...as we gather together |
I've been rather MIA lately. I've been so burned out after the
Festival of Lists that it's been rough getting a post together. I've been watching a lot of films, doing some reading too - but just couldn't be motivated enough to sit down and blog, blog, blog.
But with Thanksgiving upon us, I felt the need to mention some things I've been thankful for lately.
*First off, I am MOST thankful for Marie. My writing partner is a breath of fresh air for this blog and I'm so happy to have her on board. She's intelligent, insightful, and a terrific writer! And I rarely have to edit her articles/posts at all. She keeps putting out quality work that is more than impressive for someone her age. And guess what? She's published. You're going to want to check out her recent short stories that have been featured in two separate publications. One a magazine called
Sanitarium, the other a book called
Phobia available on Kindle.
*What's this I hear?
Vertigo bumped
Citizen Kane out of the top spot in Sight & Sound's critic's poll in 2012? Whaaat? How exciting is that for us Hitchcock fans?? CK was in the top spot since 1952! So I am thankful for this awesome news. Why? Because I LOVE VERTIGO WITH ALL MY HEART!
*Speaking of Hitch, I'm thankful for the additions to my DVD library this year that feature my fave director:
Dial M for Murder, North by Northwest, Rebecca, and a new version of the aforementioned
Vertigo. I already own
Rear Window, Strangers on a Train,
The Birds, and (of course)
Psycho. I am slowly adding his films to my collection. Next up:
Marnie, Notorious,
Shadow of a Doubt...and who knows what else. I'm just thankful for Alfred Hitchcock in general. Cannot wait to see Anthony Hopkins portray the master in the upcoming flick:
*I'm thankful for winning the
Alien DVD quadrilogy from Matt House and his awesome blog
Chuck Norris Ate My Baby. I've never won anything (other than money by betting the ponies) in my life, so it was an honest pleasure to win something so perfect for a horror fan!
*Michael Fassbender. I'm so very thankful for Michael Fassbender. Seeing him in
Prometheus pretty much made the entire film for me. Last year's
Jane Eyre got me started as a major fan - and then I recalled he was the lead in
Eden Lake. Another bonus. Having seen him in several other non-horror films (including his amazing performance in
Shame) only solidified the obvious fact that he's not just another pretty face. This dude can act!
*I'm thankful for not being punished by having to witness the likes of
Chernobyl Diaries, The Apparition, Piranha 3DD, House at the End of the Street, and
The Devil Inside in their theatrical run. I did however, spend 5 bucks to go see
Dark Shadows, and I bought
The Tall Man on DVD without renting it from Netflix first. Hey, I'm not perfect.
*In that same vein, I'm happy to report that I didn't get motion sick at
Paranormal Activity 4. Because I did not go see PA4. And I honestly have no desire to do so. I guess I'm saying I'm grateful for not vomiting? Always a plus.
Sinister. I'm thankful for my theater experience seeing this one. While it wasn't my favorite film that I saw on the big screen this year (that honor goes to
Skyfall, by far), I certainly enjoyed sitting alone in a darkened theater on Halloween afternoon, watching Ethan Hawke unravel an unsettling and horrific mystery while I munched on Sno-Caps and downed a smuggled-in Mountain Dew.
*Speaking of Daniel Craig - I'm thankful to know the difference between a
Dream House and a
Dream Home. The latter 2010 film (starring Josie Ho and putting out some of the most graphic kills I may have ever seen) was vastly superior to the poorly received 2011 psychological thriller starring (real-life spouses)
James Bond and Rachel Weisz. Even though the cast was an accomplished and decent one, the film just dragged on for----ever. and had no cohesive moments whatsoever. Blessedly, Craig redeemed himself for me with both
Skyfall and
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.
*Thank you,
True Blood, for a great Season 5. Bill and Eric's bromance was a highlight, as was Alcide's ass. They raised the bar by bringing back Russell Edgington and by turning Tara into a vampire. Can't wait for Season 6! And while it is taking a little longer to grow on me, I'm still grateful for
American Horror Story! This year's
Asylum is a no-holds-barred kitchen sink of horror. What won't they do next? It's crazy and outrageous and I love it. Also worth mentioning that I am still a big fan of
The Vampire Diaries. Though geared towards people half my age, the storytelling is quite enjoyable and the guys on the show are fiercely good-looking. And guess what? They have fangs and know how to use them. What a concept! It really does succeed where
Twilight falters.
*And finally, the thing I'm probably most thankful for is
The Walking Dead. At the beginning of this season I was utterly distraught that DISH Network and AMC couldn't reach an agreement and AMC was taken off the programming schedule. It made me actually despondent that I might miss an entire season and have to wait until next year to rent it from Netflix. So I guess I should be thankful to DISH and AMC for working out their issues only three episodes into season 3, and I quickly caught up.
Personally, I think TWD is the best show on television, hands down. Seems America thinks so too.
*In closing, it seems there has been an awful lot to be thankful for as of late. Horror is alive and thriving at the highest level - and this is one fan who hopes to see the trend continue!