Just feel the need to update the blog about what's happening in the kids' lives, so here's the latest goings-on in the life of Parker.
Here he is being a drummer in the First Grade Play this past week. He was so excited because he got just the part he wanted. Which didn't involve any speaking, just banging out a rhythm on these great drums.
Parker scored two baskets at his basketball game on Saturday, his first two of the season! He's having fun playing on the Hawks this year, and coach-pitch baseball starts soon!
Parker started taking piano lessons with Audrey on Tuesday evenings. He's learning quickly and trying to get his left-handed brain to work with traditional piano instructional methods. It's been interesting having a left-handed child. I crack up every time I watch him practice handwriting. And oh boy does he need practice! (He must get his messy writing from his daddy.) We really love our kids' piano teacher, she is marvelously sweet and the picture of patience.
Parker and Audrey have both been participating in Destination Imagination this year. It's a sort of team academic/creative problem solving challenge which started in October. It's winding down to a close, which we are all grateful for. I've been Parker's team's manager and boy howdy, it's time consuming. Parker has done a great job, though. There is strictly NO adult interference allowed, and the kids have to build a weight-bearing structure from only newspaper and tape, write and perform a skit about their structure, and create their own costumes. As a team. Of 6 six-year olds.
Parker has been reading the first book in the Percy Jackson series, The Lightning Thief, and is super excited to see the movie, which we hope isn't too scary.
We recently instituted a more formal allowance program with our kids. It's chore-based, but they can earn extra money by trying new foods (like Neal's spicy Thai curry the other night) and doing extra jobs. Parker will do just about anything for money. Except zucchini. He will not do zucchini.
In his other spare time, Parker has been mastering the guitar on Beatles' Rock Band and is ever so close to beating Super Mario Brothers on the Wii, with Neal's help. Parker is still the picture-perfect child, if you ask me. We're crazy about him and are so grateful he is the person he is. What a great kid!