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Showing posts with label angel art. Show all posts
Showing posts with label angel art. Show all posts

Monday, May 12, 2014

Finish What I Started...

... sometimes I have a real problem finishing what I start before starting something else. Sooner or later I get them done or completely ruin them and start over or toss it, chalking it up to experience. I have been working on these 2 pieces for the past month in pieces at a time. I am hoping to finish one this week and hopefully sell one before going down to Long Beach the first week of June to spend some time with my bff. She is going to the doctor today to have a biopsy on some lumps in her neck. Your prayers for Bobbi would be greatly appreciated.
I started this one at the beginning of the month. I think it's going to be one of my favs when it's done.
Started this one in March... I was splattering paint while watching my little Bubbie. He says thanks for showing me a new way to paint Amma! hahaha  I think I'm in trouble now and may need a tarp. We have a lot of fun painting together and I think he is pretty talented even if he is only 5. oops excuse me 5 & 1/2. haha
I'm almost finished with this one, a little more work...
and I'm still adding paint to this one when I think about her...
Have a wonderful week!

Friday, April 25, 2014

On My Easel...

Another oval work in progress, last oval canvas...I think I will be buying more! 
(I have to use a maginifying glass at times)
and this is a 4 x 6" piece of paper and I am putting all my left over paint from my pallet on from the top piece to the 2nd piece, just willy nilly I say. I had a bunch of turquoise I mixed up and didn't want to waste it.  Blue, green, touch of yellow, white & touch of black, yep black.  For skin tone I usually mix green & red together then add white & maybe a touch of yellow or burnt sienna. 
This is NOT finished! She looks like she has a shiner, or a really dark side.  I do like to make my faces with 2 sides, 2 different expressions but now she kinda scares me. hahaha  Hold your hand over 1/2 of her face and you will see what I mean.  See the difference in my style from one to the other? The oval I started with a white canvas with a red wash. The paper was waiting to be painted & was already painted black.  When I paint with a white canvas, my painting seems much more delicate, I take my time, I draw it out, I plan it in my head, doing light washes or light scruffing over the last.   My brain doesn't work that way, however, with an initial black canvas, I usually don't draw anything. It's like I see backwards.  I'm more free too, whacking the paint any which a way.   I would love to do a class. I have had several people say that if I did they would buy it.  Lord knows I can use the money but beyond that it would be cool to be able to share what I have learned with other Artist who may be just getting started. I had an opportunity to participate in Soul Food but I wasn't ready and I actually don't know how to make a video or class and I'm shy and extremely critical of myself in nearly every way.  My sister helps me with that.  So any tips to making a video or class is appreciated! Here is another I have started on a large 36 x 20". I began with a white canvas and just randomly wash, splatter, scrape, squirt, rub, scrub & paint. 
 I'm a little stuck at this point. So I have been painting the ovals, and doing these painted ACEO Zentangles or Zendoodles... 
This is my newest I am working on, not yet finished or listed.  I draw these with ink then paint them. Lots of fun.  What is so fun about them is the Lord looks different, yet the same in every little painting!   I have lots that are drawn out, as well as some other pieces on paper, I'm guessing 20ish.  It feels good to be painting again but there are days when I don't know where to start!  

Sorry I didn't post a "Ta Da" this week.  It's been a rough one. I didn't take the time to put it together & take all the pictures. I just lost myself in housework & paint.  My BFF lost her mother and may have cancer again.  Please say prayers for my Layne. 
Thanks for stopping by & God Bless!

Thursday, April 24, 2014

My First!...

...Oval canvas.  I have always avoided ovals of any sort, and triangles for that matter. I'm a circle or a square person.  Wonder what that means? There must be some sort of personality test in regards to that out there somewhere. Do you like certain shapes over others or is it just me? Well I did some drawings in ovals (the bears) and ovals have been on my mind since.  I decided to get some canvas and give it a try.  I have to say I think I'm hooked!  I listed this one on Ebay and I have another in the works.
Blessings! Create a great day!

Saturday, February 22, 2014

What Day Is It?...

