Showing posts with label quilt 50. Show all posts
Showing posts with label quilt 50. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Rainbow log cabins

I finally finished up one of my older quilts.  (There are still two that are older, but we're not going to talk about those.  Yet.)

I was going to tell you who the original designer was, but after looking it up I found out it!  I guess that's what I get for leaving it to sit for so long.  It was part of a QDAD (quilt design a day) design.

The reason it took so long is that I didn't know what I wanted to do on the back.  I ended up making it reversible.

A summer side and a winter side.  I quilted it with squares and rectangles, although I did use two different thread colors.  The summer side has yellow thread and the winter side is a variegated blue.

Here it is above my kitchen window.  Two people have now told me that they keep trying to read it though, which is a bit of a problem.  Hopefully the summer side won't have that problem quite as much.  Anyway, it it's current orientation it says pop_o_ - we're still figuring it out.  Next winter maybe I'll turn it over so the diamond is on the other side. 

I put it up with some 3M clips so that it is easy to change.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Q1 - 2020

Last quarter was surprisingly productive!  I'm not really sure what the difference was from previous quarters, but I'll take it!  I dropped my number of WIPs from 16 to 14 and even made progress on eight of those!

So the QAL has moved solely to instagram. It's probably a good move on their part, but I tried Instagram and honestly, didn't love it.  I think there are several reasons for that, which I'm not going to go into here.  So I'm trying to decide what I'm going to do...I could go back to the monthly one, I could still participate in the QAL on Instagram, or I could not do anything.  In the meantime, I'm going to publish my Q1 list because I find it useful for myself as I keep track of where all the projects are.

1. Meshing solid HSTs: I just finished binding it (by hand!) and need to take pictures.

2. Stash Bee 2019:  The blocks are put together and it is on the quilter.

3. Scrap bee blocks 2017: The backing is all done; I just need to quilt it now.  (No picture because I couldn't find the backing.  I think it's in my pile of big stuff (backings, almost finished things, etc.) but since I couldn't easily find it and I'm not linking up to anything, I gave myself a pass.)

4. Rainbow Log Cabin.  After debating for way too long, I made a winter side too.  It needs to be quilted.

5. Winter quilt.  I started this, but am just not feeling it.  I think it'll look neat when finished, but am having a hard time staying motivated.  I've been finishing up other items in the meantime, so it still all works out.

6. Black scrap quilt.  I finally trimmed it up and it is ready for binding.  I'm planning on getting the binding fabric today.

7. Quilt for Ryan.  This was finished a few days ago and just needs some pictures.

8. Red quilt (stash bee 2020).  I have January...I finished one block and the rest are slowly coming in!  I'd like to give this as a baby quilt for a baby around February or March. 

Items that I haven't worked on for a while, but maybe this will be the quarter for them!

9. Temperature quilt.  I need to quilt this.  It's from 2017, so it's rather low on the priority list.

10. Scrap quilt. It needs to be quilted.  Along with so many other things.  It has actually been started, but then I took it off due to other priorities and it hasn't been put back on for a while.

11. Green stripes.  This isn't square.  I don't really know how to square it up well (or easily), so it's been sitting around for a long time.

Things that don't count for the Finish-a-long but I want to remember them:
12. Jeweled floors
13. Trying to fit in - left over triangles
14. Fabric from Christmas

Tuesday, January 15, 2019


I'm going to try the quarterly finish along this year.  I feel like that's about as often as I've been posting progress updates anyway, so it might be more fun with others.

1. Baby boy quilt (HCP): Piecing is complete and it is the next one up on the quilting frame.  I just oiled the sewing machine, so hopefully everything will run very smoothly!  After I took the picture I realized I don't love this as much as I thought I would.  I love, love, love the individual fabrics, but should have included some solids.  Oh well...I'm not going to change it now.

2. E's quilt: She is almost five years old and needs a new quilt!  We went to the fabric store and she had lots of fabric that she liked, but she seemed to gravitate towards brights, rainbows and flowers.  Her mom wants it to be able to grow with her.

3. Meshing solid HSTs: This needs to be quilted.  Densely, so the grey variations aren't so prominent.

4.  Scrap bee blocks 2017: This got all put together and now needs to be quilted.  I also want a scrap backing, so that needs to be pieced.

5. Temperature quilt.  I need to quilt this.  It's from 2017, so it's rather low on the priority list.

6. Rainbow Log Cabin.  I need to decide what to do with this.  I was thinking of making it reversable.  If I don't want to do that, I need to just finish it up!

7. Scrap quilt. Surprise, surprise, it needs to be quilted.

8. Winter quilt.  I have the fabric and an idea for the pattern.  It involves triangles and a sketch is somewhere on the blog.

9. Pillow with green/purple fabric.  I just want to make an easy pillow.  I just need to do it.

10. Black scrap quilt.  This is so close to being finished.  I want to square it up before binding, and the task seems daunting.

11. Wedding quilt left over HST II.  While I don't have a pattern in mind yet, finding one for HSTs will be pretty easy.  I was considering adding in some pink to have a pre-made girl baby blanket.

