachers is also the school's new Vice Principal, who is a nice lady but also has that serious face about her. I'm going on that she will be too busy to really be much in the way.

Surprisingly, we are starting classes Monday and so that means my lesson planning is going to go into effect. I don't mind, just would have liked more time to ready the room and supplies. Ah well, what can you do?

A lot of paperwork this year and already I think I have to get started on it this weekend. Overall, though I walked away yesterday with a good feeling about this term. I just hope things calm down and get into a routine so it won't feel so overwhelming.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Looking Over My Work While Away

I managed to have some free time today to look over my upcoming work for next semester. I recall how before the semester ended, a few weeks ago, my mind was blown by the team leader stuff coming my way.

I figured I needed to give myself some time and then I can approach it with a clearer mind. Looking at it today I definitely feel better about the new duties. Mostly I see I will need to be that person in the middle who communicates and negotiates requests. There are some major duties to take care of, but I think there will be time to understand it all.

Mostly I just hope I will have enough time to set up my new room, including rearranging the teacher's desks and putting away all my materials. That first day back is a full schedule of orientation meetings and greeting new students. I kind of wish they would give us more time to set up.

Even though I am still feeling somewhat nervous about the upcoming term, I know I just need to start out with a smile and not let it all get to me. The other teachers (both Korean and none) will be busy and hoping for a good year. In other words, I won't be the only one a bit nervous that first week back.

I wrote all this down in a neat list fashion in my notebook and hope to reference it now and then while I am still out here. Just to prep myself mentally. But how can I keep my focus with weather in the high 70's and palm trees everywhere?!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

First Team Leader Meeting

My mind is in a swirl and I am home cooking tofu stir-fry. But about an hour ago I learned about what it will be like being a team leader next term and the duties that are going to come my way. The school basically wants to overhaul the English Department. Make it more standardized, meaning tests and homework should have a set grading system. It all makes sense, with it showing that we should be more unified and organized. The main goal is to boost the English Department's reputation. For years now, as it has been observed, the attitude was "Here you go, you can figure it out." A very easy going attitude that showed the Korean teachers we were likely lazy and can't be motivated.

But it has me wanting to run for the hills. I knew I was going to be a team leader but now it is just about 3 weeks away! It's becoming a reality. I mostly feel insecure and that I will be a failure at communicating well with the K-teachers and also won't meet whatever standards my English teachers have. I will have to juggle two departments and be the intermediary. It looks like a big leadership position and I don't know if I'm ready. I'm in denial already and need to skip to the acceptance stage.

Thankfully, we had the meeting and it outlined what to prepare for and ways to get everyone ready that first day. But first impressions are important and I will be jet lagged and tired that first day back. I am mostly thinking to just be, "nice" and "sweet." Don't let the stress of it all show and go with the flow.

I'm going to slowly look back at the handout I received with all the information on it over the next few days. And over my time in America spend some time familiarizing it at a pace comfortable. Right now I just need to accept this is going to happen, and see it is an opportunity.

Monday, February 6, 2012

The Last Week

I made it! The last week of my first year at S* school is coming to it's end. I am amazed I made it this far considering how difficult it was at the beginning. Also I am impressed at how much my students have advanced and grown. Now I get to see them continue to grow in the 2nd grade.

This week seems sort of laid back. Instead of doing the level testing next semester, they changed it to now. So tomorrow and Weds we will be busy prompting tests and doing interviews. This means grading and imputing scores into the computer. Although, I won't be able to distribute the kids into their respective levels till next semester. I will need to do that with my new homeroom teachers. Classes are still being held, but a bit broken up. Wednesday is a "6-day" but some of that is having the kids watching a movie while I give a interview test. Then Thursday it is a true "6-day", but I have casual things planned. They will make a "Shape-book" and play a PPT Bomb game, which they love doing. Finally, on Friday things have been shortened and cut back to 4 periods. During that time of 30 minutes each, we will play another PPT Bomb game and they will get word search worksheets. I don't want to stress out and work too hard, due to needing to pack and travel Saturday.

