NOSEY BIO: Loud, brass, and tastelessly attired, I.B. Nosey is famed for his exuberant “Greetings, cybernuts! This is I.B. Nosey, your official unofficial reporter!” He seeks answers to the kind of probing questions no accredited journalist would deem intelligent, let alone newsworthy enough, to ask. Fleet of foot, wide of mouth, and fluent of tongue-in-cheek, I.B. Nosey’s unique interviewing style is comparable to none.

Winner of the Pukelitzer Award. Spokesman for Gum Drop Island’s confectionary plantation. Featured in InD’Tale magazine and The Woven Tale Press.

Showing posts with label journalism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label journalism. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

August 2019 IWSG

First Wednesday of the Month - Is It IWSG Time?


Purpose: To share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It's a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds.

IWSG Question: August 7 question - Has your writing ever taken you by surprise? For example, a positive and belated response to a submission you'd forgotten about or an ending you never saw coming?


NOSEY: Greetings, cybernuts! This is I.B.Nosey, your official unofficial reporter! And today is officially unofficially Insecure - uh, wait. It's probably officially IWSG day because...*checks calendar*...yeah, it's the first Wednesday of the month. *scratches head in confusion - mutters*...Does that matter?

NOSEY FANS: Whee, it's I.B. Nosey! Gladys...*pokes friend with elbow* you think he's insecure?

GLADYS: I dunno, Mabel. With a nose like that, how can he be secure?

*Both women hoot with shrieks of laughter* (yes, shriek and hoot. You read right, dear readers)

NOSEY: Wait a minute! What kind of fans are ya gals? I've got a job to do and you - hey, what're ya drinking there?

MABEL: Apple juice. *hiccups* With a dose of Gum Drop Island Choco-Hoffee. *bats lashes* You believe us, don't ya?

NOSEY: *frowns* Never knew Choco-Hoffee to give anyone a fit of the giggles.

GLADYS: Well, Miss Mae is giving away free drinks today to, uh  - um, er - entice folks to stop by and listen to your... *waves airy hand*...whatever it is you're doing.

NOSEY: I'm doing a Feeling Insecure blog. *slaps forehead* Sheesh, can't anyone read these days?

MABEL: Well, then, get on with it. What are you feeling insecure about, Nosey?

NOSEY: Me? I'm not insecure. *whispers* Uh - is that what Miss Mae told ya?

GLADYS: *clears throat* We'll tell you what she did say. She said for us to give you this note...*passes slip of paper*

NOSEY: For real? Hm. Let's see...*reads aloud* To answer this month's question as to if your writing has ever taken you by surprise - I must answer, yes. Before I became published I attended an online course for aspiring authors. One lesson was to write a little something using the five senses. I wrote a scene, and others on the course stated it hyped their curiosity and they wanted to read more. Imagine my surprise! Because I had no 'more', but...that inspired me to produce, and a couple of months later, lo and behold, my first book "See No Evil, My Pretty Lady" became a reality.

MABEL: Gosh, that's interesting. Don't ya think so, Gladys?

GLADYS: *stares at Nosey* I dunno. I'm kinda thinking this reporter is getting real interesting. Mmm. He's even cute - in an uncute sort of way.

NOSEY: *gasps* No! No, back off, gal - I, um - I'm spoken for. Spoken real loud for.

GLADYS: *stumbles to feet* Oh, c'mon. A guy like you? You're just the host of this crazy Feeling Nosey? blog. *snorts with laughter* Aw, everybody knows that blog hosts are lonely and--

NOSEY: *snaps fingers* Blog host, eh? Hey, have I got a fella in mind for you! Yeah, his name is Alex and he's got a blog. *nods head like crazy* Uh huh. Uh huh. Alex has this blog, Insecure Writers, see. Just click the little link and - zap! You're right there with him! 

GLADYS LOOKS AT MABEL: Whadda ya think?

MABEL: *shrugs* Why not? I think that's all this Nosey's got to say, anyway.

NOSEY: It sure is, Mabel, except for what I gotta say to Alex - *yells* - Alex, they're all yours!!


Wednesday, March 7, 2018

March 2018 Insecure Writer's Support Group

Yoo hoo, insecure writers! Welcome to Feeling Nosey! Yee haw, y'all!

Bwahahaha, it is I....

NOSEY: No! No! Wait a minute! W-what's going on with my blog? This is my blog, Feeling Nosey blog, yeah, and....

So, with no more butt-in-isms, let's get to it....