... & Where am I? haha I was working so hard on this piece I lost track of what day it was and posted Ta Da Thursday on Friday! Oopsie embaraskins haha  I worked on this piece pretty much full-time for over a week. This is an emotional piece. The theme or message is how beautiful & sweet strength can be.  She has 2 facial expressions, one sweet & one strong.  Roses are sweet & they are strong too, surviving like weeds at my house. The deer enjoy them as much as we do. This piece will be on Ebay for a short time, click on the picture to take her home.
Left Side of Face / Right Side of Face

"The Sweetness of Strength"

Monday, July 9, 2012

Finally Finished!...

"Crewel Intentions"
... I finally finished the piece I started in January, that I thought I was going to finish in April. Click here to read my 1st blog post.  You can see how much she changed from the initial first couple of layers of paint.  I lost track of how many layers there are now but they all show up somewhere or another in the piece.  This is one that I wished I had taken pictures of to do a new video.    I made her "crewel" expression a little less cruel.   This Angel is going to Spoiled Rotten Gallery & Boutique today as part of my show on Friday.  Friday the 13th! I hope it lucky for me!  I wish everyone could see her  in person.  If you are in this neck of the woods please stop by & say hi! Friday 13th, 4 - 9pm Spoiled Rotten Gallery.  I also painted another snail & mushroom painting that had been stuck in my head since I did the first one, both will be at the gallery. 
"Vista View"
"Love At First Sight"

I have been working on mermaids for The Empress shop and I am opening up my own Mermaid shop on Etsy. I have a few things in there now but I'm not at the Grand Opening stage yet.  I have been working on an Indian Maiden Mermaid or Mountain Mermaid. I have a ways to go on her. Again I didn't take pictures that I wish I had. Speaking of copying and mermaids. I also noticed a few Angel Mermaids on Ebay. I was surprised because I didn't know there were Angel Mermaids until I painted them, but at least the artists did their own thing with them. I'll show you some of the fun Mermaid stuff in upcoming posts. Here is my newest Mermaid Painting...
"Circle of Friends"
I have been trying out some fun things I've found on  Pinterest.  I tried out the caramel recipe found in my "Party, Party Party!" Board, it's awesome!  I tried letter painting on wood which you will find in my "Crafty Cravings" Board, it works great! I did a couple of signs which I will show you in an upcoming post.  I also tried the peroxide & dish washing liquid claimed to be a miracle cleaner. wa wah NOT. Don't pin that one when you see it!
Create a beautiful day!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

And Away We Go...

...Tomorrow Hubby is taking me to a fabric warehouse in Reno, NV that is over 10,000 sq ft.! I'm so excited. I'm packing my walking shoes!! After he drags me out of there, perhaps peeling my fingers off the door handle, we are off for 2 days for Lake Tahoe and a great big tub.   I'll probably be daydreaming about the fabric store and pinning for my sewing machine the whole time! hahaha  


Have a whimsical week!

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Tiny But Mighty

Small but Sweet, Tiny but Mighty!

New little Angels just listed on Ebay!
Click Here

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Onion Ring Day Come & Gone!

I have onion rings once a year on my birthday! YUMMMM I drifted off to sleep thinking about them. Is that bad? hahaha Actually I didn't drift off much at all because I was so horrified! In all the chaos around here, which there has been plenty, I sent a painting to a person it didn't belong to. Luckily is went to sweet collector of mine in Chicago, she forgave me and sent it back quickly but it made for a rough night. I couldn't get my foot to stop kicking myself in the ... hahahaha

It was some of these Moon Pie's I started painting. I am selling them on Ebay and I'm excited to say that the Heart & Soul Gallery here in town wants them too as well as my mermaids, but that's another post. I just added a new one today. They are so fun to paint. Kind of a combination of my angels & clowns, pushing the distorted boundaries and I like the one big dominate Egyptian looking eye. Better to see you with...

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Just Off The Easel...

This ACEO is listed on Ebay. 50% of the proceeds will go to the Red Cross.

These 2 sweet Angel Kokeshi dolls are listed in my Etsy shop. This landscape is not off my easel just yet. It's a work in progress. I hope to have it finished by the end of the week. There are lots and lots of layers of acrylic paint in this piece. The canvas has thick sides, it's a 12 x 36. I am painting a few landscapes on some of the larger canvases I have. I may take these to the wine shop in Placerville or Windwalker Winery. I love the way this one is turning out so it may end up hanging on my mantle. :) I remember when I only worked in oils. I didn't like working with acrylics, yet now I am more in love with acrylics. Today I'll be working on this painting, a few files, and waiting anxiously for the Fed X man, who will be delivering my new knitting machine! Weeeeeeee! Hopefully I will be tangled up in yarn later too.

