Showing posts with label #Everthing24. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #Everthing24. Show all posts

Saturday, December 21, 2024

Flora of the Flat Lands (part two)

CREOSOTE (#26/31, #357/365) [TTHA] 

Appearance: This is a large evergreen shrub, with small dark green oval-shaped leaves and five-pointed yellow flowers. It produces a smokey, wood-sap type of odor.

Distribution: Creosote is found in dry and arid plains and hills across Titan.
Effects: The leaves of the Creosote can be used to make a healing poultice. This allows a healer to deduct 1 from the dice roll when testing their Healing Special Skill. In addition, the sap from the leaves and branches can be used to create a Vial of Glue, for use in the Sorcery GUM spell.
Cost: City 6gp, Town 8gp, Village 10gp (per bunch)
Availability: Common 
CHANGE PLANT (#27/31, #358/365) [TTHA] 

"The Land of Changes is the dividing line between summer and winter - perpetual autumn. But leaves cannot fall forever - they must also grow, and disquieting tales are told of their growing. It is said that the plants are different here; that they can bud, blossom, seed and die in a few short hours, and that the wind can play their growing as a bard plays their lyre. The warm winds from summer cause all to bloom and grow, but in the chill of winter they fall, or cower back in their buds. And when the wind gusts and swirls, ah!, then the whole wood ripples and writhes with the coruscating iridescence of flowers and foliage opening and closing, swelling and shrinking. It is called 'The Changing', and is greatly feared. When it happens no traveller is safe - and if there should come a storm..."

- The Land of Changes, R. Pracy, (Warlock #11, Aug/Sep 1986, p. 28)

Appearance: This is a strange plant of any sort from herb to tree, caught in a perpetual time-loop; growing, blooming, dying and then growing again, all in the space of a few hours.

Distribution: Chaos wastelands, jungles and forests across Titan.
Effects: The sight of one Change Plant is uncomfortable and mildly nauseating. To be trapped in a grove of them is to be so revolted and sickened by the mutating fertility all around that the victim must lose 1 SKILL and 1-3 STAMINA points. Worse, eating Provisions in such an environment will make the victim even physically sicker, losing a further 1-6 STAMINA points. Finally, anyone foolish enough to rest must Test for Luck. If they fail, they never awaken, and simply waste away to nothing among the changing foliage. If they are Lucky, they must Test for Luck again; if they are Lucky a second time, then they are fully conscious but lost another 1-3 STAMINA points as they attempt to exit the grove. If they are Unlucky this time, they are confined to an illusory world where all appears well in the grove, but actually they are walking into a deadly trap, such as into quicksand, off a cliff, towards a pit, etc.

Cost: Not available for sale.
Availability: Very Rare
Further Notes: The Change Plant is thought to be related to both Chance Plants and Chaos Plants (see The Titan Herbal, pp. 25-27).

HEART'S BLOOD TREE (#28/31, #359/365) [TTHA] 

Appearance: This is appears as ancient type of Elder tree that is so gnarled and twisted it seems almost human. A keen observer will notice something sparkling and glinting within a hollow in the tree. Burning in its depths will be a ruby as red as fresh blood!

Distribution: Only found in the centre of a Brownie village.
Effects: If the ruby is removed from its cavity within a Heart's Blood Tree, shudders will run through the tree, and there will be keening wail of agony that echoes away on the breeze. The taker of the ruby has murdered the tree's inhabitant - a guardian tree spirit is known as the Green Lady by the Brownies of the village where the tree grows. Brownies will hunt down and kill anyone who steals the ruby from their Heart's Blood Tree. Conversely, anyone who prays to Galana in front of the tree will be rewarded when the tree shimmers and changes into a tall, green-skinned woman with a merry face - the Green Lady - who will smile and kiss the supplicant once on each cheek, Blessing them.
Cost: City 20-120gp, Town 20-120gp, Village 20-120gp (per ruby)
Availability: Very Rare
ICE FLOWER (#29/31, #360/365) [TTHA] 

Appearance: This is a strange crystal-like flower, usually a translucent blue, pink or purple in colour, with glassy leaves and a short clear stem.

