Here are some overview shots of the army:
Top-down view:
Head-on view:
Here are some closer views of the some of the sections of the army:
The Motor Pool:
Land Raiders and Terminator Squads:
The Sanguinary Priests:
The Lord of Death and his brother Librarians:
Vanguard Veterans:
Last but not least, the Lord of Angels himself, Sanguinius:
Wow, what a nice feeling to have all of that done and behind me!!!!! I am really ready to move beyond the Sons of Sanguinius for a while and all of their red! I still have some Death Company models that I will add to the collection sometime in the future, but for now I am going to work on finally finishing some small projects that I have had laying around for years. Thanks for stopping by and taking a look! Comments are always welcome! Take care!