A few Big Shout Outs to SmallImpressions, StoneSchoolVintage, WorksOnPaperArt and PinkSprinklesPlush for featuring my art in their lovely Etsy Treasuries! Please click on their names to visit their shops.

Create a great day!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Misawa & Me

Some of my most treasured & most terrifying childhood memories were made in Misawa, Japan. The good far out weights the bad. The Japanese people were such kind & gentle people and the experience was so enriching that it somewhat etched me into who I am today. As I say in some of my profiles, it was there that ignited a lifelong quest of crafting and a determined search for the perfect craft. (Those of you that know me, I know are taking a moment to laugh like hell, coz you know, go ahead! lol) It was there that I learned needlework, it there I was baptized, it was there I realized, we are all one, no matter our differences, and it was there I it really sank in that life is fragile, we really aren't in control, and it can be gone in an instant. These are a few photos of the 1968 8.2 earthquake that I went through while I lived there. I know the helplessness & terror that they feel with the earthquakes, however, I know that I can not fully comprehend the horror and uncertainty they are going through with the tsunami and nuclear situation. My heart is bleeding for the Japanese people. I am praying for them all and all of the families of the kind people and their families that touched my life in past.
I have listed these 2 Angels on Ebay and 50% of the proceeds will go to the American Red Cross.

I used the same palette for both pieces. Thalo Blue, Viridian, Crimson, Yellow Ochre, Cad Yellow, Titanium White, and Payne's Gray. I painted the mermaid 1st, using only very little yellow, then painted the sunflower Angel with the same under painting and palette using very little viridian & thalo blue. I think these combinations of colors muted & melded into each other making the pieces moody instead of super bright. About 15 years ago I began making my own perfumes. Most store bought perfumes give me headaches, whether worn by me or someone else. Making my own and removing all the chemicals make it possible for me to wear more scents, there are a few that don't bother me as long as I don't put too much on. So a few years ago, on the weekends, I created a small line of perfumes. Like a little chemist, I was measuring, mixing and smelling, adding, subtracting, reading everything I could find, smelling everything to try & guess what was in it, trying to develop something that was natural, different, yet sophisticated. Not just a combination of a few oils. My guys put up with all "reek-age" leaked in the atmosphere and were generally willing give their opinions which was really sweet. Opening a new shipment of oils were exciting times. Oh what mystery smells that were about to be unleashed into the mix! So exciting! *P.S. Tomato essential oil does not smell like a tomato bush, the scent I was hoping for. I have no clue what it would be good in! P U* I spent innumerable hours in study, learning what makes good top notes, middle notes, bottom notes, mixed endless combinations of oils, designed the packaging, did profit figures and came up with some marketing strategies only to be left to occupy a little corner of my studio. It was impossible to start that business and work at such a stressful job at the same time, but I thought one day.... One day still hasn't arrived, however, I made the most wonderful jojoba lotion bar last night with some of those supplies. I love it so much I may make some to sell in my Shenanagans shop and on this blog just so other people will have to chance to have some. I need to tweek the recipe a little bit but it turned out much better than I expected for first try. We'll see. I'm still trying to find balance with all the other things I have on my plate. Oh but it's so creamy and smells so good. I used a green Irish smelling scent, which is really a unisex scent. I made all the guys put it on their elbows, and I think it made all the wrinkles on my face disappear! hahaha! just kidding. Don't you wish?!
A Big Shout Out & Thank You goes to these fabulous shops for featuring my art in their wonderful collections! Please click on their names to visit their shops. SmallImpressions, BirgittasBridal, AnnaLela, OrangiesAttic, WhatsHerName, AprilCJohnson, MyDreamGarden, and GreyGirlDesigns - Thank you so much!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Fiber, Paint & Paper... what is keeping me so busy. Fiber... The above is a picture of the purse I'm currently working on. Totally "Boho". I will share the photos when I'm finished. There are 18 different yarn colors in that one, some are vintage and no longer obtainable. Yesterday I started making some granny squares to design a purse I have in mind and now I remember why I never make granny square projects. Granny square creations are truly underrated. They are so much work even doing them in an assembly line, one section at a time. And who likes hiding all those ends, only then to have to steam block them and sew them all together? I'm marching bravely on, but it may take a while to finish. If I have another granny square creation in mind, I think I will be buying some pre-made by some wonderful supply shops on Etsy! Speaking of Etsy, I just listed this new Gypsy Tassel Garland Pattern in my Shenanagans shop. I also created a new Shamrock square because I couldn't find one I was really happy with. I will post that later.
Paint... I have started a commissioned painting of a beloved Great Dane Angel named Tyson aka "T-Bone". I am painting it in the style of my Shar Pei Angel. The size of the canvas is challenging for me as I usually paint much smaller pieces. Wasn't T-Bone adorable?! I will definitely share the finished piece.
and Paper... I have been working at home doing quality control audits of mortgage files. The Lord has blessed me to be able to work on these from home, but I am still trying to find balance, sometimes I'm not sure what to juggle first. 3 blogs, 3 shops, files, painting, creating, marketing, cooking, cleaning ... don't feel sorry for me. I LOVE it! I love being busy. Where's my frying pan for all that bacon?!
I have lots of Big Shout Outs & Thank You's to some fantastic Etsy people for featuring my art or creations in their Etsy Treasuries! Stop by & visit them all! Yimmekedesigns, OnTheGrain, ChatteJolie, AnnaLela, BirgittasBridal, KatKando, CarlaGrifo, VerbenaPlace & Chocolate Dog Studio.

