Showing posts with label photography. Show all posts
Showing posts with label photography. Show all posts

The Difference Between Night and Day

You never know what will happen in the dark of night when a park closes.

When writing a book, the scenes in it truly can be the difference between day and night. I had picked up some Halloween books for my granddaughter and one was about what the owl sees and hears at night. Usually the books are all about babies and animals spending the day doing something and then going to bed at night. At least that’s what we want the children to get from the bedtime story–we had fun, now it’s time to sleep.

The nocturnal animals aren’t out during the day, and the diurnal animals sleep at night, so even this has to be considered when writing about night and day.

The other thing is people can’t see at night.

When I was writing one of my Highland stories, I realized they really couldn’t see each other in a room without light. lol So I had to make a light source. With my shifters, the animals can see well at dusk and dawn because their wilder animal halves can.

It’s the same with doing photography. Where is the light coming from? What is highlighted and what is in the shadows? How can the photo pick up anything in the dark without some kind of light?
At night, you can’t go to many of the stores because they’re closed. You can’t get hold of certain places in the dead of night. Some stores aren’t open until later in the morning, some restaurants only open in the evening.

So what happens with an ordinary set of stairs leading up to the maze gardens in the Arboretum at night when the center is closed? You’ll have to experience it for yourself because at night, the world is a whole different place.

I wrote 1,000 on Cougar Magic last night, despite baby wearing me out. But I also brainstormed with one of my beta readers on an issue I need to resolve in the story. Now I need to figure out how to bring that part of the story out. I still need to work on SEAL edits, but I needed a fresh mind to figure out how to change the opening–my editor says I have too much stuff packed into a couple of days and trying to change that is going to be a nightmare since everything is connected. I think all the stuff is doable. I could do them.

I might have to show that time frame better. Her flight is only 1 hour and 15 mins, but delayed by 15 mins, and then she gets lost driving from Denver and that could add another 15 mins. So she’s half an hour late to the rehearsal…and I said dinner, but I can change it to luncheon. Yay! And now I think I can do everything I wanted to do like I had it! I think my editor was imagining like a 3 1/2 hour flight and an hour delay, etc…. I just have to make it clearer.
Okay, I’m off to get busy! Have a super day/night!


“Giving new meaning to the term alpha male where fantasy is reality.”
Connect with Terry Spear:
Wilde & Woolly Bears: http://www.celticbears
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Birthday Celebration Time!

Garden pictures, birthday flowers from my son, and a composite I did of the dandelion and fairy.

My SIL and I have a birthday celebration today!
Have a great one!

“Giving new meaning to the term alpha male where fantasy is reality.”
Connect with Terry Spear:
Wilde & Woolly Bears:
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Follow Me for new releases and book deals:
signature line email Seal Wolf Undercover, Cougar Undercover, Dreaming of a White Wolf Christmas, My Highlander 300 x120

Easter Bears with Free Lambs and Demon Hunter is Now Available!

Not only do I love to write, and photograph anything and everything, but I've been making award-winning teddy bears for a millennium. I had a couple of orders, and that always inspires me to make more. So here are the ones that sold:

And I have another one to finish this morning.
More for sale:

But I also received a contract for three more wolf books, well, one is the jaguar Howard's story. Which I started on yesterday.

And I finished the Demon Hunter, a teen demon guardian's story, the third one in the series.

Demon Hunter
Demon Guardian Series: Book 3
The Demon Guardians are back…
Hunter is half a Matusa demon, determined to help his human-raised demon friends return to the demon world to find their families. And to help Alana learn a way to keep portals from pulling her to them, and getting herself into all kinds of trouble. Not that she can’t handle some of the trouble on her own. She’s a half demon too, and half witch. Jared is looking for his parents. Celeste is looking for hers. Samson is there to protect Alana, though Hunter keeps reminding him Alana is his to protect.
It was a simple mission, but nothing for the demon guardians is ever simple. Between dealing with a demon who is organizing demon hunters—who go after Hunter and his friends, a major train wreck, and all sorts of havoc, it’s no wonder the demon gate guardians end up calling in reinforcements this time.
As long as Hunter can get Alana to agree to be his mate, he can save the world. Alana will never give up her hot demon, but she believes he should work a little harder to prove he is the one for her. And he’s not going to give up trying to convince her either. But they still have one little problem: staying alive long enough to do it.

Off to write on Howard's story, finish another bear, ship bears, feed puppies, and all that!

“Giving new meaning to the term alpha male where fantasy is reality.”
Connect with Terry Spear:
Wilde & Woolly Bears: http://www.celticbears
Newsletter Sign Up:
Follow Me for new releases and book deals:

Claiming the White Bear and Snow for Christmas!