NOSEY: Greetings, insecure cybernuts! This is I.B. Nosey, your official unofficial reporter, and it is definitely March's time for the INSECURE question of:

"How do you celebrate when you achieve a writing goal/finish a story?"

NOSEY: Well, first, I believe Miss Mae does this:

And then she does this:

And somewhere along the way she enjoys this:

Before she turns right around and slaps on that musing expression and does this:

"Lawdy be, a brand new idea has done struck me silly, it has!"

NOSEY: Heh heh, Alex J. Cavanaugh, hope this answers this month's question!


Readers, Alex J. Cavanaugh hosts the IWSG blog. Its purpose is 'to share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It's a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds!'

Be sure to click the above link(s) to follow the blog hop.

Hey, yo, readers! Be nosey, and sign up for Miss Mae's newsletter! Why not? It's FREE!


And, did you also know that a short tale about me, I.B. Nosey, your favorite intrepid internet reporter is FREE for you to simply download? Yes, come meet your Fated Destiny...Oh,Yeah! 


Thursday, January 11, 2018

Pat Hatt Shares A Catty Interview with I.B. Nosey!

NOSEY: Greetings, cybernuts! This is I.B. Nosey, your official unofficial reporter and today I’m coming to you from…er, um…*stares at dark and creepy looking building before him* Whoa. This isn’t my Nosey kind of interviewing place, so I think I’ll just—

Pat Hatt lives here????

DOOR, SQUEAKING AND SQUEALING, OPENS: I’m Pat Hatt’s cat. What’s ya think of that?

Pat Hatt's cat - friendly looking feline.....

NOSEY: Ack! *jumps* Say what?

CAT: I.B. Nosey, huh? Yeah, ya looks the dud. *strolls away*

NOSEY: Now wait just one minute—

PAT HATT: *calls* Is that you, Nosey? What’s you doing standing there gulping like a big-mouthed bass? Get on in here.

NOSEY: Well…*peeks around edge of door* Where’d that rhyming cat go?

PAT HATT: He went to where a rhyming cat always goes. *beckons towards scratching post* C’mon. Let’s get this interview moving, man.

NOSEY: *tiptoes inside and then comes to screeching stop* Holy reading room! What is all this?

PAT HATT: *grins and gestures around room, indicating wall niches filled with dark and creepy looking figures* My library, of course.

NOSEY: Libraries don’t have statues in ‘em!

PAT HATT: Mine does. These represent the characters written inside the pages of my 118 published books.

NOSEY: *slaps hand to side of cheek* Dude, I can’t interview you about 118 books!

PAT HATT: Don’t worry. Pat Hatt’s cat will decide.

NOSEY: It’ll— huh?

PAT HATT: *points* Watch. He knows which one he wants to choose.

Cat clicks on computer screen. One large wall -as wide as a football field, no less- displays visuals of Pat Hatt’s 118 books. Er, well…Maybe not quite as wide as a football field. On second thought, maybe not as wide as a basketball court. On third thought ‒ maybe as wide as a TV screen?

CAT:A Not So Perfect World’. If only Nosey could.

NOSEY: If only I could what?

CAT: *grins wickedly, shows mouthful of sharp teeth*

NOSEY: Yeah… *tugs at shirt collar* Heh heh.

PAT HATT: All right. The cat has chosen. *picks up remote and clicks toward visual book* See the blurb there, Nosey? Wanna read it to your adoring audience?

NOSEY: Er… *keeps suspicious eye on cat* I’m kinda busy right now.

PAT HATT: Okay, then I’ll do the honor. ‘A Not So Perfect World’: After Chutar, and finally figuring out where and when they were, Jack and Emily hoped their troubles were over. But little did they know Chutar was just the beginning. With Mason by their side, the three continue to struggle to find their way back home.

With everything from dragons and Critlen to booby traps and armies standing in their way, the three remain determined to make it. Until they come up against what they thought to be impossible, gods of myth.

Now with hope dwindling thanks to a few choice gods, a prophecy involving aliens, and an over involved Prophet, the newly dubbed Death Defying Three will have to do just that, if they ever hope to make it home.

NOSEY: *frowns and shakes head* That is one confusing blurb, fella.

Cat nibbles on one claw and twitches tail.

PAT HATT: *murmurs* Shouldn’t tell the cat that the blurb is confusing, Nosey. Remember, he chose this book.

NOSEY: Oh, yeah. Yeah, right. Er, so okay. *takes deep breath* First question ‒ What, um, who/what is Chutar?

PAT HATT: *chuckles* Glad you asked. Chutar is the next best tasting gum. It has infinite chew and tastes like tar.


