Showing posts with label free. Show all posts
Showing posts with label free. Show all posts

Friday, January 23, 2015

Diamante Poetry FREEBIE

Hi there!

Jessica from "Joy in the Journey" here :)
Joy in the Journey

We just wrapped up a fun poetry unit in Language Arts - and my 5th graders had a blast!
I love introducing the kiddos to new forms of poetry - one of which is the Diamante Poem.

Diamante poems are 7-lined poems that are used to compare and contrast two opposite nouns. It gives students valuable practice in identifying and providing examples of different parts of speech, comparing/contrasting nouns, and writing different lines of poetry.

First, we discussed what words (what part of speech) go on each line. A great grammar review - and reinforcement for those who are still struggling! Then, we did a class example (Cats vs. Dogs). Finally, the students were free to start brainstorming and planning their rough drafts:

Then, once their rough drafts were edited by a classmate, they create their final project. I decided to throw in an art component (decorating the background) to stimulate my artistically-inclined kiddos:
Didn't they do a phenomenal job?!?

If you'd like to try this project, you can download my 
FREE Diamante Poetry packet on TPT. It includes a definition, instructions for writing, brainstorming paper, and a final draft template.
Diamante Poetry Packet
If you download it, please leave some feedback! :)

Happy almost-weekend, friends!

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Welcome to NOUN TOWN {freebie!}

Hello teaching friends!

Jessica here, from "Joy in the Journey"
My Photo

Today I'm sharing a fun project that can be used across multiple grade levels to teach, reinforce, and assess the topic of NOUNS.

After our discussion of common vs. proper nouns, we worked together to create a "Noun Town!" Each student had to bring in a picture of a noun that could fit in our fictitious town.
On the back of the picture, they had to write:
1. The type of noun it was (person, place, thing, idea)
2. Is it singular or plural?
3. Is it common (a store) or proper (Macy’s)

Once all of the pictures came in, we sorted them based on whether they were people, places, or things. I then constructed a bulletin board, divided into three sections of "Noun Town:"
1. People Avenue, 2. Place Street, and 3. Thing Drive.

The students love seeing their work on display and it's a tangible reminder of the difference between the three types of nouns.

Here is the assignment details if you would like to create your own classroom Noun Town!
Click here for the assignment details document (FREE!)

If you download the document, please leave a comment with your e-mail for a chance to WIN a FREE COPY of my "Nouns Scavenger Hunt" packet :)
Noun Scavenger Hunt Activity

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

iPad Rule Posters

I am lucky enough to work at a school that implemented a 1:1 iPad program back in 2012-2013 school year.  Originally, it started and was piloted with just my class but then in 2013-2014 it expanded school wide.  Of course, with all those iPads out, we had to set some expectations up for our students.

The first thing we established was the "Hands Up" & "Apples Up" rule.  What this meant was if a teacher/staff member came into any classroom and said "Hands Up" all the students were to stop working on their iPads immediately, put their hands up, and listen to the speaker.
Typically it was a quick announcement which then allowed the students to get right back work.  However, if a teacher/staff member said "Apples Up", students were to stop what they were doing on the iPad, close it up and put it on their desk with the apple facing up.  This command is used when students are doing working with the iPad or the teacher needs the students' attention for a longer period of time.  Of course, we had the basic rules as well which were standard in all the classrooms.

Hopefully you are lucky too and have some iPads at your disposal.  :-)  If so, you can get your very own set of the iPad Rules Posters too.  Just head on over here and grab them!



Thursday, July 31, 2014

Organizing Hanging File Folders

Before - nasty crooked writing ;-)
Hi Everyone!  It's Katie from Teaching: The Art of Possibility.  I'm excited to be apart of Fifth Grade Freebies and here is my first of many freebies I will be sharing with all of you.  

Neat - typed - beautiful
Anyone who knows me, knows that I'm all about having a neat and organized classroom.  From the labels on my students' desks to the labels in my filing cabinet.  There was a time, when I would handwrite my hanging file folder labels but I HATED the way they looked.  Either my handwriting wasn't consistent or they weren't properly centered.  My reasons to not like it could go on and on.  (Have  I mentioned I'm a bit OCD? ;-) ) And because of this craziness need, I have created a SIMPLE little template to help make life easier. So Bam!  Here you go - a template for you to type in and have perfectly neat hanging file folder labels like me.  Go here to download it. 

Hope it helps you like it did me.  

Katie Lyon

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Back to School Freebie: Sharpening Pencils Procedures
It's that time of the year again! Students will be entering your classroom ready to go. We are offering up a great FREE resource for back to school. 

We all know that we have to establish procedures for sharpening pencils. So included with this procedure is a teacher page with purpose, teaching ideas, modeling and role playing that you can do with your class.

Also included is a kid friendly poster that you can review with your students and even post in the room! You can download this free resource by clicking here

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Back to School Freebie: The Great Writer's Race

Welcome to The Great Writer's Race! Your students will be challenging themselves to complete creative writing activities as the school year progresses. There are over 40 creative writing ideas included!
Your students will have a blast "racing" to complete the activities. This is a great addition to Daily 5, writing stations, and for a creative writing unit. You can download it by clicking here. Enjoy!