If you have noticed I don't blog too much, so just consider this. I haven't been out much visiting places to save money for my trip. However, I plan to get back in the swing of things after my vacation. Of course I will post about the fun times I will have in Florida and D.C., for you guys. I never feel the need to apologize for not blogging enough and I'm not going to start now.

Thanks for all your support during this school year, I definitely had a better time at this school than at any before it. :)

Saturday, December 31, 2011

2011 You Were...Well..

Wow! It is the end of 2011 already. I'm 30, single and the battery to my wireless mouse just died. This past year was marked by mild discoveries and accomplishments. For one I finally found a school I am comfortable working at and also a neighborhood that is nice to live in.

I got out and saw some nice places, one of which was the beauty that can be found on Jeju Island.

But for the most part I feel like 2011 was full of hard work and toil as I got use to my new job and working with 1st graders. Yet, knowing I succeeded and impressed people makes it worth it, I guess.

For 2012, I can already see the hard work ahead as I will be a team leader next year. I am dreading the notion that one will have to be "friendly" with the Korean staff so that all communication runs well. I mostly like to keep my head low and out of the way from the Korean homeroom teachers. So already next year that will have to change. But I think if I see it all in a "business" light it might work for me. Looking at things now I am on good terms with my current Korean homeroom teachers, but not on a deep personal one.


I forgot to mention ~ I finished planning all my lessons for the first semester next year! Yep I cranked out 4 months worth of lessons in about 2.5 weeks.

I will return to work Monday for 3 weeks of Winter Camp, and thankfully will finish at 12pm. However, I plan to spend my free time there making new materials for next year and getting ready to move my stuff into the 2nd grade classroom. Time is quickly kicking down this final semester. There are just 2 weeks left in Feb for teaching and then I'm off on my American vacation.

Anyways, I hope to get started on the 2nd semester for next year, but will go a bit slower as that is definitely further away.

Allright! 2011 you weren't really a big happy splash of a year in my life, but glad you weren't a complete bomb.

2012...bring it on!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Have a Jolly Golly Christmas It's the ...

I'm currently on my Christmas vacation that will last till the New Year. To give the kids something special we (the English teachers) dressed up in a Santa outfit, played songs and handed out presents. The kids had a splendid time, except for a few that were displeased with their presents. Hey! It's not my fault kid! The presents were brought in by other students and randomly put into a bag.

To be honest, this year I'm not too much of a fan of this holiday. For one, I am reminded of my recent break up with Korean boyfriend #2 and the good times we had last year. You can see in these posts (here and here) that he visited me in San Francisco. As you can imagine, I am little beside myself this season just wondering why such a difference.

But life moves on and lesson plans need to get made, which is mostly what I am doing this Xmas vacation.

I think having this stable job and even just the promotion of going to 2nd grade and being a team leader, has me grounded. The work is keeping me busy and the good times had with the children are helping me feel the holiday spirit. But I'm hoping next year's holiday season will be a festive and warm one with someone to share it with.

Happy Holidays~

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Moving On Up to the 2nd Grade

It came as a complete surprise. A text from the boss on my computer, after I returned from lunch. Requesting I come and talk to him about next semester. I replied and the next thing I knew I was up in his room learning of my near future.

Turns out all of the 2nd grade teachers are moving on next year. For each grade there is a team leader and these folks, as you can imagine, manage the show. So 2nd grade's team leader would be missing. In short, he wanted me to move up to 2nd grade Math and be the team leader.

At first, I was skeptical because I liked staying in 1st with all my materials and plans for next year.  But I was curious and so learned more of his proposal. Turns out he really needs someone to fill the 2nd grade team leader position, and felt I was best because I have experience with the kids and the school. Plus it fits that I will go into 2nd Grade Math, as the book is the same company and similar material.

