It is that time of the year again where mummy will go teary eyed while watching her little boy perform so confidently on stage :)
Alhamdulliah we managed to attend Tadika Ceria Az-Zahra's Aqua Ceria Talent and Convocation day on the 26 October 2014 @ Crystal Crown Hotel, Klang, where Ryan performed twice. First singing "Nasyid Nabi Yusof and Ikan Nun" for his Tahfiz class and later dancing to "Sailor and the Sea". Ryan looked so happy performing and being in the limelight, so that's good. He's been trying to keep his performance a secret for months now, and looked so satisfied that he managed to keep Lan and I in the dark about his routines.
The deco on the stage, too cute right :)
Pics from my new compact camera, not bad, huh?
Boys will be boys, tengah-tengah perform pun sempat goof around with his friends
Ok iklan tak berbayar kejap, I love my new Zawara Alicia Sequin Jubah, so comfy and the cut is so flattering. I'm so itching to buy another one in a different colour.
Anywayyyyyy, the kindergarten had encouraged parents and family to come with sea inspired headgear, there's even a special prize for the winners. Too bad we didn't win :p
Anywayyyyyy, the kindergarten had encouraged parents and family to come with sea inspired headgear, there's even a special prize for the winners. Too bad we didn't win :p
Cool, huh? I made this out of felt. Lan grudgingly wore them for like 3 seconds and now it is an addition to the kids costume collection.
Oooooo....We were given the VVIP seats, WHY VVIP???
It is because......
Muhammad Ryan Daniel was awarded the Anugerah Mutiara Harapan. It is an overall award for 5 years old showing the most development for the year, looking at qualities like character development, communication skills, manners, academics etc. Alhamdullilah, for the recognition :) I think his teachers did take into account Ryan speech issues and his hard work in trying to overcome it. So awesome that despite all that, he has grown to be such a confident and delightful young man. Mummy is super proud of you abang. I hope that you'll continue to grow to be such a fine example to your little sisters... Alhamdullilah Alhamdullilah Alhamdullilah.....
Ryan with his class teacher, Teacher Ana. Thank you for helping him, teaching him new skills and knowledge this year :) Ryan is so lucky to have you.
The pic on the right is of Ryan and Mama Ati one of his caretaker in Taska. Hehehe I was so worried last year when we wanted to enrol Ryan in early. I was telling Mama Ati that I can't imagine if he'll survived going the whole day without bottle, diapers PLUS his major pelatness.. Mama Ati assured me he'll be alright and alhamdullilah she's right. I owe it to his caretakers for assisting us with his potty training and weaning him off the bottle...
We're so lucky to have found such a good kindergarten for Ryan and inshaallah the twins next year. With all the news about horrible babysitter and kindy in the media, you can't help but feel worried having to leave your kids with strangers all day. Thank god we've found a school that is ikhlas in educating and taking care of my ahli syurga.
We're so lucky to have found such a good kindergarten for Ryan and inshaallah the twins next year. With all the news about horrible babysitter and kindy in the media, you can't help but feel worried having to leave your kids with strangers all day. Thank god we've found a school that is ikhlas in educating and taking care of my ahli syurga.