Looking for something to do with your family or friends?
Check out these events in our community:
FREE Parent-Teen Workshop Series (presented in HMONG)
Tuesdays, September 28 to November 18, 2010 (6:00 pm to 9:00 pm)
At Phoenix Park Resident Activity Center, 4400 Shining Star Drive, Sacramento.
For more info, please call People Reaching Out at 916-576-3300 or visit their website at http://www.peoplereachingout.org
Learn how to build stronger family relationships, communicate more effectively, and cope with the challenges of the teenage years.
Inside the College Admissions Process
Wednesday, October 27 (6:30 pm)
At Southgate Library, 6132 66th Ave., Sacramento.
Learn how college admissions offices evaluate applications and the differences between the CSU and UC admission processes.
"Meadowboo Mansion" Halloween Event
Friday, October 29 (6:00 pm-8:00 pm)
At Sam Pannell Meadowview Community Center,
2450 Meadowview Rd., Sacramento.
For more info, please call Dori Rhym at 916-808-6920.
A FREE event, but tickets are required. Get them at the front desk, Monday-Friday, 8am-5pm, now through October 28. This event is for kids ages 2-13 who must be accompanied by an adult.
Halloween Carnival
Sunday, October 31 (4:00 pm-8:00 pm)
At Rizal Community Center, Sacramento.
For more info, please call Sheila Surritt at 916-395-0601.
Dress up for a "fang"-tastic candy walk, costume contests, carnival games, and haunted house.
Trunk or Treat Harvest Festival
Sunday, October 31 (6:00 pm)
At Living Hope Church, 7486 Center Parkway, Sacramento.
For more info, please call 916-424-4673.
A safe and fun trick-or-treat alternative where kids gather candy from the trunks of cars parked at the church grounds.