Malaysia Post pleased to launch a set of four stamps feature the unique flowers on October 9, 2008.
The issue stamps depicts the unique flowers of Malaysia, Kembang Songsang or Gloriosa superba, Goniothalamus tapis or Kenerak, Quisqualis indica or Akar dani, Michelia figo or Cempaka Pisang.
Kembang Songsang or Gloriosa superba is A scandent plant, climbing by leaftip tendrils. The perianth segments, which are accrescent during anthesis and become reflexed, are striking in color, yellow proximally and at margins and dark red in the median portion.
Gloriosa superba is the national flower of Zimbabwe and it is also the state flower of Tamil Nadu state in India, and was the national flower of Tamil Eelam. This is a species of the genus Gloriosa.
Gloriosa is a genus of ten species in the plant family Colchicaceae.They are native in tropical and southern Africa to Asia. They are tender, tuberous rooted deciduous perennials, adapted to summer rainfall with a dormant dry season.