Distribution: Mountainous and polar ice areas across Titan and crystal fields on other Magical Planes.
Effects: The Ice Flower produces tinkling joyous music when gently shaken, that charms anyone who hears it. They must make a Test for Luck or be charmed by the bearer of the flower as per a Command spell. This will last for as long as the Ice Flower is shaken, up to a maximum of 60 minutes. Ice Flowers are extremely delicate however, and will break on a 1-5 on a D6 after their bearer or carrier undertakes intense physical activity such as fighting or falling down a pit. They also have to be kept in a cold environment or will melt away to nothing but a damp puddle in 1-6 hours.
Cost: City 75gp, Town 85gp, Village 100gp (per flower)
Availability: Very Rare
Further Notes: The Ice Sprites of the far north are known to tend to fields of Ice Flowers on the snowy polar plains.

SLIMEWEED (#30/31, #361/365) [TTHA] 

Appearance: This is a strange, faintly-phosphorescent weed that grows from walls, ceilings and floors. Gobbets of vile-smelling slime drip from its green and purple foliage, and bulbous sacs attached to the fleshy tendrils squelch and burst underfoot, giving off a foetid odour.

Distribution: Caves, dungeons and ruins across Titan.
Effects: Despite the appearance, Slimeweed is harmless if touched, and is grown as a decorative plant, luxuriantly in glowing masses of slimey nauseously-smelling tendrils, by underground races such as Gremlins, Troglodytes, Dark Goblins and the like. It is, however, poisonous, and anyone foolish enough to consume Slimeweed must lose 1-3 STAMINA as they copiously and violently retch it all out!
Cost: Not available for sale
Availability: Common
SWEETWOOD TREE (#31/31, #362-5/365) [TTHA] 

Appearance: This is a small tree with feathery light green leaves, rough light-brown bark, and large pale yellow-orange flowers.

Distribution: Jungles, plains and hills in warmer areas across Titan.
Effects: The bark of the Sweetwood Tree can be scraped off and the shavings used as incense, either to be burnt or crushed and made into perfume. Its delicate odor is much valued by nobles in court.
Cost: City 10-60gp, Town 10-60gp, Village 10-60gp (per vial)
Availability: Uncommon

Friday, December 20, 2024

Couriers of Chaos

COURIER (#25/31, #356/365) [POT]




WEAPON: Dagger (Wheelie) or Shortsword (other)



HABITAT: Towns, Plains, Dungeons, Ruins


TYPE: Humanoid



COURIERS are messengers paid or designated to transport small carrier cargo across distance at speed. Typically this involves carrying messages, scrolls, or easily distributed low encumbrance items, with both sender and receiver signing off on the successful issue and deliverance of said cargo. On Pangaria, WHEELIES make the best Couriers, owing to their speed and agility in traversing the wide and varied terrain of the floating archipelago, particularly due to their knowledge of the underground tunnel network that exists beneath the surface of every island.

The average Wheelie Courier is armed with two Daggers (either handheld or for throwing), and a frontpack with space for up to six items or message scrolls. Roll 1-6 times on the table below to determine the contents of a Courier's frontpack:

Roll Frontpack Contents

1 Message

2 Scroll

3 Potion

4 Food

5 Drink

6 Random item

There is no need to reroll duplicates.

Typical Courier Special Skills include Acrobatics, Climb, Dodge, Jump, Running, Secret Signs, and Sneaking, as well as Talents such as Evasive and Fleet Footed.

On Titan, some Dwarfs, perhaps surprisingly, have similar roles, racing about the underground tunnels and mines that form settlements such as Fangthane and Warpstone. Above ground, human and other Couriers typically have a fast Riding Horse and a sword to defend themselves with. One of the most well-known Couriers in Allansia was Katya of Coppertown, who traversed the Axehead Plains between the shattered settlements of the Vymornan kingdom until slain by Caarth lizard-riders some time in the mid 280s AC.