I had 5 minutes before my afternoon classes started and so there wasn't much time to fully comprehend it all. I told him I would talk to the current person in that position and get back to him.

Walking back to my class I knew I didn't really have a choice. I could fight to stay in 1st with all my stuff, but in this situation it seemed the best thing to take the promotion. My classes finished and I had a talk with the 2nd grade Math teacher. It went well and I got a hold of the book, lesson plans and monthly planner.

I headed up to my boss and told him I would do it. He seemed really pleased and likely relieved. I was glad to hear I get monthly extra compensation for being a team leader.

Since then I have already figured out how many lessons fit into next year's schedule, and soon I should be cranking out my own lessons. I won't deny it, I am a bit overwhelmed because of all this, but holding onto the feeling that I'm important at this school.

Of course, I have a feeling the thing of "team leader" is going to hit me soon. I'm a pretty good organizer and do have leadership skills. But this requires keeping up very good relations with the Korean homeroom teachers. However, I think by now I've got that under control.

Anyways, I know what my Christmas vacation is going to look like now!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

September Field Trip: Natural History Museum

For our September field trip the children were sent to the Seodaemun Museum of Natural History. First the kids sat down for a 3D movie about dinosaurs.

Next everyone was rushed around the museum going to the different sections, some covering Earth science to Biology.

It was fun and all, but the kids hardly had time to examine things and the ones in the back missed out on the Korean explanations.

Outside there was a large sculptural area with huge dinosaurs for kids to touch and play on.
One exhibit, I assumed, talked about the evolution of man and even had life size models for examples.

If you have kids in Seoul I would recommend taking them here as there was a lot to see and quite a few hands-on things. However, it wasn't the Science museum I recall in my childhood where everything was pretty much touchable and playable. Where is that museum, Korea?

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Fall Approaching

This morning the air is a bit breezy and cool, which means Fall is on its way here. I don't hear any cicadas buzzing, well just a few, but with it not being so deafening anymore this is also a sign of the changing seasons.

The first week back to work went all right with a few jolts to remind me that I am teaching first grade. The kid's levels have been changed and there are new groups now. Overall, most of them are descent but there is one that is just pure awfulness. However, I have good feelings for this semester which is helped by the prep work I have done and the experience behind me.

This semester we have a drama festival to practice for and perform. Since parents are coming to see it the homeroom teachers are all stressing over it. We had a brief meeting about it on Friday and from what I gathered we basically need to practice the songs and roleplay with them a lot. But it will cut into class time, where as we are suppose to practice 10 - 15 minutes at the end of class. Ah well!

My mantra this semester is just go with the flow, even though some things sound completely ridiculous. I hope I can achieve this and not step on anyone's toes.

I know I don't share much about my personal life with you folks but there have been developments in the boyfriend department. He has been living at home with his Mom and Sister for ages now. But they have been thinking of getting their own places. His sister's boyfriend is kind of a loaded man and so wants her to live in a officetel that he pays for. His mom is going to move into a new place with her boyfriend and so that leaves my guy alone. He was planning to just stay in his current place alone, but then last night the landlord told them they have to vacate it by the end of October. Now JH is scrambling to find a place. He would come live with me, but we both agree my house is too small and it would hurt the relationship. In this respect, I wish I could accommodate him. He is going to see about getting a loan and if it is big maybe shoot for a two bedroom place, and who knows I might move in there. All of this has me a bit nervous as I don't know what is going to happen and money is a big issue right now.

So as Fall encroaches on my life I feel like change might be in the wind or something big is down the road. But really I am stressed because I want to know if my job will keep me another year and stressed with my future in general. All in all, I am trying to keep my chin up, save money and yet go out and do things at the same time.

I suppose you could say I am looking forward to Fall, but not Winter.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Fall Semester Comes

As I woke up semi-late this morning (7:45 AM) I knew tomorrow was going to be a work day. Usually I am woken by Tom nudging me or climbing on top of me to get a good petting in before the day starts. On work days I can only give him that good petting for a short little time. But I am not here to complain, just saying my lovely two weeks of vacation are quickly ending.

