Monday, September 30, 2024


I discovered last week that my first blog (it was pure politics), got deleted. Blogger must have some new rule where if you don't log in now and then, they drop kick you. LAME. I wanted to show my boys some of my writing, which is how I discovered it no longer existed. Grrr. Obviously, I will not show them any writing from HERE. lol. Some things, we just don't need to know about our parents. :)

I just noticed on the side bar this blog started in 2005. 19 years ago now. How is that remotely possible. I remember having the idea and being nervous but giddy. Then it took off and good grief, was that ever fun. I had real life people like the hub, MFD, Bestie C, and a few others that I invited over here. The thing I will always find so extraordinary is that I developed life long relationships, for which I'm awfully grateful for to this day. Amazing. 

Miss you, Flowers.  😘 


I discovered last week that my first blog (it was pure politics), got deleted. Blogger must have some new rule where if you don't log in...