
New Year's Eve

Audrey had fun at the New Year's Eve dance with there friends. We took some time earlier that day to have her makeup done, just to see what happened! She looked amazing! What a fun night.

Audrey, Julia, Madie, Aleah and Maddie


Earn It!

My friend, Jill Young, is an awesome business lady who coaches businesses all over the country. She also wrote a book, and honored me by asking me to be her editor! We worked for months on the manuscript and she self-published this month. Around the time she received the printed copies, she had a launch party and we got to sign copies for our supportive friends. So much fun!


Christmas 2016

I hardly ever take pictures on Christmas Day. It's a day to just enjoy and put the phones away. Miles did get this cool new guitar, though, and that needed to be documented.

Opening things.

Off to church!

Chess while dinner cooked. Neal's brothers, John and Jeffie, came over for dinner and we had a nice visit, but alas, no photos.


Winter Fun

Audrey finally started doing some driving in November. Scary? Yes, but she has done a good job!

We loved these Elders and were sad to see them go: Elder Pulver and Elder (oh shoot, I forgot!).

Miles and the Webelos went on a tour of City Hall with Councilman Eric Schmidt.

Neal and I had fun at the Ugly Sweater Elders Quorum Christmas Party. We took it a step further and wore sweater vests and turtlenecks.

Birthday time pour moi!

Our ward's Christmas party was a shopping party this year. We raided Wal-Mart and stocked up on toys and other necessities for a local womens/children's shelter.

We dressed up for the Nativity Scene at the Stake Christmas program.

We always have fun shopping for Christmas trees.

Parker did some service at Mission Arlington with the other eighth graders from Young Academy. Here he is with Caiden.

Miles and Brother Hinis, who looked spiffy at Scouts one afternoon.

Audrey and Ms. Ruby at her piano recital.

We took the Webelos (and Trooper) on a long hike in Grapevine to pass off a requirement. It was fun!