I feel this vacation was especially good for me because I feel balanced out. The free time allowed me to understand what transpired during the last semester and what I need to focus on for the next. I feel mentally ready to take on the challenges.

Of course, I am feeling nervous about going back to work. This is because I mostly want to find out if they will keep me for another year or not. I'm hoping I will get the casual email that asks if you want to stay or not and that will be that. I heard from a colleague this is what usually happens in November. But then I am wondering if I should start the FBI fingerprinting process just in case things don't turn out how I would expect.

What will be interesting for the start of this coming Fall semester is that the afternoon kids are switching with the morning kids. We have our theories, but we are hoping the afternoon kids (notorious for being rambunctious) will some how be more mellow in the morning. However, I have realized that kids are kids no matter what time of the day. So we will see. The Fall semester also has some twists in it like a Drama festival and no open classes.

With the new semester approaching already I know summer is on it's way out. The air is starting to get cooler (slightly) and I can tell the summer sunshine is changing.

In the end, I am grateful for this vacation and the many more I will have.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Speed Ahead

My one week vacation ended this morning as Tom nudged me awake at 6:30. I know not to wake up immediately because of this, but when I did wake up I knew that three weeks of camp were ahead of me.

The camp at this school is different from the previous camps I have had in that it is a lot more academic. I have one group of kids for the whole time and we will be going through two major topics. These are Science and Reading, and the rest of it is "activities" and "drama." I didn't see the book until today, bright and early right before things started. Immediately, I realized this was going to be hard due to that it is mostly words and few pictures. The activities and drama section was apparently put together at the last minute as the materials originally submitted weren't accepted. We've ended up with one topic for each week, and very few hands-on materials for it while mostly relying on data in the book. The drama section, although put together very well, is way over their heads.

In the end, what you have here is a situation I always dread in this business. Being put in a room full of young low-level learners with non-matching material and a lack of a plan.

Today went by as chaotic as it could and I made due, trying fruitlessly to make reading games out of the material. But my batch of kids seems to be a mix of the really low so I am going to have step it back a notch. I had planned on showing them videos to accompany the Science material, which I found on youtube. But alas our internet is down. Another challenge added to the mountain of them.

After some talk with a senior teacher, I was told that mostly the goal is to prepare stuff for the open class (not judged) at the end and get the bookwork done. The children will work on the following items:
  • Making a class flag to carry at the closing ceremony.
  • Practice a role-play and perform it.
  • Practice a class chant.
  • Practice a class song.
As you can see, I will have things to keep them busy with for the next three weeks. Just that they didn't give us much in the way of drama scripts, material to prepare them for role-playing, chants and songs. Thankfully, I have experience in the role-play department and know what I need to do there, as for the chants and songs it is just a matter of giving them the lyrics and practicing a lot.

All right so camp is not what I expected and it is definitely different from years past. In fact, I really feel sad for not planning this camp and miss the fact that there is no "cooking" day.

In the meantime, I am trying to get ahead with next semester's planning. As for the lesson planning portion I am already a bit ahead but I want to get the materials made for at least the first month. I am the kind of person, unfortunately, who is not satisfied till something is done right away. It makes me end up being anxious and when something affects my path of completion I get all bent out of shape.

Last night, I had a conversation about this with JH and he told me how I need to relax and keep big goals in mind. Also, to keep my cool when something comes along that makes me have to change what I am doing. He is a big help to me, even though it takes some time to get him to understand it all completely.

Camp is just three weeks and we are suppose to just have fun with the kids, so I am going to try my best to kick back a little, play games and make it work in a fun way. However, I mostly just want it to be over.

I have a lot I want to post about trips that transpired during the last week. Let's hope all this work stuff doesn't get in the way!

Friday, July 15, 2011

First Semester is OVER!