Tools of the Technomancer

Gadget (#19-24/31, #352-357/365) [EA:V2] (Trinket)

Technomancy Devices are put together using a variety of bewildering components known collectively as Gadgets. These are intricate and finely crafted objects in their own right, made from metal, glass and other substances, and take a wide variety of forms. Rather than waste time describing differences between myriad Gadgets, Technomancy has evolved a useful shorthand of names for each piece. To randomly determine a type of Gadget, roll on the table below:

Roll Gadget Type

1 Doobry

2 Thingie

3 Wotsit

4 Bits'n'bobs

5 Thingamajig

6 Whatchamacallit

The recipes used for creating Technomancy Devices are called 'Techniques' and describe the type and number of Gadgets required for successful Device construction.

10-60 GP

Thursday, December 19, 2024

Song of the Siren

SIREN (#17-18/31, #350-351/365) [OOTP IV]

             Half-Siren Mer-Siren
SKILL:         7             9

STAMINA:    7             9


Half-Siren - 1

Mer-Siren - 2


Half-Siren - Dagger or as per type

Mer-Siren - Small Claws or Large Bite


Half-Siren - None, or as per type

Mer-Siren - Light



Half-Siren - Towns, Sea-shore, Rivers, Lakes

Mer-Siren - Sea, Sea-shore, Rivers, Lakes, Ice


TYPE: Humanoid

REACTION: Friendly (but see below)


The SIRENS are a mysterious race of demon-worshipping humans who appear as beautiful women with magical powers of charming and enchanting, and were previously detailed in Beyond the Pit (see pp. 125-126). Presented below are two further types of Siren found on the world of Titan.

The HALF-SIREN is the offspring of a Siren mother and a human father, however that union may have come to happen. They appear as normal people except with one or more features pertaining to their Sirenian heritage. Roll 1-3 times on the table below to determine what this is, ignoring duplicate rolls if you wish:

Roll Siren Heritage Feature

1 Roll again: 1-3 Sharp Teeth: +1 Attack, Large Bite, 4-6 Sharp Claws: +1 Attack, Small Claw

2 Gills: can breathe underwater permanently, as per the Gills spell.

3 Scales: as per Light armour

4 Fins: has Swim Special Skill of 4

5 Beautiful voice: as per the Command Spell, three times a day; ear plugs protect against this

6 Minor magic: has MAGIC 1, Minor-Magic 1, 2 Magic Points, and three Cantrips, typically drawn from Attraction, Enhance, Entertain, Glimmer, Hear, Inebriate, Noise, Pied Piper, Pucker, and Weather Protection.

Half-Sirens always dwell in coastal regions with easy access to the sea, or along the shores of lakes and banks of rivers, as they need to bathe in these waters once a day in order to survive. Populations of Half-Sirens, either as loners, in small hamlets of their own, or as an inhabitant of a larger cityport or seatown, can be found among the Shining Islands, the Arrowhead Archipelago, and the shores of both the Glimmering Sea and the Sea of Silver. Here, their role varies from beggars and beachcombers, to fisherfolk, sailors, smugglers and pirates, and, given their occasional magical abilities, Illusionists, Enchantresses, and Bards. The most famous Half-Siren of all time however, is surely the world-renowned gladiatorial champion, Helios Siren the Khulian, winner of the All-comers Fight to the Death at the Port Blacksand Arena in 282 AC.

If the Siren can be thought of as a parasitic client-race upon humans, then the Merfolk equivalent that lives on and under the sea, is the dread, black-hearted MER-SIREN! Resembling a Mermaid, the Mer-Siren appears as a beautiful female figure sitting on a rock - human to the waist, with a long colourful fish tail that shines with an iridescent light. She will usually be brushing her hair, and singing the most hauntingly wonderful melody ever heard, pass right through a victim, making their skin tingle and wrapping them in warmth and light.

