Showing posts with label Anniversary. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Anniversary. Show all posts

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Back to Reality....

I'm back....

Back in Malaysia, back at work and back in my blogsphere :)

I can't believe that I have not been blogging for the past 1 month. I do not think I've gone that long without posting anything since I started blogging 7 years ago. Life have been pretty hectic in February, since I'm going on a holiday, I had to make sure that all my files are in order. Just so happened I was saddled with one cursed project. Everything that could go wrong, went wrong. Last minute issues, unavailability of officers in charge (as in a few bukan sorang ye) and macam-macam lah... At the end, redha je with the happenings :p

Alhamdullilah, we had an awesome vacation in Japan. My wish to travel to a cold country with the munchkins came true --> Read: Trench coats and cute hats. Truthfully, the weather can put a damper to travel plans and people's mood but the fun did outweigh the gloominess.No thanks to meticulous research and reading on my part :) I will blog all about our adventure in Osaka, Kyoto and Nara soon. 


Thank you Allah for the opportunity to spend my 6 years anniversary with Lan overseas. 6 years ago, we started our marriage practically with nothing to our name, just with our outmost trust in Allah plans and love for each other. Our biggest blessings after 6 years is of course Ryan, Iman and Ranya. Like all marriages we have our good days and days where we could just murder each other. Our love and respect do act as a glue to keep the relationship in tact. 

To my dear husband,

Thank you for continuously putting an effort on building our marriage and not quitting on "us" when things get tough. Thank you for always putting our family first before other stuff though that may not always be easy for you. I know with time, more challenges and test will come our way and I hope Allah will give us the strength and wisdom to deal with it together. Outsiders may not "get us", they may even misunderstood our dynamics and partnership but as long as we know what we're doing that is enough for me. 

The 23 year old girl you fell in love with, your soon to be 32 year old wife and that creaky old woman I'll be in 40 years will love you forever and ever and inshaallah till jannah.


Thursday, February 27, 2014

Of Traveling and Turning FIVE

People always say one of the worst things about getting married and having children is that you can no longer travel. I disagree...

It is not that you cannot travel, it is just a bit more difficult to do so :p The hassle of packing milk and diapers, the dreaded airplane tantrum (horror to horror) and probably the cost, with all the hassle, I do understand why some parents would just throw their hands in the air and give up.

People always equate traveling as going abroad. So their excuse for not traveling much is the cost. Experiencing new places need not be expensive. I bet there's a lot of places in Malaysia itself that we have yet to discover,right? 

I personally look forward to any day trip during weekends because sometimes I just need a quick change of scenery, to recharge, try out new food, smell new scents so that I can further appreciate this gorgeous place called Earth. I also love the effect of traveling on my children, because every time we visited a new place they'll ask gabijillion questions and learn new things. I  hope they'll build little memories of the fun times they had with mummy and daddy through our "jalan jalan sessions".

So I've come up with a new resolution, to visit more new places or revisit old ones at least once in every quarter and download more pictures in my travel diary. Looking at pictures of our family together and having fun is a great stress reliever, and hopefully something for my children to remember me by when I'm gone one day *inShaAllah*

Today marks the 5th year where our marriage turns 5 years. Alhamdullilah. I pray that Allah protects our marriage always, bestow us with more taqwa and iman so that we'll both be more obedient muslims, improve our bad habits, and make us better husband, wife and parents. 

We're both far from perfect, but I know we're perfect for each other. My only complaint for you is to make  more effort to smile in photos and learn how to aim and shoot while snapping pictures of me. Haha our constant source of argument  :p anyway love you B, May we be together forever till Jannah... *inShaAllah*

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

The one where we're married for 4 years...

Dear Husband,

When it comes to you, changes are usually the positive kind. Thank you for working hard to make our marriage works. We have our ups and down, but after 7 years together, 4 of which being married to you, I have to say the "happy" memories dominates. Thanks for being my imam,husband, best friend, biggest (sometimes worst) critics and supporter and an awesome dad to our children.

I would say we're even in this relationship but I did spend 21 hours in the labour room giving birth to your son, and carried your TWIN daughters for 9 months, literally breaking out in boils and hives of which I still have bad nightmares about (bad allergy people) - P/S don't even get me started on the c-section and breastfeeding (double ok) :p

So that is why I should continue having things my way, and a good reason as any to buy me that gorgeous bag that I've been hinting to you for the past 4 days. BECAUSE I'M WORTH IT, HONEY!!

Love you and may Allah bless our marriage and love till Jannah *insyallah*

XOXO..You know you love me...

