Friday, May 31, 2024

The Way of the WARLOCK!

WARLOCK (#1/30, #153/365) [POT]







HABITAT: Towns, Dungeons, Ruins, Caves


TYPE: Humanoid



The Warlock school of magic was developed in the Kabeshian Empire, before the War of the Wizards, to provide the ruler’s hordes with accompanying trained spellcasters to aid them in battle. Similar in some ways to Demi-Sorcery and Combat Magic, the mystical path of the Warlock is yet another attempt to create a fast, fluid magical style that can be best suited to the chaotic conditions of melee-fighting through the use of unique Battle Spells.

The average Warlock has a MAGIC score of 7-9, a Magic-Warlock Magic Special Skill of 2-4 (with 18-26 Magic Points worth of Warlock spells), and a Magic-Minor Magic Special Skill of 1-3 (with 3-9 cantrips). They are considered to be a Rich Humanoid on the Creature Treasure table (see Encyclopedia Arcana: Volume 1, p. 30), but will have little other possessions than their staff and robes.

Since the destruction of the Kabeshian Empire there have been fewer available tutors for Warlocks, but some seats of learning still exist. These include the holy city of Gundobad, whose Prince Lothar was an accomplished practitioner of the Warlock’s magical arts, and the Kazanid capital of Sharrabbas, whose founder Ushan Koja was reputed to be a Warlock.

In some locations, such as the Inland Sea, a Warlock is also known as a Magus. In other areas of Titan, particularly Allansia, where both Zagor and Zanbar Bone are described as Warlocks, it is not known whether this is because they have acquired the power of Warlock Magic, or simply a name as a title describing their magical acuity and reputation.

While Warlock Magic offers a broad range of spells that cost few Magic Points, it lacks the specialization and more powerful enchantments of Wizardry or Sorcery. Thus, after mastering, or at least obtaining some potency with Warlock Magic, many Warlocks go on to learn other compatible styles, such as Enchanting or Conjuration. The prescient spellcaster should also consider the example of Nazek the Warlock, who dabbled in Demonology before attempting to steal the nefarious Black Grimoire from Rassin Abbey in Ruddlestone to no small ignominy.

These boots were made for kickin'...

[Thought these better get some extra stats as a magic item!]

Giant Boot of the Blue Imp (#31/31, #152/365) [EA:V2] (Enchanted Item) 

"There was once a race of Giants who were slain by Melkor [the ancient Red Dragon] in mortal combat. The Giants' hands and feet were severed and taken to the Halls of the Undead, in the Underworld. There, dark necromancers worked their evil magics, and the giants' appendages were reanimated. So it is that large boots, with [Blue Imps] riding them, patrol the tunnels of [Deathtrap] Dungeon, looking for things to stomp and kick. Watch out, for one of their favourite tricks is to sneak up behind the unsuspecting, and kick them over the edge of some chasm or bottomless pit."

- Deathtrap Dungeon: The Bestiary by Jamie Thomson (p. 45)

This is a very large leather boot, of a size to fit a Giant's foot, and big enough to hold a Blue Imp (or a Halfling, Dwarf, Gnome, human child or similar-sized being). On a lower level of one incarnation of Deathtrap Dungeon, Blue Imps even rode in these gigantic animated GIANT BOOTS (SKILL 10 STAMINA 10, 2 Attacks, Unarmed Large Damage (test for Skill or kicked backwards 1-3 metres), Light Armour), bouncing around the corridors and attempting to kick adventurers off ledges and into deep pits. If the Giant Boot was destroyed in combat, the Blue Imp could then clamber forth and attack, but more usually would flee, flinging knives and forks at its enemy as it rapidly departed the scene. The boots are allegedly powered by different command words for start, stop, slow down, speed up, turn left, turn right, and kick. The use of Giant Boots ridden by Blue Imps and others has spread somewhat in recent times; there are rumours of sponsored Giant Boot competitions at the Circus Demonicus (usually as supporting events for the Wheelie Races), in the primal city of Thagwar on the demonic Plane of Rust. If a Giant Boot is used by an appropriately-sized Hero (including one made smaller by a Shrink spell), their vehicular stats are as follows:

Giant Boot


VEHICLE WEAPONS: Unarmed Large Kick


Base Movement:6

Encumbrance: 10 items

CREW: 1 (Half-human-sized; STAMINA X1/8)

This is a Giant Boot, animated by magic, that stomps through the corridors of the underworld, manned by a Blue Imp or similar rider. Any Giant who encounters a Giant Boot knows the history of their manufacture and will fight them to the death!

