With a confused heart
Labels: africa, discipleship, heart, J-Life, jesus, kids, ministry, school, South Africa
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Redirection provided by Blogger to WordPress Migration Service"Let light shine out of darkness, made His light shine in our hearts to us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ." 2 Corinthians 4:6
Labels: africa, discipleship, heart, J-Life, jesus, kids, ministry, school, South Africa
Labels: ACTSFamily, compassion, disciple, HBC, Holiday Bible Club, J-Life, jesus, Love, ministry, South Africa, winter
Labels: compassion, family, feeding, heart, jlife, Love, ministry
8 Years!!
Labels: africa, jesus, jlife, missionary
Just a few pics of 4th of July. We spent the day watching movies snuggled up. It is winter here. This afternoon we went in search for sparklers and after 3 stores found a little pack of sparklers and small fireworks. Matthew is at sports camp, so he missed the fun. Although, my bet is that he is having a blast and somewhere in the day the Star Spangle Banner was played and sang in honor of all the Americans on staff, at camp (only Matthew) and on sports camp staff. You can catch Grace's day on her blog at www.tailofabigail@wordpress.com