Showing posts with label orchid. Show all posts
Showing posts with label orchid. Show all posts

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Flower Growing - Beauty of Orchids

Orchids are easily distinguished from other plants, as they share some very evident apomorphies. Among these are: bilateral symmetry (zygomorphism), many resupinate flowers, a nearly always highly modified petal (labellum), fused stamens and carpels, and extremely small seeds.

All orchids are perennial herbs, lack any permanent woody structure, and can grow in monopodial and sympodial patterns.
The world's richest concentration of orchid varieties is found in the tropics, mostly Asia, South America and Central America.
To dedicated the beauty of orchids, Czech  Post  pleased to launch a set of four stamps which composed in one beautiful miniature sheet.
The species depicted on stamps  are Dendrobium peguanum, Stanhopea tigrina, Cattleya aclandiae and Paphiopedilum charlesworthii.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Argentina’s Native Orchids

Argentina Post (Correo Oficial de la Republica Argentina SA) has issued the flower stamp series depicted their native orchids on 24 September 2011. The issue stamps comprised of two stamps, featured native orchid  , Sacoila lanceolata and Zygopetalum maxillare Lodd. ( The Chin-Bone Zygopetalum). Sacoila lanceolata.jpg
Sacoila lanceolata
Sacoila lanceolata is orchid as member of family Orchidaceae belonging to the subfamily Orchidoideae. Plants are distributed from Florida, USA through Central America to South America. Plants are terrestrial and blooms with many flowers which have a short column. Plant blooms from spring to fall with many 2.3 cm wide flowers.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Orchids of Liechtenstein

Liechtenstein Post  issued the orchid stamp set on the first of June 2004. The issue comprised of 3 postage stamps feature Bee Orchid, Burnt Orchid, and Violet Helleborine.

Bee Orchid
The Bee Orchid (Ophrys apifera) is an herbaceous perennial plant belonging to the family Orchidaceae.The Bee Orchid grows to a height of 15–50 centimetres .This hardy orchid develops small rosettes of leaves in autumn. They slowly continue to grow during winter.The plant blooms from mid-April to July producing a spike composed from one to twelve flowers. The flowers have large sepals, with a central green rib and their color varies from white to pink, while petals are short, pubescent, yellow to greenish.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Vietnamese Orchids - 2008

On the first of March 2008, the Vietnam’s Ministry of Information and Communications (MIC) issued the stamp set: "Orchids" consisting of 4 values with their denominations of 800d; 2,000d, 6,000d and 8,000d.
The stamp set shows specialities Vietnamese orchids: Calanthe densiflora Lindl, Ludisia discolor (Ker-Gawl) A.Rich, Spathoglottis affinis de Vriese, Calanthe argenteo-striata C.Tang & S.Cheng. 

Orchid is one of beautiful and precious flowers. Orchids have diversified species. Each has own beauty. There are about 800 orchids species Vietnam, some of them are rare and precious ones with unique beauty and shape.

4-1: Calanthe densiflora Lindl.
Calanthe densiflora is a species of orchid from the genus Calanthe. Plant blooms in the fall with many 1.5 cm wide flowers.Plant is found growing in India, Myanmar, China, Taiwan and Vietnam at elevations of 160 to 1830 meters .Plants grows in intermediate to cool temperatures with shade. When potting Calanthe plants, the pseudobulbs must be half buried into the potting media.Plants should be watered regularly.

Friday, December 31, 2010

Orchid flowers of Brazil.

Wishing You Happy New Year 2011.

Brazil Post issued the set of three stamps depicted beautiful orchid flower on year 1996. The featured orchid are Promenaea stapelioides, Cattleya eldorado, and Cattleya loddogesii.


Promenaea stapelioides Lindley (0.15)

Promenaea stapelioides Lindley is a plant bloom in the summer with one to two 5 cm flowers. Flowers are fragrant. Plants are found growing on trees and damp rocks in the cool mountain forest of southern Brazil .


