
Home again, Home again, Jiggety-jig!

Well, we are home, and we're not quite up to jigging, but we are glad to be here. Audrey and Neal got the down-in-the-dumps, stay-in-bed-for-5-days-with-a-fever flu while we were in California. Heaven knows where they contracted it, but of course this is the year we didn't all have flu shots. I had one, only because of a lucky visit to the doctor, but we skipped it for the rest of them this year, and now, of course, we are regretting it!
So our trek home was less than fun, what with my husband's muscles mostly out of commission because of sickness. Luckily, Parker is still his cheerful little self, hopefully he'll stay flu-free this season, and if he gets it, I promise not to complain about it on my blog!

But as my incredible dad and my incredible husband gave my little girl a peaceful and beautiful blessing this morning, I couldn't help but feel Heavenly Father's arms wrapping not only around my Audrey's sick little frame, but around our whole family. How blessed we are to have our families and airplanes so we can go to visit them. And how blessed I feel to know that we are loved beyond measure by so many wonderful people, here on earth and elsewhere, too.


Santa's Early!

Santa came to our house early this year, since we'll be in California for Christmas day. Santa didn't want to lug all those presents all the way to California!! So here is Audrey grooming her new horse, Sunshine. She is completely enamored with her new best friend.

Parker got "a moving Buzz," the thing he wanted most this year.

We went Christmas-light viewing last night, the good old-fashioned way: in the back of a pickup truck. After a delicious Texas BBQ dinner, we rode around packed in blankets, singing Frosty the Snowman as we went. Here are the kids all bundled up. (Can you believe it actually gets cold in Houston? It's hard to believe, especially in the middle of the summer!) We had a great time and it was a perfect way to end our early Christmas day.

We're off to California this afternoon. Merry Christmas to all!


Quotes of the Day

"Parker's talking to me and I don't need him to; I'm trying to concentrate!!" Audrey

"I am being Pidermeeyan." Parker (That would be Spiderman.)


Too much love

Is it possible to love someone too much? These kids are crazy about each other, most of the time, but every once in a while, there is a little explosion in our house and they can't stand the sight of each other. One time last year, Audrey had a friend over to play, and Parker was trying to join them, and Audrey blurted out, "Sorry, no chubby boys allowed!"
Hopefully Parker won't remember that and get a complex about himself. She's just a big sister, and that's the kind of thing those big sisters say.
But look at the love.



Here are some pictures my friend Natalie took of our sillies. Today it's very rainy at our house. Windy and rainy, a great afternoon for a nap. Oh, wait, they don't take naps. A great afternoon for puzzles.


Messy Markers

My kids love to color. They do it all the time: together, apart, fighting, laughing. Their very favorite thing is when we forego the crayons and colored pencils and I let them use real, "messy markers," as we call them around here. They have to use them on the tile, which is awfully hard to lie on, but it is so worth the trouble. Never mind that they are still in their pajamas at 11:00 in the morning. We've been sick, remember?


The Infirmary

My family has been sick for way too long. I'm thinking of turning my house into one of these infirmaries, any neighborhood sick kids can just come here and share their germs with us! After Parker's ear drum ruptured and I had strep throat (on my birthday), Audrey proceeded to throw up at school today, poor thing.
I rushed over there to pick her up late this morning and found her in the nurse's office with a little boy named Jack. He had a cut on his forehead and they were sitting on opposite sides of this little bed. I picked her up and her faint smile turned to tears. She said, "I don't want to tell Daddy," and then really broke down sobbing. I think she just didn't want to have to say the words "I threw up at school." I don't blame her, what a rotten day for my little copper-haired girl. At least she gets to drink Sprite all night.
So one of these days we're all going to feel great, and then we can finally go out for Mommy's birthday dinner.

A blog.

Okay, I feel like I am in very foreign territory creating this blog, but, alas, we must all join the century sooner or later, and I think this is a great first step!

Thank you to Stephanie and Ginger, my domestic and technological inspirations. I strive to be like both of you in so many ways!

I hope this little blog can help you get through your days just as encouragement from my sisters in the world helps me get through mine. I've called it flowerchain because making flower necklaces, crowns, and all manner of other accessories with weed flowers on the playground in my youth holds such fond memories for me. My little Audrey and I have had several chances to make these same little treasures and I cherish those little moments as treasures themselves. Flower chains remind me of all things lovely and simple, and those are the best kinds of things.