Sunday, September 12, 2010

Things not to cry about

When my mom was a little girl, she always spilled her milk at dinner. I think that's why my family always got water for dinner. And we all know the saying, "There's no used crying over spilled milk."

So when I spilled some water on Thursday night, there was no crying, just immediate action. And a lot of it.

I was packing the kids' lunches for school on Friday. I bent over to pick up a water bottle to put in Hadley's lunch. Note the irony. And pop. I left behind a puddle on the floor and called to Stewart. "What do you have going on at work tomorrow, Honey? Any specific meetings scheduled? Depositions? Clients?"

"Just work," he replied.

"Okay then my water broke," I answered.

So we packed up the kids, took them to my mom's house, and headed down to the hospital. We specialize in early babies and so I always deliver at Utah Valley. That means we get to drive past four hospitals on our way to the hospital we finally stop at.

She was in a hurry to get here. Such a hurry. Luckily the doctor was right outside my room because I dilated from a 4 to a 10 in only a few minutes. I'm like a German race car. You know...0 to 80 in 2 seconds or whatever.

Baby Girl Peay is here. She was born at 1:59 a.m. on 9-10-10 and weighed 5 lbs. 6 oz., 18 1/2 inches long. Only four weeks early and perfectly healthy.

I could make a very long list of things that I didn't need to cry about this weekend. Mostly we are just in awe of the beautiful person who joined our family. Her name is Bronwyn Davies Peay, meaning dark and pure in heart. It's a good Welsh name and her Grandpa Boppers was very proud!

And here she is:

Welcome, Bronwyn.


Lindsey said...

I know it is nothing to cry about, but my eyes still welled up thinking about how wonderful it is that she is here and healthy and only 4 weeks early! She is beautiful! Congrats to you and your fam!

tollestrupfamily said...

She is a beauty! I love the name and the meaning. Our Welsh ancestry lives on!

Ciara said...

she's beautiful. i would cry over her for sure over that beauty and health, such a blessing! also, love old family names!

Anonymous said...

and she is a dark beauty :0). I love the name, it is so HER! cant wait to hold her tonight :0)

Hugs from mom said...

I've been thinking about you all day. Congratulations!!!! She is soooo beautiful. That's a pretty good size too. Does that mean you get to take her home? I hope you're feeling well and I'm glad you made it to the hospital in time.

Likely said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I am so happy for all of you. What a little cutie with that dark hair. I taught a girl named Bronwyn and I always loved her name.

And I hope this means you will be doing better soon too! You have had quite the rough past few months!

Rachel said...

Oh, my goodness! Look at all that black hair. She is just beautiful. We're so glad to hear she's doing well, and that you finally got to take a baby home with you from the hospital again!

I have to say... I'm totally jealous that she's so tiny. I feel like you get to keep your newborn a little longer when they're little like that. I can't wait to get my hands on her when we come out next month. She's going to seem like a dolly after holding my McFattie!

Congratulations to you all!

Christie said...

Definitely something to cry about. It is just a girl thing, right!

She is adorable and I love, love the name!

Becca said...

Congratulations! She is just beautiful! I am so grateful that everything went well for you Misha. You deserve to cry some tears of happiness! I am so relieved that she stayed put for so long and that she is healthy. So nice to not have a baby in the NICU! :)

Melanie said...

Congrats - She is so beautiful!!! Can't wait to see her in person. =)

Kiersten said...

CONGRATS, Misha! She's so beautiful!!

Sarah and Desmond said...

Congrats! Congrats! Congrats!
Glad you kept that little pea in there for as long as you did. . . she is gorgeous!
Great choice Misha!
Hope you are doing well!

Jill Heaps said...

Congratulations! She is absolutely beautiful... could we expect anything more?

Bridget said...

Congratulations!!! I can't believe how much hair she has. Wowsa!

Camey said...

Congratulations, Misha! Bronwyn is beautiful and I am so glad everything went well!

Giles Family said...

I am so happy for you!! She is beautiful!!