Saturday, July 6, 2013

The Hike at Dungeness Spit

I have wanted to hike to the lighthouse since we first visited here several years ago.  It's a 5 mile trek each way from the beginning of the beach.  First you park and walk through a gorgeous green forest, then down to the beach.

 We weren't in a hurry, but tried not to get too distracted by crabs, seaweed, and random drifted objects.  We had a long way to go in flip flops. I thought it was interesting how the kids would mix and match with each other.
Jess and Kaeli

Jess made a looooong fishing pole, or maybe it was a standard to carry, out of a driftwood stick and pick of bull whip kelp.  I think that's what it's called. 

Not such a nice find.

Lots of rocks had growing things attached to them. 

Almost there!

Cartwheel celebration, but really, does she need an excuse?

There was a room upstairs in the lighthouse that had a huge collection of things washed up on the spit.  Lots came from Asia.  

View from the top looking back along the spit. 

The light with Jaimi and Kaeli

Jess at the top.

Going down the steep stairs. 

This is the old light  Pretty, huh?  I made me think of Pete's Dragon.  These next shots are pictures from around downstairs.  Some informative, some os period furniture.  

Seagull nest.

And now we have a 5 mile hike back.  

I thought the seagulls on the logs were funny. 

Me and Jen

Isaac, Jaimi, Alie, Makenna, Kaeli, Jessica

Alie, Isaac, Jaimi, Jess, Makenna Kaeli.  The driftwood is so great for climbing and pictures.

The flowers left in Jessica's hair.

Makenna ran at the end and was the first one back!

Starving and waiting for food!

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