Showing posts with label carpet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label carpet. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 28, 2018


In October 2017, a building in the 900 block of State Avenue started to fall apart.
It, and a neighbor were demolished, revealing this beauty.
You'll recognize the May, Stern names; they're so prevalent they have their own category among local ghost signs.

And this piece of artwork is signed.

Leaping to the southeast corner of Downtown and ahead to the late 20th Century, we find this ad for Grand Victoria Casino, nee Rising Star Casino.

It's usually covered by a vinyl beer ad.

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Monday, June 16, 2014

May Stern

Sandwiched between two vacant homes, on State Avenue.

If we find one more May Stern, it will have to have its own category.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Marx Brothers

First featured by Visualingual, last February, and we had to have it.

Our "research" also found this.

More "research" turns up this.  I'm guessing this was their factory, and the store was around the corner on Monmouth.

Bonus: Across the street.

Friday, May 23, 2014

Revisiting Week Wrap Up

We're not sure if the paint job is fading, or if the light is better,

but, the signs on this building on Central Parkway, near Ezzard Charles seem to be more visible lately.

Back to new finds next week.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Madison Road

Saw this a while ago, but it was always blocked by leaves on a tree.

We think the tree has been removed.

Friday, January 31, 2014


This is not the first one we've found.  There's another not far from this one.

But, apparently, it's not Maystern.  It's May Stern, and it was part of the Spiegel family.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Mt. Auburn

As you drive north on Vine, toward Uptown, you may see this beauty, partially hidden, halfway up the hill, on the right side of the street.
I see it as an ad for Globe Furniture and Carpet.
A little history lesson on a previous entry from our friends at Digging Cincinnati History.
(D.C.H. is also where I got tipped about a ghost sign a couple of weeks ago.  See "Apologies"  April 17th, 2013.)

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Marquee Style--Day Two

There's a lot going on here.  There's the sign running across the front.
There's the "Pool Room", in the lower left corner.  And just a snippet of Globe Furniture on the right.
On Elm, across from Findlay Market.
Interesting to note, in 2008, when southwest Ohio was hit by the winds of what had been Hurricane Ike, a transformer on the corner exploded, igniting the top floors of this building.  The wind spread the flames across the street to the Globe Furniture structure, and then across Elm, to the apartments overlooking the market.


Thursday, March 28, 2013

Tucked Away on McFarland

This is what originally caught my eye, as I was walking on Elm.  Getting closer, the rest came into view, and it didn't disappoint.
Although, I should probably revisit, when it's not covered in shadow.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Hello Beautiful!

Here I was this morning, thinking about dropping this whole thing.  (See previous post.)
And then, hours later, in the West End, not even looking for old signs, I find this gem, and a couple of previously undiscovered others.  Gonna take it as a sign to keep posting.
Why do this in the first place?  Besides the fact that it gives me something to do besides drink myself to death?  I like it.  I like these signs.  It is art, even if it was never meant to be.  Look at the layers on this particular entry: carpets, ice cream, household goods, bakery?  I just think it's beautiful.
And I love the historical aspect too: What was this (or any) neighborhood like when these signs were painted?  For instance, this one, along the 8th Street Viaduct in Queengate.  Right now, it's next to a viaduct, surrounded by brownfields, train tracks, and the Cincinnati Police Academy.  But, at one time, things must have been quite different.  Or like today's entry, on Freeman, near Dayton; not much seems to happen here now, but at one point, Freeman must have been a bustling thoroughfare.
Beyond that, this blog doesn't get a lot of attention, and that's okay.  I'm not doing it for fame, or money, (obviously).  I'm doing it because I like it.  Finding faded signs brings me a small measure of joy.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Queensgate Reducks

This was originally featured in June, shot from the 8th Street Viaduct, as I was driving.  I knew there was more to it than what I could see at 35 mph, but didn't know how much more.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Tuesday, May 8, 2012


I couldn't remember exactly where I took this, (because I didn't notice the street sign in the corner), so looked it up on Google Maps.  They haven't driven by this corner, but you can see it from the 14th and Vine shot.  You may also note that Google Streetview hasn't been through OTR in a while.