My gosh did it go so fast! I am really pleased that this semester has come to an end. Of course, kind of not looking forward to three weeks of camp with the same group of kids. But, in essence the toils and trials of everyday work will not come to me again till September.

Things I've Learned:
First graders do require a lot of energy, but you don't have to put on a show all the time. They like games and things for them to do that can keep their minds and hands busy. Teaching at a private elementary school has a lot of benefits when compared to my previous job. I have enjoyed the lack of coteaching and love being in control of my own classroom. However, I have not escaped the Korean workplace and still encounter many snafus related to this. I've learned that patience is the key and one can be strict with the students but not take it emotionally. 

Also, I have seen that I can put a lot of hard work into something and feel like I am getting results. Even though I don't know for sure, because you never really can know, I still feel like I have done pretty good at my job and being in the Korean workplace. There were a few times when I screwed up on the whole Korean-ness of things but it seemed my hard work is shining over that and making it okay.

Where to go from here...
I am already working on my plans for the 2nd semester. I just want to get ahead so I can finesse my teaching style more and not really be concerned with material creation. I am really hoping this school will decide to keep me for the next year, but I have realized that sometimes things are still not in your control. In that case I am keeping in mind to keep my cool with my Korean counterparts. 

Also, I wasn't too satisfied with my home life after work this semester. I tried my best to produce works of art. But I really wanted to practice Korean and go to the gym this year. So that is why JH has agreed to help me learn Korean by sending me weekly lessons of his creation, that he will teach and test me on. Also, I will be signing up at a local gym (given I like the looks of it) this weekend. I really want to be healthy and fit, along with starting to use Korean more. 

Whatever, though! Because the first semester is over and despite that it was tiring at times, I feel I really learned a lot about myself as a teacher. I hope to share some of those lessons with you and what I did with my classes. 

For those other folks out there with their semester's ending...congratulations!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

June Fieldtrip: Bugs and Lizards Oh My!

If you have ever wondered whether Seoul children get out there and play in the dirt or pick at bugs, well look no further. For our school took the first grade to a grand bug adventure up near Namyangju. The kids hopped off the bus all sleepy eyed and were walked into a forested area where they dropped off their bags.

Where to?
Of course, on every field trip I never really know where we are going or what we will do. Our first activity was making silk-cocoon crafts.

They were given the materials, samples to look at and then told to do it. It took a bit of figuring out as you had to cut the cocoons in a certain way to make them look like bugs.

After craft time we were put into a small room where butterflies and other winged bugs were on display. The kids had a fun time looking at them and saying, "Wow!"

Our next stop was a walk through a greenhouse where there were many butterflies and moths flying about. What was very amusing was watching the boys freak out over these tiny harmless insects. I had to reassure them that nothing was going to happen.

 Don't touch!

Nearby some flowers...

Next stop was the really fun part of the trip as students entered a building where worms, lizards, bugs, mammals, snakes and other sorts of creatures lived.

First off was a table set with live crawling silk worms. I teased the kids by saying, "Yum! Delicious!"

What I loved most about this part of the trip was that the students came up to me and grabbed my arm saying, "Teacher come look!" I felt like all the months of getting to know them finally paid off as they were enthusiastic to share their discoveries with me.

The park guide allowed the students to see a lizard and give a quick touch.

Then a few students got to have the lizard put on their shirt for a photo opportunity.

The rest of the adventures, before lunch, included going into another tiny room and looking at entombed beetles and bugs of all sorts and then having a lesson on silk worms.

Here they got to experience what it was like to make silk, and I tried it out too.
Lunch came and went with the children playing in spraying water and greeting some of the farm animals.

After lunch we headed out to the riverside, where the students got to play with river eels (I think that is what they were) and get their class photo taken.

I don't think there will be a field trip next month, as we are having tests ...etc. Anyways, I found this trip to be especially fun as I think the kids got a lot of time to explore and well be kids.

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