PAT HATT: Buy a ten pack and you get a free feather.


PAT HATT: Did I mention it has infinite chew? Swallowing isn’t advised. It hasn’t been tested that far down. Or it could be—

NOSEY: All right, all right! *rolls eyes* Dunno if I really want to ask about Mason.

PAT HATT: Aw, c’mon. Sure you do. He’s a Gopter.

NOSEY: *mouth drops open* A what? A gopher?

PAT HATT: *laughs* Gopter, Nosey, Gopter. One that they picked up along the way. Gopter would be, oh ‒ Doctor in our Time Fraction. He likes to go by Doc, though. They pretty much destroyed his time fraction, even leaving the bomb there that eventually blew it up, so they took pity on him and let him come.

NOSEY: Is that right?

PAT HATT: Hey, I’m the author and… *waves toward cat* he’s the editor. Gonna argue with him?

CAT: *spits out old nail and, ah ‒ whadda ya know, a newly sparkly one shines in its place*

NOSEY: Heh heh. *takes wary step back* No way, fella. So… *edges toward doorway* how come those kiddies gotta get home? Where is their home anyway?

PAT HATT: Kiddies? Do twenty-something year olds count as kiddies? *ponders for a moment* Well. In any case, they have to get home because places with dragons, dinosaurs, critlen, the germy middle ages, and such just won’t allow them to relax and enjoy themselves.

NOSEY: Oh, sure. Everybody knows that. But where is home, dude? Home? You know, h - o - m, home?

PAT HATT: H, o, …? Oh, wait. Yes. I see. Home for them is Earth’s time fraction.

NOSEY: Time fraction? *taps impatient foot* Like, a half cup of milk and half cup of‒?

PAT HATT: Not exactly. *hesitates* Want me to explain what a time fraction is?

NOSEY: No. No. I know what a time fraction is. ‘Course I do. Who do ya think you’re talking to? I’m a professional, you know. I know how to do my job. *backs into wall, starts, and screams. Falls to floor.*

PAT HATT: *clicks tongue* Ooh, careful. Did you see any ‘dark and creepy looking’ life forms down there?

NOSEY: Hey. *leaps to feet and brushes down blazer* I ask the questions. Get it?

PAT HATT: *smirks* Hm mm.

NOSEY: Good. So…ahem. Those, uh, Critlen you mentioned. They related to this weird cat?

PAT HATT: *glances around* What weird cat?

NOSEY: *sneers* Fun-nee.

PAT HATT: Anyhoo, about the Critlen – They’re the failed creation of Drazin, aka Hades, and the name was given to them by Jack and it kinda stuck.

NOSEY: You don’t say.

PAT HATT: As a matter of fact, I do say. See, Jack thought them the demented love child of a Critter and a Gremlin—

NOSEY: Uh huh.

PAT HATT: Uh huh is right, ‘cause he went to the dark side and crammed the names together like those crazy TV show shippers. Ah well. I guess we all have our off moments.

NOSEY: *stares*

PAT HATT: *gives innocent blink* Anything else you’d like to know?

NOSEY: I dunno. *places hand on hip and looks around* Just a kinda crazy place you have here, fella. What are those in that corner? *waves at statues* Some of the impossible ‘gods of myth’ you mentioned?

PAT HATT: *purses lips* Let’s just say they’re Zeus, Drazin, Hera, and a bunch of others who are quite fine staying on Olympus’ Time Fraction.

NOSEY: *mutters* Now wonder why I didn’t know that?

PAT HATT: But, honestly, Nosey, not those three. Drazin and Hera just want to take over Earth’s time fraction, Zeus wants to go—

NOSEY: Time fraction. Time fraction! *slaps forehead* Sheesh, is nothing else going on except for these guys splitting up time, like… *shrugs* every fifteen minutes or so?

PAT HATT: *gives mock cough* That’s not exactly how a time fraction works.

NOSEY: *checks watch* That’s how my time works, pal. So…how about that prophecy you said involves aliens? *snarls at cat* Bet he’s an alien.

Cat snarls back, and narrows eyes.

PAT HATT: It depends on one’s definition of an alien, you know. *winks at cat* After all, what’s alien to one may not be alien to another. Does a human think a human is an alien? Could the dragons be aliens? Could the prophecy be baloney? Could Prophet Rahe not be able to see past her rather large figure? *raises arms and shouts to unseen audience* Answer me, Nosey cybernuts! Could Zeus be Sants Claus? Or maybe there are no aliens at all. Or maybe everyone is an alien. Did you think of that?