Cattleya Eldorado Linden (0.15)

Cattleya eldorado is one of the smaller-growing Cattleya species. The pseudo bulbs are usually only 3 to 5 inches tall (plus a 4- to 6-inch-tall leaf), and a robust flowering-size plant is normally comfortable in a 4-inch clay pot. Cattleya eldorado have lovely range of subtle colours. The most common form has pale lavender-pink sepals and petals with an orange-throated lip. The orange disc in the throat is circular in shape, edged in white, and there is lavender or purple across the bottom edge on the lip. The colour pattern of the lip is distinctive to the growing wild along the Rio Negro in Brazil, and it glitters in lavender, orange, pink and white in the sunlight, it may well be worth its weight in gold.


Cattleya Loddigesii Lindley (0.15)

Cattleya Loddigesii is scented like roses till 3 weeks and have diameter minimum 6-8 cm. It is found in many Brazilian states. The habitats is quite diversified. It can be occurs as epiphyte or directly on the rock.The bud arise from a floral atrophied leafless pseudo bulb. The colour range from pink to purple or dark purple.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Orchids of Solomon Islands.

Post Administration of Solomon Islands issued the stamp series depicted the orchid species, like Calanthe triplicata, Dendrobium mohlianum, Dendrobium spectabile and Flickingeria comata.

Calanthe triplicata commonly known as The Thrice Folded Calanthe - The Christmas Orchid [Australia] is a terrestrial orchid.The original home of Calanthe triplicata species is from south China, Vietnam and India to Australia and New Guinea and also the Pacific Islands .Its habitat is broad-leafed, humid, primary forests in crevasses in karst limestone with rich humus soil in humid, shady conditions at elevations of 500 to 1500 meters grows cool to hot. Calanthe triplicata has ovoid psuedobulbs carrying 3 to 6, ovate-lanceolate, to elliptic-lanceolate, plicate, prominently ribbed, long petiolate leaves that are pubescent beneath and blooms from a mature pseudobulb .

Flickingeria Comata , is a species of orchid epiphytes native to Southeast Asia and western Pacific .It is an epiphytic orchid with stems that branch from the top with 2 nodes wearing yellow or orange leaves very coriaceous, elliptical and obtuse. The inflorescence with bracts acute, appears in the axils of the leaves with fragrant flowers appear in clusters that occur at any time of year or nine days after it rains.It is found in the lowlands, growing as epiphytes at elevations of 850 meters on the peninsula of Malaysia , Borneo , Sumatra , Papua New Guinea , Java , Philippines , New Guinea , Solomon Islands , northeast of Australia , Taiwan , Samoa , New Caledonia and Fiji in the trees in the forests open or small trees after logging.

Dendrobium mohlianum is a species of genus Dendrobium.Plant blooms from winter to spring with several 3 cm flowers.Plant found growing in trees in the Pacific Islands at elevations of 450 to 3100 meters .Plants are cool to warm growers. Place plants in partial shade and pot with medium bark or sphagnum moss. Water regularly in the summer and reduce watering in the winter. 

Dendrobium spectabile is a warm growing species native to New Guinea and the Solomon Islands. The 18 inch to 2 foot long canes produce masses of flowers that look like aliens from another world.This plant typically flowers in the winter and early spring months but can also flower in late August through October. Each flower spike can produce 10 - 20 three inch flowers colored in cream, tan, mahogany, purple, and green. The flowers last a couple of and have a nice honey-like fragrance.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Jersey Orchid V

This mini sheet
consist of one orchid stamp with high value issued by Jersey Philatelic Bureau.

The orchid as shown is Phragmipedium Jason Fischer, as one of genus Orchyd family.
About 20 species of these orchids are known from SW Mexico, Central and South America. The exact number still being discussed between specialist.

Orchid stamp of Cambogde

One value stamp in souvenir sheet was issued by Cambodge, depict the species Paphiopedilum callosum meanwhile the cover depict the species Dendrobium draconis.

Paphiopedilum callosum
is a species of orchid found from Indochina to northwestern Peninsular Malaysia.
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