Not available to buy


Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Bring out the Imp!

IMP (#28-30/31, #149-151/365) [OOTP IV]

            Blue Imp Grabber Imp Graveyard Imp

SKILL:          6              9                5

STAMINA:     5              2                4



Blue Imp - Throwing Dagger or Fork (as per Dagger)

Grabber Imp - Small Claw

Graveyard Imp - Dagger



Blue Imp - -1 to Damage Roll

Grabber Imp - 1 Damage

Graveyard Imp - -1 to Damage Roll


Blue Imp - Dungeons, Ruins, Caves, Plains, Forests, Hills, Wilderness

Grabber Imp - Dungeons, Ruins, Caves, Towns

Graveyard Imp - Dungeons, Ruins, Caves, Towns


Blue Imp - 2-7

Grabber Imp - 1-2

Graveyard Imp - 4-24

TYPE: Demon

REACTION: Unfriendly


IMPS are small demonic creatures that inhabit the lower rungs of the highly stratified hierarchy of the Abyssal Pit. Seven types of Imp were previously chronicled in Return to the Pit (pp. 111-115): the Black, Castle, Common, Death, Dragon, Forest and Stygian Imps. Presented below are details of three further kinds of Imp and several associated monsters, that are known at this time.

One demonic menace that occasionally manifests upon Titan and disrupts much in the vicinity is the supremely irritating BLUE IMP. These are blue-skinned, Goblin-like creatures, that run out at intruders, screaming at the top of their lungs. They are no more than a metre tall, and wear red cotton jackets and pants, red pointed hats and red canvas shoes. They have large heads with long pointed noses, and their wide mouths house sharp, jagged teeth and bright red tongues. Their sunken, lizard-like green eyes glare out from under their pointed hats and give them a deranged look, made all the worse by the sight of the big steel forks and long knives they are holding (Blue Imps will stab victims with the forks, and throw the knives like Throwing Daggers). They will cackle maniacally as they rush forward to stab their victim in the leg, and despite the fact their own legs are short and they are small in height, Blue Imps are quick and dextrous creatures.

When on Titan, Blue Imps have been known to grow crops of blueberries which they use as dye to maintain their chosen skin hue. Some claim this also grants them immunity from some magic; certainly Blue Imps have a +1 bonus to any attempts to Test their Luck or Skill or avoid a spell's effects. In at least one incarnation of Baron Sukumvit's Deathtrap Dungeon, Blue Imps infested many of the levels, rushing forth from hidden crevasses to attack adventurers and disturb their challenge whenever possible. On one lower level, Blue Imps even rode in gigantic animated GIANT BOOTS (SKILL 10 STAMINA 10, 2 Attacks, Unarmed Large Damage (test for Skill or kicked backwards 1-3 metres), Light Armour), bouncing around the corridors and attempting to kick adventurers off ledges and into deep pits. If the Giant Boot was destroyed in combat, the Blue Imp could then clamber forth and attack, but more usually would flee, flinging knives and forks at its enemy as it rapidly departed the scene.

The GRABBER IMP is a pernicious little fiend that haunts ruins, dungeons and caves, looking for anything and everything to steal. These are tiny winged demonic humanoids that flit about with larcenous intent, attempting to surprise a victim and make off with their valuables, hopefully undetected. In battle, roll for Attack Strengths as normal; if the Hero wins, they usually will slay the Grabber Imp with a single blow. However, should the Imp win, it will steal something and fly away, too fast for its victim to follow, unless they have access to spells of speed and flight. Grabber Imps typically attempt to pilfer Magic Rings, Potions, and Scrolls in that order; if the victim has none of these things, the Grabber Imp will curse them instead and the victim will suffer a -1 penalty to their Attack Strength for the next three combats that they fight. Grabber Imps are often summoned by a greedy mage eager to acquire the magical paraphernalia of a fellow spellcaster, but sometimes the Grabber Imp will go rogue and just steal whatever it wants, secreting the trinkets away in a safe place like a hollow tree or high cave, where the Imp can admire them undisturbed and at their leisure.

