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Showing posts with label table décor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label table décor. Show all posts

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Pinterest Project...

...  I think I will start posting the Pinterest projects I see & try after I do them. When I saw this leaf table runner posted on Pinterest  from Martha Stewarts's website I knew I had to make one.  Click HERE to see hers. Of course hers is perfectly pieced in pastel colors & neatly ironed. Mine's not ironed yet ( I just finished & took the photo with my phone - sorry)  but I'm not sure I'm going to iron it. I kind of like the little curling of the leaves and my home is woodsy so... I used 6 different earthy toned fabric scraps and I used a lot more leaves than Martha did.  This is a great way to use up your fabric scraps! I had to stop myself from adding more & more. I can see this used outside on the patio or for a picnic at the river, even as a cool curtain!   I laid out the leaves then hand stitched them together. Even hand stitching with a whip stitch, the entire project took only about 4 hours start to finish.  I made a pattern by drawing & cutting out a leaf shape on sturdy paper (junk mail actually) then used that to cut out my fabric pieces.  Then serged around all the edges.  The serger doesn't like to go in a circle or curves so I started at the point of the leaf then serged to the bottom and then did the other side, so it wasn't continuous sewing.  If you don't have a serger here is an alternate way to construct this runner would be to use your zigzag stitch & carefully stitch around the edges or to double your fabric with right sides together, stitch the leaf shape leaving a gap to turn the fabric. Constructing in that way, you could use 2 different fabrics to make it reversible but you will use more fabric and it will take a lot more time. I'm easily bored so I like speedy projects, instant gratification, if they take too long they usually become "UFO"s (unfinished objects) and I have plenty of those.   I have created 2 Boards on Pinterest for sewing.  One is "Feed The Machine" which has lots of free embroidery & embroidery ideas and the other is "Sew Loved".   Just click & follow! Stay tuned, more Pinterest Projects I try! I will be posting them in the future!

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Hot! Hot! Hot!

... I like it hot, hot, hot! I created a Pinterest Board for all my hot finds! Click Here to check it out &  Follow. I have quickly become a "Pin-addict". I love Pinterest and spend way too much time there!
Here's one of my recent concoctions, I mean recipes I am sharing and adding to my Board.

I'm calling it "Maui Ouiweee"  or "Kilauea in a Pineapple Patch" or "Make me Hula" hahaha
Please let me know what your favorite name is and if you try it, please let me know!  I may start working on my 2nd Hot Pepper cookbook.  I write them, do the art work, print them, bind them & give them away, ...who knows maybe one day I'll put one in a shop.
2 large Serrano peppers
2 cloves garlic
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp citric salt (I didn't have limes but if I did I'd have used 1/2 lime)
1 1/2 tbsp. srirracha
1 can of crushed pineapple
1 cup fresh cherry tomatoes
I used the emersion blender on the peppers, garlic & tomatoes, then mixed into the crushed pineapple with remaining ingredients. It's hard to stop eating it!
Just listed some New Holiday Designed Embroidered Coasters in my Shenanagans Shop.  So far these are turning out to be "hot" items! You know I couldn't resist that. haha  
All joking aside I am pleasantly surprised how much people like these.  I have given them as gifts and have sold quite a few sets already. It makes me feel good when people like what I do, I get a little kindred spirit feeling.  I am working on some new cuff bracelets.  I'm such a "Plain Jane" that it's hard for me to go over the top and I've been told I need to go over the top with them! 
I'll post them when they are finished.
Create A Great Day!

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Happy 4th of July!

Free Vintage 4th of July Clip Art
Quick, Cute & Easy 4th of July Table Décor with of my favorite things!

Click HERE to check out more jar ideas in my
 "Put It In  The Jar" Pinterest Board.
Click on the painted jars picture to get some great 4th of July Recipes.
Have a safe & Happy Independence Day!