When I read her challenge I immediately thought of my nephew Jayden. My brother and his wife have the cutest brown boy I've ever seen. The kid is such a character. He loves to tease, and play around, and climb all over my hubby. He's quite the dancer, loves anything Spiderman, and is a little jokester to boot. He's one of the most loving little boys I know. When he leaves his day care, he cannot walk out the door without personally saying goodbye and delivering a hug to each child there.
Then men in my family have not done much to leave a stellar legacy for future generations. Ephesians 6:4 reads "Fathers, don't exasperate your children by coming down hard on them. Take them by the hand and lead them in the way of the Master." Whether it was because they, themselves have always had poor role models, or because they just had no idea how and where to start, or simply because they just didn't care, I do not know. All I know is that Ephesians 6:4 did not ring true within the walls of my home. My brother and I were subjected to awful rants by my father, often accompanied by a swift and rough hand to the behind.
It is only by the grace of God, and the leading of the Holy Spirit, that my brother and I are the people we are today. My brother especially. He grew into a kind, loving, gentle man, who leads his son with a kind, loving, and gentle hand. He is raising Jayden in a way that affirms this little boy's value in Christ. Jayden will have a hard time questioning his worth as a person, a chosen, and wonderfully created child of God, gifted to his parents. With that kind of knowledge this young man will have the power to break this generational curse of ours. He will have the strength and the wisdom, and the humility to rise up and re-write the pages of the Wesley book for future generations.
Written on this hidden journaling card is Malachi 4:6 "He (Elijah) will convince parents to look after their children and children to look up to their parents."
To see what men the rest of the DT chose to lift up please pop over to Scrapping Everyday Miracles. There, you will also see the scrap twist for the month, as well as get the details on our gracious sponsor and the prize up for grabs.
Have a wonderful Monday friends,
♥ S.
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