The GRAVEYARD IMP is a small demonic creature that lurks in the places where the dead are interred; graveyards, tombs, crypts, necropolises - all are their habitat. In some places, Graveyard Imps become undertakers of sorts, ensuring that the dead are treated with respect in accordance with their spirit's final departure to the next stage of existence. One such example is a colony of Graveyard Imps that dwells among a burial ground within Trolltooth Pass, at the end of the Corpse Road that links it to the Broken Goddess Fort. In appearance they are half the height of a human, with fat bellies, big heads, big hands (clutching curved daggers), big feet and big teeth, with yellow, warty toad-like skin and small, crafty eyes. Graveyard Imps also have small bat-like wings, but are too heavy to use them to fly, wheezing, grunting, and clacking as they do through their teeth. If more than six Graveyard Imps are encountered, one will be a KING OF IMPS (SKILL 7 STAMINA 7, otherwise identical abilities), wearing a crude crown of sticks and leaves. The King of Imps will have much lore and information about wherever they are, but will demand respect and the completion of important quests before revealing any details!

Saturday, May 25, 2024

Summer misses Widow's Tears.

WIDOW'S TEARS (#27/31, #148/365) [TTHA] 

Appearance: This is a low ground-covering herb, with long thin blade-like green leaves, 2-7 purple three-petalled flowers, and thick hairy stems.

Distribution: Forests and woods across Allansia.
Effects: Also known as Spiderwort, the attractive flowers of Widow's Tears change from purple to blue in the presence of the Undead. They are sometimes grown around tombs and graveyards to indicate if any hauntings are active in the area. Picked flowers maintain this ability for 1-3 days before dying. However, their stems cause irritating and painful skin rashes. Anyone picking or holding Widow's Tears without gloves must lose 1 STAMINA and 1 SKILL point for 2-7 days until the rash dies down or is healed.
Cost: City 3gp, Town 2gp, Village 1gp (per flower)
Availability: Uncommon.
Further Notes: Widow's Tears is one of many rare herbs found in the depths of the Forest of Yore.

Charioteers of Titan!

CHARIOTEER (#26/30, #147/365) [POT]




WEAPON: Whip or Sword

ARMOUR: Small Shield and Leather Hauberk


HABITAT: Towns, Plains, Wilderness, Desert


TYPE: Humanoid



The CHARIOTEER is a vehicle specialist, typically originally a soldier of some sort who travels across the land in a speedy two-wheeled vehicle drawn by a team of 2-4 fast horses. They may be a messenger, but are more usually a type of mobile cavalryman, where their vehicle is a weapon in and of itself, with wheel-blades and spiked armour, and also an attacking platform - if a second Charioteer is present they will be armed with a longbow, several javelins and a spear with which to deal death to any hostile forces. All Charioteers are typically equipped with a whip and a sword, and use lightweight armour such as small shields and leather hauberks. Known lands that employ charioteers include Arantis, Shabak (who host epic chariot races at the Circus Mirabilis in opulent Bakulan), Zamarra, some of the city-states of the Glimmering Sea, and Lendleland. 

Additional rules for Charioteers are presented below:

New Special Skill

Handle Vehicle (Movement)

This Special Skill bestows the ability to handle - ride, steer and maintain - a particular class of vehicle, whether on land or sea or in the air. The classes are as follows:

  • Small Boat (e.g. rowing boat).
  • Large Boat (e.g. fishing boat, barge)
  • Ship (e.g. galleon)
  • Cart/Coach/Wagon
  • Chariot
  • Balloon/Airship
Each must be possessed separately before a Hero can fully control the whole range of vehicles, but the Director may allow a modified chance of, say, a Hero skilled in handling a coach being able to handle a chariot in a race or in battle.

New Rules

Vehicles in Advanced Fighting Fantasy

Blacksand provided comprehensive details on different kinds of boats and ships for your Advanced Fighting Fantasy game, and more information is presented below about the chariot as a vehicle. 



VEHICLE WEAPONS: Wheel-blades (as per Sword)

VEHICLE ARMOUR: Varies, works as per Barding (see Return to the Pit, p. 10). Roll for type:

Roll Armour Type

1-2 Light

3-4 Medium (-1 Movement)

5 Heavy (-2 Movement)

6 Spiked (-3 Movement)

Base Movement: 8 (2 horses), 9 (3 horses), or 10 (4 horses)

Encumbrance: 10 items or 1 passenger if only 1 crew

CREW: 1-2 (STAMINA X 1/4)

This is a fast, lightweight vehicle with spoked wheels, drawn behind 2-4 horses. Other types of draught animals are known, including Desert Bison, Giant Lizards, and so on, but even more exotic creatures may be used. For example, the Doom Demon (see Return to the Pit, pp. 60-61). travelled in a flaming iron chariot drawn by an enormous Xlaia or Devil Dog, while one warlock memorably used four Wheelies, until suffering an unfortunate puncture - to themselves, courtesy of a thrown knife hurled by one of their Wheelie chariot-bearers.

