I'm back....
Back in Malaysia, back at work and back in my blogsphere :)
I can't believe that I have not been blogging for the past 1 month. I do not think I've gone that long without posting anything since I started blogging 7 years ago. Life have been pretty hectic in February, since I'm going on a holiday, I had to make sure that all my files are in order. Just so happened I was saddled with one cursed project. Everything that could go wrong, went wrong. Last minute issues, unavailability of officers in charge (as in a few bukan sorang ye) and macam-macam lah... At the end, redha je with the happenings :p
Alhamdullilah, we had an awesome vacation in Japan. My wish to travel to a cold country with the munchkins came true --> Read: Trench coats and cute hats. Truthfully, the weather can put a damper to travel plans and people's mood but the fun did outweigh the gloominess.No thanks to meticulous research and reading on my part :) I will blog all about our adventure in Osaka, Kyoto and Nara soon.
Thank you Allah for the opportunity to spend my 6 years anniversary with Lan overseas. 6 years ago, we started our marriage practically with nothing to our name, just with our outmost trust in Allah plans and love for each other. Our biggest blessings after 6 years is of course Ryan, Iman and Ranya. Like all marriages we have our good days and days where we could just murder each other. Our love and respect do act as a glue to keep the relationship in tact.
To my dear husband,
Thank you for continuously putting an effort on building our marriage and not quitting on "us" when things get tough. Thank you for always putting our family first before other stuff though that may not always be easy for you. I know with time, more challenges and test will come our way and I hope Allah will give us the strength and wisdom to deal with it together. Outsiders may not "get us", they may even misunderstood our dynamics and partnership but as long as we know what we're doing that is enough for me.
The 23 year old girl you fell in love with, your soon to be 32 year old wife and that creaky old woman I'll be in 40 years will love you forever and ever and inshaallah till jannah.