NOSEY: *peers around* Who you talking to, dude?

PAT HATT: *finishes with…* Aren’t aliens confusing? No wonder they blow off steam and tip cows over.

NOSEY: Boy… *gives nervous laugh* I got me a live wire today.

PAT HATT: *walks over to stand next to statue* Nosey, one thing you’ve not asked.

NOSEY: Stop right there. I’ve asked everything I wanna know, man. *sidles to stage right ‒which, if you don’t know, reading cybernuts‒ leads to door marked ‘Out’ *

PAT HATT: Oh, one more, Nosey! You’re the official unofficial Pukelitzer award winning journalist, aren’t you?

I.B. Nosey is the one and only winner of this highly coveted award

NOSEY: Uhhh…

PAT HATT: And you’re a professional and know how to do your job, right?

NOSEY: Uhhh…

PAT HATT: So what you need to ask is about the Death Defying Three.

NOSEY: Uhhh…

PAT HATT: *snaps fingers* How’s about I tell you anyway?

NOSEY: Nothing doing. Nobody tells me—

PAT HATT: As I was saying ‒ The people of Prophet Rahe’s time fraction were so enamored by Jack, Emily, and Mason’s tales when told them by Prophet Rahe—


PAT HATT: …who still may or may not be a prophet, that they gave them that moniker. They even made a song up about them. One that made the trio cringe.


PAT HATT: They have to survive Drazin getting in the way, Hera trying to have her way with Jack, collars that control all, dragons, sea monsters, a giant flying saucer thingy, Zeus’s cryptic messages (as he doesn’t like to give spoilers)—


PAT HATT: …and fix the time fraction machine so they can hop to the next one and get home. Oh, and there may be another explosion or three that they have to avoid.

NOSEY: *gasps* There’s an explosion right now! *points* That spacey space alien you’re standing beside ‒ it’s moving!

That spacey space alien Gopter is moving all right - at the speed of Gopter flight (see, even a Gopter can rhyme when he has the time)

PAT HATT: *glances up* Curious. Something must be really bothering him to come to life like this.

WEIRD SPACEY ALIEN/GOPTER: *growls* Don’t like the looks of a tweedy-weedy blazer. Disrupts the time fraction.


NOSEY: Hey, nobody touches these one-of-a-kind threads. Back, back… *waves atomic microphone* Zap, zap, and begone!

GOPTER STEPS FORWARD: You heard the cat.

NOSEY: You spacey aliens got no fashion sense. My blazer is perfect. Perfect, I tell ya!

GOPTER: *warns* You’re in our time fraction now, nosy reporter.

NOSEY: *looks at Pat* What’s that mean?

PAT HATT: It means…*grins*…tweedy-weedy blazers don’t belong in ‘A Not So Perfect World’. 

RHYMING CAT: Nosey should've moseyed but heavy pocketful of posies make him not so cozy. Meowwww*gives spacey alien, and a not so perfect, purrrrrrrr* 

NOSEY: B-b-but...Aw, forget it! *breaks through 'exit' door, feet doing their stuff as he streaks down sidewalk. Cat and Gopter follow in hot pursuit*

PAT HATT: *calls* Nosey, run faster! I sharpened the cat's claws this morning and...

NOSEY:  Scat, cat! *voice fades in distance* I'm not a scratching post! Aiiiii!



Pat Hatt is a writer who more often than he likes poses as an accountant,
car salesmen, mailman, or one of 21 other jobs he’s had to pay the bills.
With over 100 published written works, he continues to strive to create in
any genre that strikes him. He enjoys learning more about the craft of
writing and learning in general. He is owned by two cats, one of which has
his own rhyming blog, and he resides in Nova Scotia. When not writing,
working, or being used as a scratching post, he can be found at the gym,
playing volleyball, or enjoying a good movie, show, or book.


Visit Pat Hatt's Cat's Blog
Visit Pat Hatt Without The Cat

Monday, December 4, 2017

December 2017 Insecure Writer's Support Group



NOSEY: Greetings, cybernuts! This is I.B. Nosey, your official unofficial reporter reporting this month's posting about the Insecure Writer's Support Group. I know you're asking -and since I've got my nose to the news before anyone else can even scent a whiff and am, naturally, the journalist who can answer all your 'wanna knows', heh heh --

WOMEN: *screams*

WOMEN: Get a move on! Tell us this month's insecure question!

NOSEY: Who you demanding to get a move on? *grinds teeth* Listen, girlies. You're horning in on my Nosey posting and I want you OUT!

WOMEN: We're insecure writers, and we're not leaving until we hear Alex Cavanaugh's question.