Friday, October 29, 2010

What's New...

... No I'm not folding paper but I'm painting on it!

I recently went to a Placerville Arts meeting with a friend of mine and I scored some Carson's Oil & Acrylic Canvas Paper. In the past I really had a problem painting on paper. Wood is still my favorite but I have grown to love paper. It's easily stored, easily mailed, easily framed in pre-made store bought frames or mounted on board and I love how layers and layers of paint seem to glow on it. I am painting with acrylics and didn't gesso the paper first, however, I believe it would be wise if I was painting with oils. This canvas paper is coated & doesn't absorb the paint. I am anxious to get into my little studio today and paint some more today. I have listed these on Etsy but plan to auction some on Ebay as well. Listing fees are free until Jan 7th!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

What's New...

I joined an Etsy Team this week called the "BEST Team" (Boosting Etsy Shops Team). The members are required to do a feature on an assigned Etsy Shop. I was lucky to be assigned Omni Presents. I was struck immediately by the beautiful banner bursting with colorful stones! Omni Presents has a shop full of lovely handcrafted spiritual new age jewelry. I love her use of color and her whimsical pendants. I just know I would feel good wearing her jewelry! All of her jewelry seems to have a soothing effect on me. I plan to feature her haematite earrings in an upcoming collection on Sometimes Things Are Just Black & White. These are a few of my favorites.

Here is a peek at what's on my easel today. This one is big & long at 12 x 36 with 2" sides. I started working on her a few days ago and still have quite a bit to do as you can see. I am running out of time. Sunday we will be driving to Fremont to deliver all of my paintings to the gallery. I hope I can get her finished so I can take her along.

A Big Shout Out's & Thank you's go to MelissaMoloney, SammysGrammy , Santosleather , BrokenReflections , & FabricatedFamily , for featuring my art in their awesome Etsy Treasuries! Please click on their names to visit their Etsy Shops. And another Big Shout Out goes to The Domestic Goddess for doing such a wonderful feature on both of my shops! She has a great blog and I will be visiting often. Thank you all! I am truly blessed to receive such kindness.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Drama Drama Drama!

... Here is a sneak peek of my "Drama Queen". She has caused me some drama too! Made me feel crazy! haha Do you remember, the story I posted about how this piece literally scared me one night while working on her, so much so that I had to bolt out of the room? I changed her expression a little & crown that previously had curled points, to this sweeter version. The curly crown made her really scary. I have worked on here in bit & pieces but haven't been able to stay still enough with her to finish her. This morning when I opened the door to my little studio she seemed to smile at me. She seemed sweet, not scary, like a "Happy Soul", so I picked her up and decided today was her day. She is a 12"x 12" on canvas with thick 1.5" sides like Concessions & Northwind. I have some more work to do on that crown, shadows, bits here & there. I hope to hope to finish her later this evening or in the wee hours of morning, if she causes no more drama! ;)

A Big Shout Out & Thank you! goes to LostSentiments, ChocolateDogStudio, & FriendlyFairies for including my art in their wonderful Etsy Treasuries! Just click on their names and you will be taken right to their shops. I just posted a new Black & White Collection on Sometimes Things Are Just Black & White and listed some new Aura Angel Greeting Cards in my shop.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

What's New ?...