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

More trinkets sifted from the sands of the southern wastes...

Onyx Egg (#23/31, #144/365) [EA:V2] (Trinket) 

This is a large ovoid stone, made completely from jet-black Onyx. When held up in front of some of the weird spherical floating creatures that infest Titan's murky dungeons, such as the Eye Stinger (Out of the Pit, p. 48) or the Diadrone (Beyond the Pit, pp. 39-40), the Onyx Egg will disrupt their gaze, causing the creature's eye(s) to close in confusion. This will last for 2-12 minutes, hopefully allowing for enough time to Escape. The Onyx Egg has one use only, after which it will revert to a non-magical egg-shaped stone made from Onyx worth 3 Gold Pieces.

Ivory Beetle Charm (#24/31, #145/365) [EA:V2] (Trinket) 

This is a small token made from the ivory of an Elephant's tusk or Desert Bison's horn, and carved in the likeness of a beetle with an armoured carapace. Some say they can be used as holy symbols of Khepra Darkshell the Beetle God (see Rough Guide to the Pit, p. 44) and were originally crafted by the inhabitants of the Lost City of Vatos. Certainly, when held up in front of any kind of Giant Beetle or Beetle Swarm (see Return to the Pit, pp. 28-30; p. 190) , it will halt their attack for 2-12 minutes, hopefully allowing  for enough time to escape. The Ivory Beetle Charm has one use only, after which it will revert to a non-magical ivory beetle charm with 2 Gold Pieces.

Bone Flute (#25/31, #146/365) [EA:V2] (Trinket) 

This appears as a long hollow bone with holes pierced at regular intervals, allowing it to be played as a flute or pipe. Anyone who blows on a Bone Flute may animate any one small animal skeleton, no larger than a cat, within three metres. The Animal Skeleton will remain under the full-control of the pipe-player (who can stop playing the Bone Flute once the skeleton has animated), and remain animated until the following dawn. If used in combat the Animal Skeleton has SKILL 3 STAMINA 1, and inflicts 1 point of STAMINA damage on a successful hit. The Animal Skeleton can be used to move or manipulate objects that the player of the Bone Flute cannot otherwise reach. When found, a Bone Flute will have 1-6 uses remaining. Once all the magic has been used up, the Bone Flute will revert to a simple but effective musical instrument worth 2 Gold Pieces.


Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Cry havoc and let slip the Hounds of Chaos...

CHAOS HOUND (#22/31, #143/365) [OOTP IV]




WEAPON: Large Bite



HABITAT: Dungeons, Ruins, Caves, Wilderness


TYPE: Monster



Just as people and riding beasts can become afflicted by the warping mutations of Chaos, so too can the humble dog, transforming from a human's best friend to the dreaded CHAOS HOUND. These vicious brutes hunt singly, or in small packs, favouring cursed ruins, dangerous underworlds, and bleak stretches of wasteland. Chaos Hounds are also kept by Chaos Warriors and Chaos Beast Men, such as the Ruddlestone warlord Murgrim the Cruel, and used as hunting-beasts to track prey or guard dogs to watch their lairs. They appear as large, wolf-like dogs, who have been hideous twisted by their individual Chaos mutation(s). 

To determine how many mutations an individual creature has, roll a die on the following table:

Roll Mutations

1-2 1

3-4 2

5-6 3

Then, roll three dice to determine the type of mutation(s) present. Reroll all duplicate mutation dice rolls, as well as any that cause conflicting mutations.