Unless the victim has the forethought to plug their ears, they will charmed completely by the song and make their way to the Mer-Siren's rock with all haste, even if this means diving into the sea and swimming there! Once at the rock however, the Mer-Siren will cast off their illusory appearance and reveal their true visage; a dark-scaled creature with red eyes, shark-like fins, long claws and a mouth full of fangs, and immediately set about tearing flesh from bone. Such is how foolish mariners are lured to their doom!

Mer-Sirens are found in all oceans, from the tropical atolls of the south to the floes of the northern pack-ice. They are also found anywhere there are Sirens, dwelling peacefully among Sea Hags and other miscreants in their sisters' colonies as Elves and Dwarfs do among humans. Mer-Sirens also worship similar deities to Sirens, including Shekka, Tanit, Karkara, the Sea Monster, and the Behemoth, as well as several Demon Princes.

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Teach a person to fish and you feed them for a lifetime

FISHERMAN (#16/31, #349/365) [POT]




WEAPON: See below

ARMOUR: None or Leather Jack


HABITAT: Towns, Seas/Sea-shore, Rivers, Lakes, Ice

NUMBER ENCOUNTERED: 1-3 or as per boat

TYPE: Humanoid



Those who snare fish and other aquatic creatures from the seas, rivers and lakes of Titan are called FISHERMEN or FISHERWOMEN, and their catch is either for their consumption or to trade with others. Their choice of apparel also reflects their domain; fisherfolk from warm, tropical waters typically wear a head-covering and light baggy clothing, while those in colder seas may wear so much padded waterproof hide it counts as a Leather Jack for armour purposes.

All Fisherfolk will be carrying or using fishing gear; typically consisting of a line, hook and rod, a bag of bait, and a bucket for their catch. They will also have a weapon as well - roll on the table below to determine what that weapon is:

Roll Weapon Type

1 Net (and roll again, ignoring any further rolls of 1)

2 Harpoon (as per Trident)

3 Cutlass (as per Scimitar)

4 Belaying Pin (as per Club)

5 Dagger and Throwing Dagger

6 Fishing Gaff (as per Polearm)

Fisherfolk may also have 1-3 items of extra gear; roll on the following table to see what it is, ignoring duplicate rolls:

Roll Extra Gear Type

1 Rope

2 Lantern

3 An appropriate Hat

4 A good Book

5 A flask of Special Brew

6 A pipe and a pouch of Smoking Weed

They may fish off the land, such as a riverbank or quayside, or they may be capable deckhands, and use watercraft from a rowboat up to a galleon in size, depending on their location. To determine what boat is being sailed and how many Fishermen are aboard, roll on the table below (reroll any result that does not feel appropriate for the Habitat type):

Roll Boat Type

1 Knarr/Rowboat (Crew: 2-7 Fisherfolk)

2 Longship (Crew: 10 Fisherfolk)

3 Cog (Crew: 10 Fisherfolk)

4 Caravel (Crew: 10 Fisherfolk)

5 Barge (Crew: 20 Fisherfolk)

6 Roll: 1-3 Galley (Crew: 40 Fisherfolk), 4-6 Galleon (Crew: 55 Fisherfolk)

Assume a Normal crew type. The scores above can generate an average profile for the Fisherfolk's Ship Characteristics as follows: CREW SKILL 6 CREW STAMINA 5, Crew Morale 7, Light Weapons, Numbers as per Boat type.