12. Green stripes.  This isn't square.  I don't really know how to square it up well (or easily), so it's been sitting around for a long time.

Things that don't count for the Finish-a-long...
13. Wedding Quilt left over HST: This needs to be washed and have pictures taken!
14. Jeweled floors

15. Wedding quilt pillows
16. Quilt for Ryan  
17. Trying to fit in - left over triangles
18. Fabric from Christmas


Sunday, February 5, 2017

January recap

1. Aunt's quilt. I put this on the quilter about half way through January.  The quilting is almost done - maybe one or two more nights, threads need to be buried and the binding attached.  Finishing it is my February goal.
2. Rainbow log cabin.  It's all put together!  It's for me, so I'm afraid it is low priority to get on the quilter.
3. Simply solids bee quilt.  Piecing is finished, but it isn't very square. I was going to quilt and then square it up, but after looking at the picture I may try to square it up first.  It's my current problem child.

4. Meshing solid HSTs.  I made a bunch of HSTs and am now trimming them up.  (The picture is from earlier when I paired all the colors together.  It should be more like a rainbow then the picture shows.)

5. Temperature quilt.  I'm staying pretty up-to-date with January completed.  Catching up is pretty fast, so I tend to do a week at a time.                               

Other items still waiting around
6. Sunset wall hanging.  I just have the half the binding left to do. It's getting finished, still slowly but steadily.  I also have to bury some threads in the back.
7. scrap quilt #2. 

8. Scrap quilt.  

9. Orphan rocket block. 
10. Jeweled floors.

11. Lost piece (almost whole cloth quilt).  

12. Winter quilt.   

13. fabric from Christmas.   

14. A pillow with green/purple fabric.

15. Quilt nautical quilt.
16. green/white hourglass quilt.

17. baby quilt - possibly pair with another quilt on the list.

18. woodlands quilt.

19. Trying to fit in - left over triangle quilt. 

20. Riley Blake Fabric Challenge.  I have the fabric and ideas are in my head, but nothing for sure yet.
21. baby quilt - possibly pair with another idea TBD 

Hmm, my number seems to be going up instead of down.  Oh well, it's only the beginning of February!

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

January update

It's the beginning of a year!  I worked on many of these projects in December and since it is a new year they are all getting a quick recap of where they stand.

1. Space robot quilt. The top is finally done!  I was looking through the archives and realized that my son looked so much younger when I got the initial fabric.  I'm finishing up the backing (hopefully it will be big enough) and then it'll be going on the quilter.  My goal for January is to finish this.

 2. Baby quilt.   This is Matrix by Anne of Springleaf Studios.  It is almost done; I'm just waiting on the gender of the baby to be revealed before binding it.

3. The bee hive quilt. I decided I need 30 blocks for this quilt to make it a size that I want.  Blah.  I received about 12 from the bee and am working on more.  It is probably going to take quite a bit longer than I was hoping.

4. A baby quilt.  I found out about a baby that is coming a few months.  So I used Meadow Mist Design's Plus Plus quilt.  I still need to quilt it and then will be waiting on the gender again to determine the binding color. 

5. Sunset wall hanging.  I add a semi-circle every once in a while when I'm on a trip.  I forgot my disappearing ink on the last trip so not as much got done as I was hoping.

6. Scrap quilt. I took some off the bottom to add to the top so that the design wouldn't be covered by pillows.  But now it looks too short - I'll need to try and figure out what grey I used and add a bit more to the bottom.

7. Simply solids bee quilt.  The main part is done, now I need to add the side triangles and probably borders.  I dislike working with big pieces, but it needs to be done.

8. scrap quilt #2.  I'm so excited about this one.  I ran out of pepper and need to get more, then I'll be back at it.

9. Quilt Christmas quilt.  This has been quilted and the threads tucked in...all that is left is to take some pictures! 
10. A baby quilt.  I have a design idea and the color palette.  I need to order the fabrics and finalize the design.

11. Rainbow log cabin.   It's been set aside, but I'm not really sure why.

12.  Pluses quilt.  I'm a little afraid to open the bag as I think a big mess might be waiting for me...

13. Orphan rocket block.  I think a little bag would be fun.

14. Quilt nautical quilt.  This is still just waiting for quilting.

15. Jeweled floors. I have the fabric and a design inspiration, but the quilt design hasn't become apparent yet.  I need to start working on it again.

16. Lost piece (almost whole cloth quilt).  I have the fabric and the ideas.  I really just need some "down time" on the quilter.  Well, and to make it, but shouldn't take much time.

17. Winter quilt.  I have a design figured out and the fabric.  I'm ready to start!  It's also winter time and there isn't much snow, so I expect I'll start this rather soon.

18. fabric from Christmas.  I received some beautiful fabric for I just need to figure out what to do with it.

19. Kids' quilt.  This is kind of a "sew this when a child wants to sew and I don't have anything good for them to sew."  I don't expect a ton of progress.

20. A pillow.  I got this fabric a long time ago for such a purpose - I should use it!