Wednesday, April 25, 2012

new york, new york

In case you haven't heard the news, Tyler was hired as a summer intern at Johnson & Johnson, so we are officially moving to New York City for the summer! Hallelujah! This is the best news ever for three reasons... First, we have always dreamed of living in New York since we went there together when we were dating way back in 2007, and now we finally get to see that dream come true, even if it's just for a summer. But the second reason it is awesome is because if he does a great job this summer, this internship might turn into a job offer next spring when Tyler graduates. And then we can live in New York forever! But the third good thing to come of this is that Tyler gets to leave Calle for good, which will be a huge stress reliever. Who knows what we will do for money next fall when we get home, but who cares? I would rather have him work as a garbage man at this point. He has been stressing over this internship for MONTHS, so to have it all set in stone is so exciting for both of us! We are going to have the most amazing summer ever, seeing the awesome sights, shopping at whatever store in the world we want to because everything is in NYC, eating some incredible food and making as many memories as we can. New York City, here we come!