I’ve been wracking my brain for a story idea for my polar bear shifter book 2, and finally came up with one. Ironically, when we went to the grocery store yesterday, they had this big display with polar bears, and it was like a sign: Write your next polar bear book!

And then this morning amidst a white Christmas Eve, I came up with the title. Claiming the White Bear.

It’s snowing on Christmas Eve! I haven’t been anywhere that it snowed on Christmas since…hmm, maybe when I lived in Wisconsin? But I was little back then.

We had snow in the Houston area way before Christmas, and I was in a blizzard in St. Louis once on Thanksgiving. We had snow and sleet on Easter in Waco, Texas one year. But Christmas Eve and Christmas Day? Maybe never! Except when I was little. I remember walking across frozen lakes with my parents, being carried on my dad’s shoulders to the bus stop because the snow was so high, and the bigger kids helping the little kids remove all their snow gear so we could go to class.

We’re seeing Star Wars today, having Christmas Eve dinner, inviting a service member who couldn’t go home for Christmas, and having fun! My son and his girlfriend are both in the AF, and so is their friend.

Yesterday, we made it to the Escape Room to solve the puzzle of how to stop the 20,000 Leaks Under the Sea. We made it! Woohoo! It had snowed before I arrived, and then yesterday when we were driving to the Escape Room, it was snowing heavily.

For those of you who live in snow country, I know you’re shaking your heads. lol For me, it’s a novelty. And Inge said her mother came here from Hawaii last year and it was in the 60’s, very mild Christmas. They’ve had them for the last several years. Global warming come to mind? Or just one of those 100-year, 1000-year, million-year cycles?

We might not have enough snow to build a snowman, but this has been a lovely white Christmas in any event!

Have a Merry Christmas if you celebrate it, and if you don’t, wishing you a special day with snow or without! And if you’re getting snowed in, be safe!

“Giving new meaning to the term alpha male where fantasy is reality.”
Connect with Terry Spear:
Wilde & Woolly Bears: http://www.celticbears
Newsletter Sign Up:
Follow Me for new releases and book deals:

Thanksgiving is Family

A walk in the woods with family…

Hope you have a lovely weekend!!! After they leave, it’s back to My Highlander for me!

“Giving new meaning to the term alpha male where fantasy is reality.”
Connect with Terry Spear:
Wilde & Woolly Bears: http://www.celticbears
Newsletter Sign Up:
Follow Me for new releases and book deals:
signature line email Seal Wolf Undercover, Cougar Undercover, Dreaming of a White Wolf Christmas, My Highlander 300 x120

The Beauty of Blanket Flowers

A field of blanket flowers. Individual plants in the garden. And the seeds ready to make a field of blanket flowers. 

I missed doing my regular blog yesterday. Between internet trouble in the morning and then taking care of grandbaby, I never had time. I did spend a few hours trying to complete a 40 question interview though, which I did finish.

Hey, if you ask me which I like better, one thing or another, I have to give more of an explanation. I’m a writer.

Okay, off to work on Billionaire Wolf Christmas. Hope you all have a lovely day !

“Giving new meaning to the term alpha male where fantasy is reality.”
Connect with Terry Spear:
Wilde & Woolly Bears http://www.celticbears

Antique? Rocking Horse...

A man had these in his shop for years for display. And then another man had a store next door to his, and when the other sold off his store, he bought them. He had them for years in his home. Then they are moving, downsizing and his daughter posted them on the neighbors’ site.
It reminds me of horses that the owner can no longer care for (except these are much lower

maintenance) and they keep going from one family to another.

I imagine they’re replicas of antiques, extremely heavy wood, and beautiful. I wanted the stained smaller one she had, not sure I liked the head up in this one and that it was so big, but once I got it home, I just loved it. The picture of it in her garage didn’t do it justice. And they were really inexpensive for the beauty of them. I was looking online, trying to make up my mind about them, wondering if I was crazy to get them, but there wasn’t anything like them, and the ones that came close were around $350-$4,000. So these were a steal.

They’re not meant for kids. Just for me.   For picture taking and my bears. The jester is one of the bears I created that came in first place for best dressed bear at the Fort Lauderdale Bear and Doll Show years ago.

I had a beautiful carousal horse for years, and a huge rocking horse my dad made for the kids, bigger than this one. He made the small ones to sell for years. But with every move, I had to leave each of them behind. But these are truly magnificent. I wanted the stained smaller one, but the dad decided to keep it. So I got the white version. Now I need to make tails for them. I’ll show off the white one tomorrow.