Roll Mutation Effect

3 Fire Breather: Roll a die each Attack Round: a 1 or 2 means opponent is burned for 1 STAMINA

4 Carapace: +2 STAMINA, Heavy Armour

5 Two Heads: +1 SKILL, +1 STAMINA, +1 ATTACK

6 Club Tail: +1 ATTACK, as per Morning Star

7 Clawed Legs: +1 ATTACK, as per Large Claw

8 Tentacles: +1 ATTACK, as per Small Claw

9 Extra Eyes: +1 SKILL, cannot be Surprised

10 Horns: +1 ATTACK, as per Large Claw

11 Scaly Skin: +1 STAMINA, Medium Armour

12 Extra Legs: +1 ATTACK

13 Spiny Skin: Medium Armour, enemy loses 1 STAMINA for every hit

14 Compound Eyes: +1 SKILL, Awareness Special Skill

15 Scorpion Tail: +1 ATTACK, sting does 4 STAMINA damage

16 Rabid: Wounded enemy must deduct an extra 2 STAMINA after the battle as they cut the poison from their wounds

17 Regeneration: Wounds heal at the rate of 2 STAMINA per Attack Round

18 Gigantic: +2 SKILL, +4 STAMINA, Double Damage Roll

Example: A band of Heroes are attacked by a pack of three Chaos Hounds out in the dusty wastes of the Deadlands. Rolling one die on the first table reveals the Chaos Hounds have two, two and three mutations respectively. Rolling three dice on the second table shows the first Chaos Hound has Clawed Legs and Extra Eyes, the second Chaos Hound has Horns and a Scorpion Tail, and the third Chaos Hound has Compound Eyes, Tentacles and a pair of Extra Legs. Drawing their weapons, the Heroes stride forth to attack the horrid Chaos Hounds...

Useful and not so useful plants from north-western Allansia

BLUEBERRY (#19/31, #140/365) [TTHA] 

Appearance: This is a low shrubby bush with shiny oval-shaped green leaves with pea-sized blue berry-like fruits and white bell-shaped flowers.

Distribution: Woods and marshes across Titan.
Effects: Plump, ripe Blueberries are very tasty, and one bush will provide enough berries to fill a bag and be the equivalent of one Provision. Blueberries are also boiled in iron cauldrons by Blue Imps to create a blue dye-like liquid with which they use to rub on their skins to turn it blue.
Cost: City 3gp, Town 3gp, Village 2gp (per bag of berries)
Availability:  Common
Further Notes: The best blueberry pies are baked in the town of Hamelin in central Allansia and cost up to 5 Gold Pieces per slice. Each slice restores 1 STAMINA point.
NETTLES (#20/31, #141/365) [TTHA]
Appearance: This is a tall herb with serrated green leaves, yellow or purple flowers, and stems covered in stinging hairs.
Distribution: Woods and forests across the Titan.
Effects: Walking into Nettles or being hit with them causes 1-2 STAMINA damage and causes serious inflammation of the skin. Dried Nettles however, can be used as food, or boiled with water to make tea.
Cost: City 2sp, Town 2sp, Village 1sp (per bunch)
Availability:  Common
Further Notes: Nettles give their name to the aristocratic Scythenettle family who own land along the Whitewater River in Allansia including the settlement of Tanthir (see Heroes Companion, p. 39). Related to the Drake Nettle (see The Titan Herbal, p. 29).

GOMPI LEAF (#21/31, #142/365) [TTHA]
Appearance: This is a herb with jagged green leaves and bushy flowers that range in colour from white to yellow to pink or red.
Distribution: Plains and forests across Titan
Effects: Gompi leaves are an efficacious herb that are used for curing fevers and headaches. When applied to a head injury or fevered brow, they will restore 1-3 STAMINA points.
Cost: City 5gp, Town 7gp, Village 9gp (per bag of berries)
Availability:  Uncommon

Sunday, May 19, 2024

The eternal killing machine that is the rage-filled CHAOS WARRIOR!

CHAOS WARRIOR (#18/31, #139/365) [POT]




WEAPON: See below

ARMOUR: Plate Armour


HABITAT: Dungeons, Ruins, Towns


TYPE: Humanoid

REACTION: Unfriendly-Hostile


"CHAOS WARRIORS are human killing machines, often trained since birth by secret sects and chaos cults. Immediately recognizable by their dark spiked armour and visored helms, they wield a variety of weapons in battle, including jagged-edged swords, enormous broad-bladed axes, and large war clubs studded with knobs and spikes. Chaos Warriors work themselves into a berserk fury before fighting, screaming a series of war-cries in honour of the particular Dark Lord or Demon Prince that they have sworn to follow (this can often be deduced by the pattern of runes carved into the Chaos Warrior’s armour). They are infrequently encountered either individually or in small groups, in the service of a greater warlord such as Zagor the Warlock, Zharradan Marr, or Agglax the Shadow Demon (who in fact commanded a whole battalion of Chaos Warriors!) Infamous Chaos Warriors include Darkblade Skullsplitter, one of the fiercest Chaos Champions who ever lived; the Chaos Knights of the Blood Islands (not to be confused with a similarly-named order of Death-Knights from Ruddlestone); and the Marauders of Chaos, a malignant unit of heavy cavalry from southern Lendleland."

