NOSEY BIO: Loud, brass, and tastelessly attired, I.B. Nosey is famed for his exuberant “Greetings, cybernuts! This is I.B. Nosey, your official unofficial reporter!” He seeks answers to the kind of probing questions no accredited journalist would deem intelligent, let alone newsworthy enough, to ask. Fleet of foot, wide of mouth, and fluent of tongue-in-cheek, I.B. Nosey’s unique interviewing style is comparable to none.

Winner of the Pukelitzer Award. Spokesman for Gum Drop Island’s confectionary plantation. Featured in InD’Tale magazine and The Woven Tale Press.

Sunday, April 23, 2017

A 'Did You Know?' Moment with I.B. Nosey!

Did you know....

I'm not a complete idiot.

Some pieces are missing!


This has been a 'Did You Know' moment with I.B. Nosey, brought to you
by I.B. Nosey and those Mischaps from Gum Drop Island.

Sunday, April 16, 2017

It's a Brand New Nosey Sunday Funny!

"A Day Without Sunshine is like Dark."


This has been a Nosey Sunday Funny, brought to you
by I.B. Nosey and those idiots from Gum Drop Island.

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Nosey's Sunday Funny!

Welcome to A New Nosey Sunday Funny!

No. I did not trip and fall. 
I attacked the floor
and I believe I am winning! 

This has been a Nosey Sunday Funny, brought to you
by I.B. Nosey and those idiots from Gum Drop Island.

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Welcome to the Insecure Writer's Support Group Groupees

Greetings, cyber-nuts. This is I.B. Nosey, your official unofficial reporter reporting to you from my official unofficial first post with The Insecure Writer's Support Group blog hop.

Don't know what IWSG is? Well, visit the above link and you'll discover that author Alex J. Cavanaugh put together his swell blog in an effort to help authors succeed in their writing. And the list of authors that've signed up demonstrate how much they appreciate his effort. 

But I, I.B. Nosey, am a Pukelitzer Award winning reporter.

My author -Miss Mae- has signed me on, so here I am, and my Nosey microphone is charged up.

Here's the question this month that IWSG asks: Have you taken advantage of the annual A to Z challenge in terms of marketing, networking, publicity for your book(s)? What were the results? 

Miss Mae answers: I'm not aware of the A to Z challenge, but look forward to finding out what it is and of definitely "taking advantage" of it. Sounds awesome.

The IWSG site also states: "Purpose: To share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance."

Miss Mae wants to ask: What have you found to be productive methods of marketing? Though I've tried a PA, use Twitter, FB, Ask David, use marketing from Fiverr, set up a press release -- nothing works. So I am an insecure writer unsure of what direction to take.

Can anyone offer advice? Thanks. :) 

Until next month, this is I.B. Nosey signing off. Be sure to visit the IWSG link and hop over to participating blogs. Also, follow on Twitter @TheIWSG with the hashtag #IWSG.

Friday, February 3, 2017

A Totally Useless I.B. Nosey Moment -- Again!

"I wondered why that frisbee was getting bigger...Then it hit me."


This has been a totally useless I.B. Nosey moment.
Brought to you by our sponsor at Gum Drop Island...

Join us again soon for another totally useless moment.

Disclaimer: This has been an I.B. Nosey production, brought to you by the mischaps of Gum Drop Island. Not responsible for you feeling stupid, silly, clueless, or blond. However, we're glad you're Feeling Nosey.

Monday, November 28, 2016

A Totally Useless I. B. Nosey Moment -- CyberSpace Date -- ?*!@#$

"I'm looking to buy a new boomerang, how can I throw the old one out?" 


This has been a totally useless I.B. Nosey moment.
Brought to you by our sponsor at Gum Drop Island...

Join us again soon for another totally useless moment.

Disclaimer: This has been an I.B. Nosey production, brought to you by the mischaps of Gum Drop Island. Not responsible for you feeling stupid, silly, clueless, or blond. However, we're glad you're Feeling Nosey.

Friday, November 25, 2016

A Totally Useless I.B. Nosey Moment -- CyperSpace Date -- A 1 & A 2....

"Intelligence is chasing me, but I'm beating it so far."


This has been a totally useless I.B. Nosey moment.
Brought to you by our sponsor at Gum Drop Island...

Join us again soon for another totally useless moment.

Disclaimer: This has been an I.B. Nosey production, brought to you by the mischaps of Gum Drop Island. Not responsible for you feeling stupid, silly, clueless, or blond. However, we're glad you're Feeling Nosey.