Showing posts with label Corbulo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Corbulo. Show all posts

Saturday, April 6, 2013

6250 points of Painted Blood Angels: 'Knights of Baal'

Greetings once again InterWebs!!!! So as promised in my last post I gathered up all of my painted Blood Angels 4th Company 'Knights of Baal' and took some photos. I had to set everything up in the kitchen on the glass table due to the size of the army so I apologize for the lesser quality photos.

Here are some overview shots of the army:

 Top-down view:

Head-on view:

Here are some closer views of the some of the sections of the army:

The Motor Pool:

Land Raiders and Terminator Squads:

The Sanguinary Priests:

The Lord of Death and his brother Librarians:

Vanguard Veterans:

Last but not least, the Lord of Angels himself, Sanguinius:

Wow, what a nice feeling to have all of that done and behind me!!!!! I am really ready to move beyond the Sons of Sanguinius for a while and all of their red! I still have some Death Company models that I will add to the collection sometime in the future, but for now I am going to work on finally finishing some small projects that I have had laying around for years. Thanks for stopping by and taking a look! Comments are always welcome! Take care!

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Painted: Mephiston, Corbulo, and Tycho

Greetings once again InterWebs!!!! The weather seems to have turned a bit around here and the days are longer and nicer! Even with the lovely weather we have had recently I managed to sneak into the hobby room to try and finish up my Blood Angel special characters. With a little work over the holiday weekend resulted in completed miniatures!!! Take a look:

Mephiston, Lord of Death:

Close-up of the face area:

Brother Corbulo:

Close-up of the face area:

Captain Tycho:
(Done in metallic gold which was a challenge)

Close-up of the face area:
(Challenge here was to make the flesh portion of the face distinct from the gold mask portion)

That is it for now folks, I am working on the Dante's Triumph write-up next and a battle report/first impressions for the game Mercs as well. Thanks for stopping by and taking a look! Comments are always welcome! Take care!

Sunday, March 17, 2013

PiP: Various Blood Angel Special Characters

Greetings once again InterWebs!!!! It has been a wonderfully warm weekend with a bunch of stuff happening! I managed to get in a couple of games of Ogre Miniatures on Saturday which was quite fun and a little bit of hobby-time on the painting desk on Sunday. I am still working on the last of the Blood Angel special characters which are the last of my normal Blood Angels army; I still have a bunch of Death Company but that will be a later project, I need to step away from the Sons of Sanguinius for a bit. Here, for your viewing pleasure, are some pictures of the painting process so far:

The Four Lords of War:

Here are some close-up views:

Brother Corbulo:

Close-up of the face:

Mephiston, Lord of Death:

Close-up of the face:

Captain Tycho:
Done in metallic gold.

Close-up of the face:

Lord Commander Dante:
 Done in metallic gold:

Close-up on Dante:

"I am going to hit you with my axe!"

 Nightlord coming along:

Thanks for stopping by and taking a look! These are still very much paint-in-process and I would love to hear your thoughts. Take care!