NOSEY: Oh yeah? You wanna hear it, huh? What for?

WOMEN: Why not? After all, he's the group genius behind this blog hop.

NOSEY: A genius? *scoffs* Alex? Hey, I interviewed him and he couldn't even fly a spaceship across a galaxy without dumping out his cargo.

BLOND: *giggles* Did you ever think that maybe he tipped that ship on purpose?

NOSEY: Yeah, I-- huh? 

BRUNETTE: Never mind, Barsha. I know how to get Alex's question. *reaches over and grabs paper from Nosey's tweedy-weedy blazer pocket*

BARSHA: *grins* Ooh. Excellent idea, Ban.

NOSEY: Hey, no stealing from the official unofficial reporter, gals. *hesitates* Wait a minute. Barsha and Ban. *narrows gaze* Who are you, really?

BAN: *tosses head* We're the girls who need to steer this post along. As in... *reads from card* Yes, it's right here. First, Alex states the purpose of the ISWG blog, which is--

BARSHA: *interrupts* Oh, I know that by heart. It's 'To share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It's a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds!'

NOSEY: But listen--

BAN: Barsha, Barsha, Barsha, you're so right on. And here is this month's question for our readers/authors: 'As you look back on 2017, with all its successes/failures, if you could backtrack, what would you do differently?'

NOSEY: But--

BARSHA: And, how clever! Miss Mae has her answers clipped to this card! *winks at Nosey*

NOSEY: But--

BAN: What does she say, Barsha, Barsha, Barsha?

NOSEY: *grimaces* Well, she doesn't say that.

BARSHA: No, she doesn't, Ban, Ban, Ban.

NOSEY: *groans*

BARSHA: But what Miss Mae does say is: 'Yes, I do. For instance, I wrote a freebie thriller/mystery, Unleashed. I should've stuck with my instincts and waited a few days before uploading. After I completed some later, better edits, I then put up the corrected version. A week later I downloaded and tested the Kindle/Mobi format and, darn it, that first edition is what I got. It's current on the online reader at the site, but I'm cringing with embarrassment for those who read my first write-up.'

NOSEY: But--

BAN: Ugh. *wrinkles nose* What kind of author makes an error like that?

NOSEY: But--

BARSHA: An insecure one, I'd say. *clucks tongue* C'mon, Ban. Let's hop over to Alex's blog and check out what the other authors have to say this month.

NOSEY: But--

BAN: Good idea. *strolls beside Barsha stage left, and then whispers in aside* Did you get a load of that blazer the fella's wearing? Who threw up on him?

NOSEY: I heard that! 


Hey, yo, readers! Be nosey, and sign up for Miss Mae's newsletter! Why not? It's FREE!


And, did you also know that a short tale about me, I.B. Nosey, your favorite intrepid internet reporter is FREE for you to simply download? Yes, come meet your Fated Destiny...Oh,Yeah! 



Wednesday, October 4, 2017

IWSG Photo Taken with I.B. Nosey - Know You're Jealous, People, But...

Greetings, cybernuts! This is I.B. Nosey, your official unofficial reporter reporting to you today in participation with that Insecure Writer's Support Group 'Take a Photo with a Swag'. (Who, me? The swag? Uhhh...)

Anyway, they wanted an official unofficial photo with -who else- that Pukelitzer Award Winning journalist -me!

So here we are...

Funked out in my classic one-of-a-kind tweedy weedy blazer. Suitable for framing, of course. Heh heh.

Sunday, May 7, 2017

An Important Trifling 'Did You Know?' Moment with I.B. Nosey!

"Did You Know...?"

Sue pecked pickled seashells down by the peppered seashore.
A piper of seashells Peter Cipher sold.
If Peter Cipher peppered a slew of picked seashells,
How the pickle did Sue syphon her sea-bells that Peter Cipher piped?


This has been a 'Did You Know' moment with I.B. Nosey, brought to you
by I.B. Nosey and those Mischaps from Gum Drop Island.

Hey, yo, readers! Be nosey, and sign up for Miss Mae's newsletter! Why not? It's FREE!


And, did you also know that a short tale about me, I.B. Nosey, your intrepid internet reporter is FREE for you to simply download? Yes, come meet your Fated Destiny...Oh, Yeah! heh heh

Sunday, April 16, 2017

It's a Brand New Nosey Sunday Funny!

"A Day Without Sunshine is like Dark."


This has been a Nosey Sunday Funny, brought to you
by I.B. Nosey and those idiots from Gum Drop Island.