Each boat will also have a CAPTAIN (SKILL 10 STAMINA 10, weapons and armour as above), and, if there are at least 20 Fisherfolk, a FIRST MATE (SKILL 8 STAMINA 9, weapons and armour as above). Both the Captain and the First Mate may have a Magical Tattoo on a roll of 6; roll on the table below to determine the type of Magical Tattoo:

Roll Magical Tattoo Type

1-2 Rising Sun

3-4 Dive of the Dolphin

5-6 Eye of the Raptor

The type of fish that is caught depends on the location as well. Fisherfolk in the far north will be after Greel, while those in temperate waters such as offshore from Port Blacksand, will be seeking cod, catfish, herring and lobster, and further south, near Arantis, the catch will be sarul, owlfish and harrowspine. Indeed, the successful Fisherfolk intuitively understands the aquatic environment of their prey and whatever other denizens may be present. Probably the greatest Fisherfolk of all time was Tantalon's Heir, who used their knowledge of the marine fauna of the Diamond Sea to snare the biggest fish of them all, the Demon Fish that was sent by the Netherworld Sorcerers to plague the coast of Gallantaria. Less successful perhaps, was Captain Sante Shamaan, who sailed his ship upstream from Khare along the Jabaji River, to investigate the mysterious Mutton Fish of Lake Lumle, and has not been heard from again!

Monday, December 16, 2024

Flora of the Flat Lands (part one)

DIAMOND CABBAGE (#15/31, #348/365) [TTHA] 

Appearance: This is a large spherical vegetable with green leaves. Among the leaves will be seen the sparkling of diamonds!

Distribution: Only found in the forest-gardens of the Brownies.
Effects: Diamond Cabbages are a near-mythical type of cabbage grown by the race of forest creatures known as Brownies. As well as being edible, the leaves of the Diamond Cabbage will contain 2-12 diamonds when fully grown.
Cost: City 10-60gp, Town 10-60gp, Village 10-60gp (per diamond)
Availability: Very Rare
Further Notes: The Diamond Cabbage is thought to be related to similar plants, such as the Cloud Cabbage (see p. XX), and the Yellow Cabbage (see The Titan Herbal, p. 73).

Thursday, December 12, 2024

Various trinkets being hawked at the markets of Cumulus...

A Pair of Hovers (#9/31, #342/365) [EA:V2] (Enchanted Item)

Hovers are lightweight intricately-constructed metal wings whose flight is powered by a rechargeable Storm Crystal; as per a Flight spell for up to one hour before the Storm Crystal runs out of power. They are used by Sky Watch Officers on Pangaria, especially those with the rank of Captain or above, Technomancers and others.

100 GP

Magic Longsword (#10/31, #343/365) [EA:V2] (Enchanted Item)

This dusty metal longsword is actually magical. Anyone using it as a weapon in combat can add 1 to their Attack Strength.

Not available to buy

Ornate Dagger (#11/31, #344/365) [EA:V2] (Enchanted Item)

This ornately-crafted dagger is enchanted and allows its wielder to add 1 to their Attack Strength when using it in battle.

50 GP

Conch of Sea Giant Summoning (#12/31, #345/365) [EA:V2] (Enchanted Item)

This large silvery-white conch shell is sometimes given by Sea Giants to Heroes that have helped them in some way. When blown, it will summon any Sea Giant in the immediate vicinity to appear and help the bearer of the Conch for one hour, before departing. The Sea Giant Tideus, who dwells near Siren Reef in the Ocean of Tempests was known to gift such a Conch to any Pangarian who provided him with aid or just entertainment.

Not available to buy

Net Shooter (#13/31, #346/365) [EA:V2] (Enchanted Item)

This Technomantic Device was invented by the Elder Technomancer Vizigg. It is a wrist-sheath with a button. When pressed, the button causes a net to shoot out and entangle an opponent, at double the range of a normal thrown net, but otherwise identical in properties. It requires the Thrown Special Skill to be used. When the button is pressed a second time, the net retracts back into the Net Shooter.

20 GP

Waterproof Firestick (#14/31, #347/365) [EA:V2] (Trinket)

These are a Pangarian invention. Similar to Fire Wood (see Encyclopedia Arcana: Volume 1, p. 101), two of these Firesticks can be banged together to instantly start a fire in any types of weather conditions. They are also waterproof and can never be damaged or rendered inert by water or damp. The Waterproof Firestick has one use only however.

