Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Closing Out July in Colorado

I have a few random shots to group together and then the beginning of too many pictures of great rocks and great clouds and great kids.

One day one, till the end, this was Jessica's favorite spot. If you needed her, this was the first place to look.  

Ahh, Costco.  Jess wanted to go along with anyone making a run as long as it was after noon--samples! 

The girls get lessons on picking watermelon.

Ukraine stories and hats!  It was fun seeing Kim's treasures.  

Guess who.

At the climbing rock at the kiddie park--great view of Pike's Peak from here.  

Walking through the green space to visit the Heller Center.  We all voted to replace the freaky red-eyed bronco at the Denver Airport with this one.  

Ready to dye some yarn!

After dying, looking for bunnies. 

I don't have the accompanying videos of Alie, Makenna and Jess collecting armfuls of leaves/helicopters and throwing them in the air.  Denver Temple, waiting for big siblings to finish up. 

View from the table rock side.  We kept looking at that mountain, pumping up mentally. 


Rousing speech from the pulpit.

He barely made it. 

Find the kids.  All three are visible. 

Growing rock.

I would drag Isaac and Kim on runs with me sometimes. Kim must have taken this one. 

Monday, July 29, 2013

Pioneer Trek Golden Stake 2013

Isaac will be narrating this episode when he has time.  In the meantime, I have gone through all the trek pictures to include the ones with him and then added some cousins and general shots.