- Beyond The Pit (p. 32) 

To determine the individual details of a Chaos Warrior, first, roll for their type of weapon:

Roll Weapon Type

1 Greatsword

2 Morning Star

3 Battle Axe

4 Greathammer

5 Pole Arm

6 Mace and Large Shield

And then roll for their Dark Lord or Demon Prince patron whose runes will be engraved upon their armour:

Roll Patron

1 Disease

2 Ishtra

3 Death

4 Sith

5 Decay

6 Myurr

If more than one Chaos Warrior is encountered they will all share the same patron. It is also conceivable that the Chaos Warrior may have a different patron, such a minor Evil demigod or more obscure Demon Prince, or even be an independent mercenary and working for a local Chaos-aligned potentate or Lich-Lord, but these details are best left to the Director to decide upon.

If three Chaos Warriors are encountered, there is a 1-in-6 chance that one of them will be a CHAOS CHAMPION (SKILL 11 STAMINA 12)!

"CHAOS CHAMPIONS (also known as Champions of Chaos) are simply more powerful Chaos Warriors, whose steadfast devotion to the Dark Lords of Evil and Chaos has seen them further advance along a pathway that leads to eternal damnation. They may wield a cursed weapon that drains the life-force of its foes, or wear enchanted armour engraved with hypnotic traceries of glowing red symbols. Chaos Champions often have Talents such as Armour Training, Combat Reactions, or Strongarm. They may even possess a mutation of some sort, such as an extra arm, a crab’s claw or tentacle in place of a hand, or a scorpion-like tail."

- Beyond The Pit (p. 32) 

The Chaos Champion will have the same patron as the Chaos Warriors they command, and their choice of weapon can be determined by rolling on the Chaos Warrior Weapon Table above. To determine the other individual details of a Chaos Champion, roll 1-3 times on the table below using two dice to find out any special attributes:


First Roll Second Roll Special Attribute

1-3 1 Has a Magic Sword (see Encyclopedia Arcana: Volume 1, pp. 135-136) or Magic Weapon (see Encyclopedia Arcana: Volume 1, pp. 137-138) of their chosen type.

1-3 2 Has Chaos Armour (provides a +1 bonus to the Armour roll and halves all fire, ice, and acid damage).

1-3 3 Rides a Chaos Steed (with Spiked Barding; see Return to the Pit, p. 10 and pp. 42-43) and has a Lance and a Large Shield.

1-3 4 Has 1-3 Chaos Hounds under control.

1-3 5 Has 1-3 Chaos Mutations.

1-3 6 Strongarm Talent

4-6 1 Dark Seeing Talent

4-6 2 Armour Training Talent

4-6 3 Combat Reactions Talent

4-6 4 Lightning Strike Talent

4-6 5 Magical Resistance Talent

4-6 6 Inspiring Leader Talent

If the Chaos Champion has a mutation, or several of them, roll two dice on the Chaos Mutation Table below:

1st Roll

2nd Roll





Scaly skin

+1 stamina, Medium Armour


Two heads

+1 skill, +1 stamina, +1 attack


Compound eyes

+1 skill, Awareness Special Skill


Animal paws

As per Small Claw, cannot use weapons or shields



+1 attack, as per Small Claw



Medium Armour, enemy loses 1 stamina for every hit



Slime skin

Medium Armour, enemy weapon stuck on roll of 6 on 1 die


Extra arm

+1 attack, can use extra weapon or shield


Extra eyes

+1 skill, cannot be Surprised



+1 attack, as per Morning Star


Acid saliva

Roll under skill to avoid, does 1 stamina damage every Attack Round until cleaned off



+1 attack, as per Large Bite



Clawed legs

+1 attack, as per Large Claw


Sulphur Steamer

-2 to enemy skill due to noxious gas cloud


Crab claws

As per Large Claw, cannot use weapons or shields



Wounds heal at the rate of 2 stamina per Attack Round



+2 stamina, Heavy Armour


Plague Carrier

Enemy wounded by Chaos Mutant must roll on this table if they survive to see what mutation they are afflicted with

Reroll all duplicate mutation dice rolls, as well as any that cause conflicting mutations.