10 GP

A short bestiary of random denizens from Pangaria and elsewhere...

CORN RAT (#7/31, #341/365) [OOTP IV]




WEAPON: Small Bite


DAMAGE MODIFIER: -2 to Damage Roll

HABITAT: Plains, Towns, Wilderness


TYPE: Animal

REACTION: Neutral-Unfriendly


A common pest on the farming island of Cirrus is the CORN RAT. Also found on Titan, amid farms and crops, they are usually harmless rodents, seeking to eat corn and other grains and seeds. Occasionally however, when cornered in their lair or infected with rabies or some other disease, they become a chittering horde of aggravated creatures seeking something meatier to eat, like people! Corn Rats attack as a horde, so for every second Corn Rat present add +1 SKILL, +2 STAMINA, and +1 ATTACK. They also carry diseases - anyone bitten must Test for Luck or be infected (see Advanced Fighting Fantasy, p. 54).

LIGHTNING SERPENT (#8/31, #342/365) [OOTP IV]



WEAPON: Large Bite



HABITAT: Mountains, Seas, Magical Plane of Air


TYPE: Reptile

REACTION: Unfriendly-Hostile


Strange things lurk in the upper atmosphere of Titan, weird creatures that may spend their entire existence up there or on the Elemental Plane of Air, that never set down upon terra firma. One such entity is the LIGHTNING SERPENT, about which confused accounts vary considerably in their telling. It is either a true legless Serpent, or a smaller type of Tatsu with greatly reduced limbs. Either way, the Lightning Serpent flies through the air via strange magical means, soaring through the skies and clouds as a sharp scythe cuts through the air.

These rare and extremely dangerous beasts have long bodies covered in azure-coloured scales, about which crackling bolts of lightning roll and spark. If the Lightning Serpent make a successful hit in combat, roll one die; on a roll of 4 to 6 it does Double Damage as lightning sparks from its mouth. This damage is doubled again for anyone wearing metal armour. If it is hit by a metal weapon, roll a die; on a 5 or 6 the assailant is electrocuted for an extra 2 STAMINA points of damage (or 4 points of damage if they are wearing metal armour)!

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Down at the Pangarian fruit and veg stall!

CORN (#1/31, #335/365) [TTHA] 

Appearance: This tall plant has a stalk two or more metres high, with long green leaves and a yellow kernel-covered cob or ear.

Distribution: Plains and grasslands across Titan.
Effects: A cob or ear of Corn equals one Provision. It is also an ingredient in many foods, including corn bread, corn dolls, .
Cost: City 1gp, Town 1gp, Village 5sp (per cob or ear)
Availability: Common
Further Notes: Corn is related to Pygmy Corn (see The Titan Herbal, p. 55). It gives its name to the month of Corn Ripening and is a very common staple crop across all regions of Titan (and even grown by Orcs, who call the goddess Galana, the Lady of Corn). Fields of Corn are the habitat of Corn Rats.
GRAPEFRUIT (#2/31, #336/365) [TTHA] 

Appearance: This is an evergreen citrus tree with dark green leaves and large yellow-orange globular fruit .

Distribution: Plains, hills and jungles across the warmer areas of Titan.
Effects: Each Grapefruit is equivalent to one Provision. They can also be thrown as an Improvised weapon.
Cost: City 2gp, Town 1gp, Village 1gp (per fruit)
Availability: Common
Further Notes: As a citrus tree, the Grapefruit is a distant relative of the Magic Lemon Tree (see p. XX) and the Lemonberry plant (see The Titan Herbal, p. 44).

LEMON (#3/31, #337/365) [TTHA] 

Appearance: This is a twisted, thorny strange-looking tree with white flowers, bright green leaves and ovoid yellow fruit.