Keeping up with word count on Billionaire. Only 14,000 words to go! I never can believe when I start out that I can get so far! It seems like it is insurmountable. And then after days and weeks and months of writing, it’s done. Or in this case, nearly done. The key is to set a goal and to…try and stick to it.

Have a lovely day!!
“Giving new meaning to the term alpha male where fantasy is reality.”
Connect with Terry Spear:
Wilde & Woolly Bears http://www.celticbears

Pink and Purple Stormy Clouds and Jaguars!

The skies have really been spectacular lately–beautiful storm clouds, yet, they’re not really producing storms, just an art pallet of color.

Uh, huh. It’s thundering out now. I was out taking pictures of the thunderheads, all blue and white, this morning.

But now it’s back to the book. Waiting on Cougar Undercover notes from one beta reader, and I’ll finish that up. Sent in Night of the Wolf and Flight of the White Wolf.  Still working on Falcon Fae. Okay, so here’s the thing. I’m trying to figure out the end of Falcon Fae and the beginning  of Billionaire Wolf Christmas.

 I keep getting scenes for Falcon Fae, so I’m hoping I can finish that up soon. And I still have 2 blogs to write for SEAL Wolf Undercover’s release in August.

Barnes and Noble:
Google Play:

Wolves and Jaguars in one. What could be better?

Oh, I had to do some research on closing a bank account, and I checked online, but I couldn’t find what I was looking for,  so I called my bank.

“What is this for?” he kept asking me.

I told him I could acknowledge him in the book.

“No, thanks, that’s all right. What is your name again?”

I’m sure he had fun telling about that crazy woman who called him about closing a bank account. Forms of ID, how much could you take out? Yes, really, it’s in the story.  Heart of the Wolf’s re-release in January. Night of the Wolf, the new novella in the story.

It’s fiction. She’s a wolf shifter. It’s fantasy. *sigh* No one believes they really exist. But we know better, don’t we!

Off to work! Have a spectacular day!

Terry Spear
“Giving new meaning to the term alpha male where fantasy is reality.”
Connect with Terry Spear:
Wilde & Woolly Bears http://www.celticbears

Mermaids and the Alligator

I took the photo of the alligator, and his reflection at the Cameron Park Zoo. But what if there had been mermaids in there?

What ifs are the stuff of imagination.

Have a great "what if" day.

Terry Spear
“Giving new meaning to the term alpha male where fantasy is reality.”
Connect with Terry Spear:
Wilde & Woolly Bears http://www.celticbears

Happy Mother's Day!!

To new and old and in between, and to expecting mothers whose worlds will be forever changed.

Have a great one!

Terry Spear
“Giving new meaning to the term alpha male where fantasy is reality.”
Connect with Terry Spear:
Wilde & Woolly Bears http://www.celticbears


I used to plant tons of trees, when I had a lot of acreage–I love forests. But I was so disappointed to learn the people who bought my home in Oklahoma clearcut most of the trees. Beautiful pines, helped to stop erosion on the hillside, and they provided homes for birds, beauty, solitude. There’s no prettier sound than wind blowing through a forest and hearing the rustle of branches or pine needles.
We have old forest in and around our neighborhood. Most new home developments, they just clearcut the trees, leaving barren land. But here, I have several old pines. And behind me, one of my neighbors has beautiful oaks. He wants to cut them down. Why? Because they drop leaves and twigs and he has to pick them up. Really? He has to cut the grass too!  Maybe he should dig it up?

In Texas heat, shade trees are at a premium. They’re beautiful. You see them towering a hundred feet above the homes. Why would you want to cut them down??? I had to have one of the pine trees taken down because it had died, but that’s the only reason to do so, or if the roots are getting into the foundation.

But with such a small lot, which I’m thankful for in that it’s much easier to water and maintain, I’m restricted to small shrubs and flowers and such for the most part. Though….I’d like to get some more crepe myrtles, they’re like small trees.

I have planted all of the flowers here, the zinnias from seeds which should turn into flowers soon, the marigolds and daylilies and Mexican heather, the dianthus, and much more. Many will come back next year as they’re perennials. Many will reseed and return even if they’re annuals. I started last year with the daylilies and a few salvia and coneflowers, and the builders had planted coreopsis and snapdragons. So each year, the flowerbeds should be even more beautiful. Oh, and sunflowers.

They’re coming up from the seeds dropped by the birds, but I love seeing them in the garden as they remind me of my father who used to plant them.

What I love about the flowers, besides the color and vibrancy, is that the honeybees, bumblebees, hummingbirds and butterflies love them.

So think about Earth Day, and if you can, plant something to give back to nature.

Have a lovely day!

“Giving new meaning to the term alpha male where fantasy is reality.”
Connect with Terry Spear:
Wilde & Woolly Bears http://www.celticbears