Glad that you got my hint and bought me flowers (haha) Love the morning surprise :) Congratulations for being able to sorok the roses from me and nosey Ryan.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Happy 3rd Anniversary, Baby!

27 February 2012 marks my 3 Years Wedding Anniversary....

Time flies, right? seems like yesterday when we were choosing our wedding ring :) Fast forward 3 years later we have created so much of new happy memories together: Like spending our honeymoon in Bali, giving birth to Ryan, celebrating his first birthday, our Umrah trip :), finding out we're pregnant with twins and meeting Iman and Ranya for the first time. I can't wait to create more memories with you *insyallah*

Along the way we've encountered several obstacles but with your patience + practicality and my "creative" problem solving we seem to be able to work it out TOGETHER. Don't think I could have done it all without you. I thank Allah for pairing us up as husband and wife ;) 3 years and 3 children later, I still love you as I did on the day we got married - maybe so much more. 3 months being at home full time and spending all those time with you makes me realize how it feels to fall in love all over again :) Thanks for everything.

I love you very very much. Don't you dare forget that or take it for granted ;p hehehehe

Monday, February 28, 2011

Two Years and Counting...

I surprised a lot of people, when I told them that I wanted to get married. Even the people who are close to me (my parents included) was a bit taken aback when I made the announcement that I'm ready to tie the knot. Most expected that I'll wait (wait for what pun I dunno)

I remembered Jessie asking me, how do I know that Lan is "the one". I told her I can't list down the reasons but I just knew (haha my reasons don't sound so convincing kan?)

So after 10 months of preparations, thousands of ringgit, countless energy and efforts, loads of tears & tantrums (mostly on my part) Lan and I was pronounced husband and wife, 2 years ago on the 27/02/2009 and here we are still *alhamdullilah*

So Happy Anniversary Mr Husband, May Allah bless our marriage and give you the will to deal with my insanity and bestowed me with enough patience to deal with your "cluelessness" (haha). I love you branches and branches and here's to hoping for many more years of happiness and cute little babies (double haha)

My favourite wedding photo from the album is the one below. I think it best described our relationship. SIMPLE but BEAUTIFUL :) I've been in complicated relationship before, where so much effort was taken to make things work, but when it comes down to it, I realize the reason why I love my husband so much is because he makes EVERYTHING so simple even when I choose to make things complicated :p
We started with so little, taking a huge risk by getting married and within these 2 years our relationship have evolved to a point beyond my recognition. I've been blessed with so much and I believe it is partly due to Lan's love, support and motivation.

Monday, March 1, 2010

The one on Work, B.M & Anniversary Diamonds :)

I’m back at the office. Bored out of my mind but don’t feel like asking for work. Asyik teringatkan cinta hati kat “school” wondering what he’s doing at the moment. Hope he’s not making the babysitter cuddle/carry him 24/7. Ryan tends to be a bit clingy after a long weekend. He knows he will usually get his way when his at home so sometimes he tends to try his “luck” at the nursery too. But the “Ibu” tak pernah complain lagi, minus some “manjaness” i.e. suruh dukung and insist on sitting in the rocker.

Anyway had some trouble in expressing milk in large amount to accommodate Ryan needs during the day while I’m away, so we decided to introduce Ryan to formula milk. Anyway he’s happy with the current arrangement of breastfeeding & his ISOMIL formula so the doctor said we should continue feeding him with both.

Thank god he’s ok with formula because I do not know what to do if he refuses to drink it like some of my friend’s children. I just feel bad because he’ll be at the nursery for 10-11 hours and I doubt 2 small bottles can satisfy him. Sometimes I feel like a total failure because I was unable to fully breastfeed him for 6 months, but a wise person told me this “Don’t beat yourself over small things like that. He’s happy and healthy and you should be thankful for that. Breastfeeding is not the only indicator for being a good mother”. I guess sometimes we should work with what is given to us rather than worry about things we can’t control.

One Year and Counting
Alhamdullilah Lan and I have passed our one year mark on the 27 February 2010. We haven’t got the time to celebrate yet because we had to celebrate this year anniversary apart due to two close family wedding which clashes. At least I have Ryan with me…hehehe

I got Lan a set of office clothes: pants, shirts and a tie. He’s giving me the option to choose my own prezzie. Which is a smart move since I’m so picky. So I still haven’t decided on what I want it’s a tie between a diamond bracelet and a new designer bag. I’m still deciding. Maybe I should do the “grown up” thing and save the money in the bank. Hahahah I don’t think so...

Arrghh need to go express milk soon. Borrriiinnggg :p But the office breastfeeding room is kinda cool, macam kat Mall hahahah batakz I know…