Distribution: Woods, plains and hills across Titan
Effects: The fruit of the Lemon tree is sour but edible. Eating a Lemon restores 1 STAMINA point, but no more than three can be eaten per day due to their bitter taste. Lemons, or perhaps Magic Lemons, are an ingredient in concocting a Potion of Wound Protection (see Encyclopedia Arcana: Volume 1, p. 118), and also in creating invisible written messages. They are also extensively used in cooking or adding to tea for flavour.
Cost: City 6sp, Town 8sp, Village 1gp (per fruit)
Availability: Common
Further Notes: The Lemon tree is a distant relative of the Lemonberry plant (see The Titan Herbal, p. 44) and the Magic Lemon Tree (p. XX).

PEAR (#4/31, #338/365) [TTHA] 

Appearance: The tree is reasonably tall with long glossy green leaves and large white flowers. Its fruit is greenish-yellow and pear-shaped.

Distribution: Woods, hills and plains across Titan.
Effects: Eating a Pear is nutritious and will restore 1-2 STAMINA points. They are also an ingredient in both cooking and the concocting of the Nostalgia Potion.
Cost: City 2sp, Town 1sp, Village 1sp (per fruit)
Availability: Common
Further Notes: A chest made from pearwood can be used as a substitute for Oak when constructing a Chest Creature (see Heroes Companion, p. 17) or a Y-shaped Dowsing Rod (see Advanced Fighting Fantasy, p. 149). The Pear is related to the Poison Pear Tree (see The Titan Herbal, p. 53).
PLUM (#5/31, #339/365) [TTHA] 

Appearance: This is a small tree with thorny branches, green oval-shaped leaves, white flowers and plump red-purple fruit.

Distribution: Plains, hills and forests across the temperate areas of Titan.
Effects: A bag of plums are sweet and juicy to eat. They taste delicious and restore 1 STAMINA point when consumed.
Cost: City 1gp, Town 1gp, Village 2gp (per bag)
Availability: Common
Further Notes: The Plum tree is one of many fruit trees grown by the Pangarians on their floating islands above the Ocean of Tempests.
SEAWEED (#6/31, #340/365) [TTHA] 

Appearance: This takes many forms from blade-like seagrass, to massive kelp vines with thick blubbery leaves, to sargasso weed with grape-like air-sacs, to sheets of thin algae; ranging in colour from brown through orange, yellow, and green to purple.

Distribution: All seas across Titan, including ice-locked polar regions.
Effects: Green, sheet-like varieties of seaweed can be eaten as food and restore 1-2 STAMINA points when consumed.
Cost: City 1gp, Town 1gp, Village 2gp (per sheet)
Availability: Common
Further Notes: Other types of Seaweed include Sea Lettuce (see p. XX), and the Underwater Honeypear (see The Titan Herbal, p. 71). All types of Seaweed are grown by many aquatic races including Merfolk, Sea Elves, Water Sprites, Fish Men, and Pelagines. It is the natural food of herbivorous underwater creatures such as the Giant Sea Horse.

Friday, November 22, 2024

Salome (TECHNOMANCER remix)

TECHNOMANCER (#30/30, #334/365) [POT]




WEAPON: See below

ARMOUR: None or see below


HABITAT: Towns, Ruins, Dungeons, Seas, Mountains, Volcanic Areas, Wilderness


TYPE: Humanoid



While Enchanting is the art of bestowing arcane effects upon an object to render it magical, Technomancy is the practice of crafting an item, usually mechanical in nature, that is then powered by magical sources. It is a rare spell-casting specialty upon Titan, but its adherents are generally quite recognizable due to both their background and their unstoppable belief in the power of magic technology to make everything better. To determine the initial ancestry of a Technomancer, roll on the table below:

Roll Technomancer Ancestry

1 Gnome

2 Human

3 Pangarian Goblin

4 Dwarf (including Half-Dwarfs)

5 Stormborn

6 Storm Giant (SKILL 10 STAMINA 15, 4 Attacks, Double Damage)

Any Technomancer will have 1-3 points in the Magic-Technomancy Special Skill, and 1 point in both Crafting and Engineering. They will also have Special Skills and Talents relative to their Gear and Devices, such as Handle (Vehicle) or Familiar.

