Thursday, March 25, 2004

no fly zone

I thought the pre-release griping was just the expected backlash, but on the basis of a first listen, the new N.E.R.D. album really is that bad. It's like they turned into the Chilli Peppers or something. Is this the horrible logical result of all that "see, even Timbo and Jay think hip hop is corny now, they like Coldplay!" nonsense? Some people need to get a clue. Or a DJ Clue mixtape. Or this, now available on Cd at your local HMV.

(I'm never sure about buying hip hop mixtapes on CD format but from what I've heard I feel like that Tony Touch album has the stuff I've been missing lately - come payday, it's that and/or the Kanye West for me - I have my reservations about Kanye but 'Jesus Walks' and the Mos Def verse on 'Two Words' have sold me - course if anyone wants to burn me a copy that would be even better...)
Damn you, Montezboy. I've been listening to the Scissor Sisters album again (check out the updated version of their website, now with more pretty pictures) - and I cannot get that damning "slightly camper U2" remark out of my head, especially in the case of 'Take Your Mama'. Even though I kinda like U2 (their music anyway, from a certain period, not so much these days at all), I am allowing this to dampen my enthusiasm a little. I have a feeling this might change with the weather, though - 'Take Your Mama' sounds like such a good summer song, strolling through the park, la la la la la...
Chomskyblog. Form a line, haterz! (After reading the comments on the most recent post: oh, looks like they already did...)