Showing posts with label 20mm. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 20mm. Show all posts

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Haunted Woods

All told there are 38 pieces here. I can't do a huge table with this but there's enough to suggest plenty of hostile scenery for any outdoor themed horror setting. I would have done some shots of it all together but I have the 1812 snow table up and just don't have the space at present. The subject of a future update undoubtedly. Let's begin ...

Just finished these this morning: (L-R): Reaper Halloween Tree, RAFM Demon Tree, Ral Partha Demonic Tree Man

Black undercoated, heavy Americana Raw Umber liberally applied. Then dry-brushed with Folk Art Mushroom with increasing amounts of Ceramcoat Quaker Gray.   
Reaper Halloween Tree detail

Dotting in the owl eyes with a Micro-Art Pen ...terrible experience trying to drop it directly in the center.
RAFM Demon Tree detail. I like this one a lot - the eyes are REALLY recessed but I tried to get the red glowing eyes effect like the Reaper one.

Ral Partha Demonic Tree Man - like the RAFM one, the eyes were quite set back and black hollows didn't make much sense to me. The belly missed all my dry-brushing efforts but I can live with it.

I actually don't know the manufacturer of these. These were a part of a set I picked up at one of the HMGS cons several years back. Any help?

They came with these ...

... and these.

The next set from Armorcast were finished many years ago. A good number of these seem to be discontinued.

(Same as above, different angle) Twigs and cork rocks. I wanted to keep a significant space for figures around these particular ones. I think I've caught a more natural arrangement in my efforts this week than these old ones but a discernible lack of improvement over the years would be upsetting.

CD bases

Same as above but another angle

Eight of these but hey, seen four you've seen them all.

Same as above - different angle

Finally, here's five of the 10 Woodland Scenics "Dead Trees". Again, Seen five, you've seen them all.
Bah, I forgot I have two sets of these to do to round it all out.

Thanks for looking. Questions, comments, and followers are welcome and encouraged. If anyone can identify that set in the middle of this update, please let me know in the comments.