A Technomancer will be armed with one basic weapon; roll on the table below to determine what:

Roll Weapon

1-2 Shortsword

3-4 Dagger

5-6 Staff

In addition a Technomancer will have 2-4 items of random Gear; roll on the table below to determine what:

Roll Gear

2 Aeronaut Helmet

3 Gadjet: (Roll: 1-2 Wotsit, 3-4 Doobrie, 5-6 Thingy)

4 Bottle of Corrective Fluid

5 Bamboo Parasol

6 vial of Siccator

7 Goggles

8 Brass Telescope

9 Flightsuit (as per Leather Hauberk)

10 Wrench (as per Club)

11 Nose Filters

12  Ear Plugs

A Technomancer will have two Devices for every point they have in the Magic-Technomancy Special Skill (so a Technomancer with a Magic-Technomancy score of 2 would have 4 Devices). The Technomancer will know all the recipes ('Techniques') to construct these Devices, and may be willing to trade their secrets for new Techniques. To determine what these Devices are, roll on the table below:

Roll Device

1 Melee Weapon: Roll: 1 Force-Glaive, 2 Ripsword, 3 Crab Pincher, 4 Shell-Saw, 5 Automatic Impaler, 6 Extinguisher.

2 Missile Weapon: Roll: 1 Glyph-Bomb (1-3) (All), 2 Net-Shooter, 3 Flintlock Pistol, 4 Repeating Crossbow 5 Grenades (1-3) 6 Murder Sphere (1-3)

3 Familiar: Roll: 1 Techno-Homunculus, 2 Mechanical Bird, 3 Eye-Spy, 4 Miniature Iron Golem, 5 Automaton, 6 Animated Object.

4 Body Part: Roll: 1 Eye, 2 Hand, 3 Arm, 4 Foot, 5 Leg, 6 Ear.

5 Miscellaneous: Roll: 1 Portable Telopticon, 2 Pocket Myriad, 3 Sample Analyser, 4 Obsidian Warp Card, 5 Reinforced Cloak, 6 Portable Charger.

6 Transport: Roll: 1 Hovers, 2 Flyer, 3 Airship, 4 Balloon, 5 Juggernaut, 6 Bathysphere.

Roll or choose on the below table to determine the type of Power Source needed for the Device's abilities to work.

Roll Power Source

1 Nugget of Green Metal Ore

2 Storm Crystal

3 purple Warpstone

4 Power Stone

5 Lava Sphere/Seed

6 Lightning Sphere

A Technomancer will have 1-3 spare Power Sources, as well as those already being used by their respective Devices. 

Finally, what is the Technomancer's purpose? To determine why they have been encountered roll on table below:

Roll Technomancer Purpose

1 They are on an observational survey to collect data

2 They are on an exploration, to document new terrain

3 They are testing one of their devices, which is a prototype (the device may be combat related)

4 They are hawking copies of their Devices for sale (may be defective)

5 They are on a pilgrimage to a site of Technomantic research

6 They need an obscure component to repair one of their Devices

Technomancers are extremely rare but their origins can vary widely. Most, whether Pangarian Goblin, Stormborn or human, hail from the Floating Islands, which are themselves one of the greatest feats of Technomancy upon (or, in this case, above) Titan. At this time, the current High Technomancer of Pangaria is Vizigg the Goblin, and the Chief Engineer is his ex-apprentice Krasic, also a Goblin. Other races, including Dwarfs, Storm Giants and the odd Gnome are known to dabble in the art and science, and there are dedicated chambers of learning in some settlements, such as the Guild of Artificers in Chalannabrad, or the League of Technomancers from the hidden city of Throben. It is thought that there may even be stranger practitioners out there, like the Skorn, Brain Slayers, Fire Giants, Titans, and various Time or Lightning Demons from the Abyssal Pit.