Oh I wish I could show you a picture! Hopefully I get the disk that I need to fix my computer today. If that doesn't fix it I'll have to ask Santa for a new one. I am working on my pieces for the gallery show next month. I have to get them finished in the next few days before Thanksgiving. The piece (angel) that I am working on started out to be creamy white & beiges, elegant, but that didn't last long! Now it's eye popping, fun & in living color! I've always been mesmerized by color. When I was little I used to love the NBC peacock. Ding dong ding - that tail of color would spread & I would think it was so beautiful! haha Actually watching a color tv was cool, ok, enough, I'm dating myself! Oh & opening a new box of 64 Crayola crack! The theme of the gallery show is "Gifts". I am doing 3 12 x 12 angels. One with a bird - gifts from the sky, another with seashells & pearls - gifts from the sea & the other with flowers & maybe fruit - gifts from the land. I have really been drawing a blank for this show which is why I have gotten such a late start. For some inspiration & a kick in the pants, I went to an "Artsy Fartsy" get together with my Swell Sisters on Saturday. Everyone took their pieces & paints, I took a pad of paper & pencil. They talked me into painting though. Everyone shared. A canvas, brushes & metallic Folk Art paints. I painted an angel with metallic paints & I have to say I really liked how it turned out. I didn't bring her home, I gave her to the Sister that shared her canvas. She was excited to have her, although it needed about 3 more coats of paint. I plan to buy some metallics to play with...after Christmas.
My computer is not operational at the moment and I know you miss me! haha I miss my computer & dropping on blogs for sure. Seriously how did we live without computers? What was life like before the Internet? It is hard to remember! After many attempts by my hubby & son's to fix it, new hard drive, new memory, new whatevers & doo ma jiggies, phone calls that cost money, it went to the geek squad. They wanted to charge $140 to load in a operating disk that was from someone else's computer (Windows wont load) and it cost $70 & 3 days for them to suggest that! No thanks. Hubby went & picked it up. We are now waiting on a disk from Dell that cost $10. We should have bought a new computer when it first started going out even suggested that we get one again yesterday. The expense to fix it, phone calls to Dell, trips to Frys, the time,... but the guys won't give it up. They are determined they gonna fix it & it will be better than new. I am keeping my fingers crossed & saying a little prayer. So I am using my son's computer (when he isn't using it) but I can't post any pictures or scan anything. Thanks for still coming to see me even though it has been a bit boring here lately! I have 5 new Tiny Mighty Angels paintings to list as soon as I'm back in business.
Big thanks & shout outs to Abbasgirl, Terraworks & Fluur's for featuring my art in their wonderful Etsy Treasuries! All of them look like front pages to me!
I made these Prayer Tile Trivets 6 or 7 years ago, as you can tell from the wear & tear on them! They are looking pretty awful, not sure why I didn't just throw them out last year,*pack rat*, so I thought I would make some new ones before Thanksgiving. My back is better but not 100%, so my hubby took me to the pharmacy for more back creme & Thanksgiving paper napkins to make some new trivets. I was really disappointed that the only Thanksgiving napkins they had were of extremely ugly turkeys. Hopefully I can find something better before Thanksgiving. If not, I may try printing a picture onto some tissue paper that may work just as well. I'm sure you could use a magazine picture or other paper, however, it just would be as flat. I am thinking I am going to use a piece of recycled wood instead of a tile. I am going to paint & distress the wood before applying the picture. They come in so handy with all the hot plates & dishes at dinner. To make one you simply pull the napkin layers apart leaving just the printed image that you want to adhere on your tile or piece of wood. Glue image to tile & let completely dry. Then you can antique, pa
int or whatever you'd like. Then over the top of it all write the prayer with permanent marker or paint pen, then spray with acrylic or coat over with Mod Podge. This would be a great project to do with kids as well. I didn't write the prayer that is on my tiles. I'm sorry I don't know who wrote it but I can bet whomever wrote it wouldn't mind me or you using it. It reads:
Our Heavenly Father,
Please bless the bounty that has been prepared before us. Bless those who are with us today and those who are not. Thank you Lord for all the many blessings that you have so graciously bestowed upon us. Thank you for giving your life so that we may have life. Father bless those who are less fortunate. Bless our children for they are our future, and bless our elders for they are our history. For all these things we ask in your holy name.
Amen the next day or so. I'll be getting down like this lady when I do! My back is out and I have been hobbling around like I'm 90 for the last few days. It's awful. I hope this is the last of the bad luck me & my family have been stricken with lately. I miss painting, blogging, dropping on blogs, reading my favorite blogs & twittering! I have a gallery show next month & have no idea what I am painting for it yet and being out of commission is stressing me out more. However, (always a bright side)while immobile I did have some fun when I watched Ghost Town. I thought it was so funny! I even belly laughed a couple of times! The actors did a great job & it was worth the rental fee.
Gallery Exhibits:
Currently at Hoyt Gallery, USC Los Angeles, CA
Heart & Soul Gallery, Cameron Park, CA
The Empress, Placerville, CA
Twitter Art Exhibit - New York City, March 2016, Moss, Norway 2015 - Annual exhibit, Location varies, 2011 to present.
City of Fremont Olive Hyde Gallery, Fremont CA Oct 2010
Coffee Garden, Sacramento, CA Dec 2010
Marco Fuoco Gallery, Sacramento, CA May - July 2010
Sacramento Bee, Sacramento, CA May 2010
Tangent Gallery, Sacramento, CA March 2010
Marco Fuoco Gallery, Sacramento, CA March 2010
Coffee Garden, Sacramento, CA Dec 09
Marco Fuoco Gallery, Sacramento, CA June 09
Cafe Refugio, Sacramento, CA Feb 09
Coffee Garden, Sacramento, CA Dec 08
Marco Fuoco Gallery, Sacramento, CA Nov 08
Tangent Gallery, Sacramento, CA Nov 08