Kitty Cats! I made my first card set today with my "Faithful Feathered Feline Friends" and listed them in my Etsy Shop. I think these are so cute on these cards if I say so myself. I think they not only would make cute greeting cards but cute Christmas cards as well. I signed each little art print on the back so they could be kept & framed. I am working on 2 more card sets with my Aura Angels on them.Thank you so much SoInToIt for presenting me with the Versatile Blogger Award! The rules are that I am to disclose 7 things that you may not know & pass the award along. I had to really think about this because I have a lot in my Funky Facts About Me section at the bottom of this blog and seriously aren't I an open book? hahaha Ok here goes...
1. Some dolls, especially the really old fashioned dolls, can freak me out like ventriloquist dummies & clowns. (Yes I do paint strange Carnies/Clowns but call them "Happy Souls" & consider it self therapy! haha)
2. I can completely de-bone a chicken leaving it in one large flat piece in a matter of minutes.
3. If my reading glasses aren't on my nose they are used as a stylish headband. hahaha
4. I think I could win every Chopped challenge. hahaha
5. I've watched the movie Pretty Woman & Overboard so many times that I could probably recite the entire scripts.
6. I could never choose a favorite Beatle, then or now.
7. I am addicted to hot peppers.
I now pass this award to a few of my sweetest Followers Gloria, Artsyfartsyme, Graceful Moments, Alterity Buttons, SandyPetals , Poetic Artist & AyalaArt.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Ring Ring!

Who is it? ...Destiny?... I've been expecting your call .... LOL Ok I have been watching too much BOLT lately. I gotta say I am in love with that hamster Rhino! You can see a the little video of him on the left. I've been totally stealing his lines. I may not be ready for Last Comic Standing but I have come up with some pretty good ones lately using his lines. hahaha I am just discovering this movie because of my little JJ.
I'm not a cartoon person. Even as a child I didn't watch a lot of cartoons. As an adult I can appreciate the art of cartoons but still find them hard to endure. It amazes me that The Simpsons have been on as long as it has or is it still on? I can count on one hand how many times I've watched the show. I would have loved the show more if it was real actors but real actors couldn't get away with what a cartoon can. I get it. Are you gasping? What? No Disney movies? Yes that's right. Not into it. If I've watched them it's because the guys wanted to watch, even the oldest guy :) The cartoon world is magically tolerable & disgustingly exciting, "I'm disgusted, I disgust myself", says the cat in the movie Bolt & says me when I'm in Disneyland, the happiest place on earth! hahaha But the minute I snap back to reality buyer's remorse for any "souvenir" purchase quickly sets in. And those tidbits, basically papers *tickets, brochures, etc...* that I have to take home, swear I'll scrapbook, quickly get shoved in the bin or in a stack of stuff that's not to be touched in at least a couple of years. Mikey's lost him charm. Kind of like some of the contents of my purses that I have to lug around, until I switch to a new one, then it's left behind. Sometimes it's cool finding stuff that didn't make the transfer. Am I the only one who does this? Ok I'm gonna clean out all my purses after this post. hahaha So it may seem strange that my love of portraits & my big pushes of artistic encouragement with portraits are owed in part to my dad & an ex-Disney Art Director Walt Sorensen. My dad babysat while I was in Walt's class, and he refused to let me talk myself out of going to his class. Yes that was a big deal! My dad's support of my art has been much more encouraging than he knows and other people may realize.
I actually painted today! Felt good. This weekend I worked on some new bookmarks which I will be listing soon. I listed some Angels on paper on Ebay for a starting bid of $0.99! The first time I've done this. My advise from many was not to do this but I need to make room for new things. I need to paint more and space is limited. So I'm considering it a sale and I am trusting in the Lord. He can do what he will with me & my Angels! I am blessed. Ring Ring! Destiny? Are you waiting for a call? LOL

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

A Little Word on Wednesday

“The LORD bless you and keep you; The LORD make His face shine upon you, And be gracious to you; The LORD lift up His countenance upon you, And give you peace.” Numbers 6:24-26