Showing posts with label LOST. Show all posts
Showing posts with label LOST. Show all posts

Monday, May 24, 2010

Funny LOST Facebook Status Updates

Jack Sheppard...
  1. says for all you LOST fans out there, if you take the last names of each of Oceanic 6 surviviors, and re-arrange the letters, it's actually an anagram for "Get A Life".
  2. has noticed that according to Facebook, Hurley and Jacob are now friends.
  3. will now summarize LOST.. "Plane crashes... Weird stuff happens... People Die"
  4. is dead. Yet here you are reading his update. What does that make you?
  5. has found out what happened to the Polar Bear from LOST...  It's hanging in Sarah Palin's office.
  6. is ticked off that that the final epsiode of LOST was recalled by Toyota
  7. LOST Spoiler Alert: Hurly is going to eat everybody in a big BBQ in the end.
  8. 4 8 15 16 23 42
  9. is aggravated! That was it? That’s the big LOST secret? Survivors were in an Italian restaurant the whole time?! Oh, wait, that was an Olive Garden ad.
  10. LOST is like a Haiku. Haikus are easy. But sometimes it doesn't make sense. Refrigerator.
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