Showing posts with label back to school. Show all posts
Showing posts with label back to school. Show all posts

Involving Children in Service:: Operation Christmas Child

Posted Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Contributed by Kate of kaetoo.

Christmas is fast approaching and Operation Christmas Child is in full swing.

Have you come across Operation Christmas Child before? It’s a global operation run since 1993 by Samaritan’s Purse where families, churches, schools and businesses put together gift-filled shoe boxes to be distributed to children in need. From 1993 through 2012, some 100 million gift boxes have been handed out in more than 130 countries.

To pack a box for a child, all you need is a shoe box and a selection of presents. Different countries have different specific guidelines about what presents to include, but in general you want to pack:

Something to love
Something for school
Something to wear
Something to play with
Something for personal hygiene
Something special

Take care to look into the restrictions on what shouldn't be included.

You select whether you want to pack for a boy or a girl and the age (2–4, 5–9 or 10–14 years old) of the child. The presents don’t have to be expensive. For example, there is a great range of handmade creations under $15USD that could be used to pack a box right here on Etsy from EtsyKids Members.

Something to love (top left) - Monster Plush from ‘Bright Life Toys
Something for school (top middle) - Crayon Roll Up from ‘Happy Babee and Beeyond
Something to wear (top right) - Horse Brass Tee from ‘From Marissa V.’
Something to play with (bottom left) - Wooden Flipping Spinning Top from ‘apple n amos
Something for personal hygiene (bottom middle) - Pinwheel Hair Clip from ‘Magnificence
Something special (bottom right) - Reusable Sandwich Bag from ‘the Greener Route

Every child deserves to feel special and getting a present at Christmas time brings a boy or girl a lot of joy. In addition, learning to give is an important lesson for kids. In my house, the toddlers really loved selecting and wrapping a present for someone else and they were so proud to carry them into the drop off centre and add them to the pile.

The drop off dates are fast approaching. Start packing now!

Australia ( – October is national collection month, finishing 25 October

Canada (, collection week is 18 – 24 November

United Kingdom (, collection is 1 – 18 November

United States (, collection week is 18 – 24 November

Kate is from Melbourne, VIC, Australia, and is the creator/owner of 'kaetoo' Canvas Photo Boards on Etsy.  She sells a wide variety of personalized, handmade embossed bulletin boards in all sizes, colors and themes.  Follow Kate's work on facebook and at her blog

Ways We Are Greening Our School Year....

Posted Monday, August 26, 2013

The new school year is upon us and with two children in Elementary school I have been trying to think of different ways to make our school year a little more eco-friendly.

Here are some ideas that we will be focusing on this year:

Clothes- We buy a lot of our clothes at local consignment sales.  I try to buy brands that I know will last through two girls so that my youngest can wear the same clothes as my oldest. 

Supplies- We try to reuse anything from last year that is still in good shape. Did my oldest use the 4 dozen pencils last year that were on her supply list? No, we have about 3 dozen left over from last year that we will use again.  We also try to buy natural and non-toxic supplies.  When shopping for supplies make sure that you check your labels and all your supplies are PVC free. This vinyl is identified as a #3 plastic or has the letters "V" or "PVC." Also look for scent-free and water based items.

Litter Free Lunches- most of the items we use to take lunch to school in are reusable.  We use reusable sandwich and snack pouches, stainless steel bottles for drinks, fabric napkins, and cloth lunch bags to carry our lunches in. I also ask that they return the utensils I put in their lunches so they can be used again as well, creating less waste. If you are shopping for new lunch bags be aware that some vinyl soft plastic lunch bags still contain lead. 

Travelling to and from school-We are fortunate to have our school in our neighborhood.  We can choose to walk to school or take the bus.  Unless there is an unforeseen circumstance we will be walking to and from school everyday.

Do you have any tips for greening the school year? I would love to hear what other people are doing.

Dorinda's shop, Raising Green Kids, offers eco-friendly products for your family. Follow her on Facebook and twitter and at her blog.

Avoid the back to school bug

Posted Tuesday, September 11, 2012

It is back to school time! Packed lunches, school uniform, homework, bus rides and sick bugs!!
When you have a group of small children in a confined space like a classroom, one little sniffle can quickly become a whole big group of sniffles!! Teaching young children about hygiene, germs and illnesses is not an easy task, and you don't want to scare them with horror stories. But there are some things you can teach your child to minimize the chances of them picking up the sniffles from the rest of the class.

Washing hands
The most common way of catching a bug or illness is by rubbing your eyes, finger sucking, nose picking after your hands have come into contact with germs. Research studies have shown that only about half of middle school students wash their hands after using the restroom, and even if they do wash their hands, most don't even use soap! So getting your child into the habit of washing their hand (properly!) after going to the bathroom and before eating can really help.

Get the Flu shot
Making sure your child is up to date with their scheduled vaccines is really important to keep them in good health. Speak with your child's doctor about them also getting a seasonal flu vaccine. The Center for Disease Control recommends that everyone over 6 months receive the flu vaccine. Although the flu vaccine does not protect your child from all strains of the virus, it does protect against some of the most rapid forms.

Hand sanitizer gel
Sometimes it is not always possible to wash hands before eating, so getting your child use to using hand sanitizer gel is also a good idea. It is important to show your child how to use the gel effectively by rubbing it all over their hands and fingers and letting it dry. You should check your school's policy to make sure it is allowed to send to school with your child, and let the teachers know.

Sharing stuff
We all want our kids to be kind and share their stuff with the other kids, but it is important the know what is ok to share and what is not ok to share while at school. For older children make sure they know not to share things like make-up, creams, lip gloss and other such products as these can be ideal for the spread of MRSA, and other skin infections. Also sharing items like towels, sports clothing and equipment can spread germs.

Teaching your child about germs
As I mentioned above, you do not want to tell horror stories to your child about big nasty germs and turn them into a germophobe, but you can sit and talk with your child and explain how germs travel, that they cause colds and tummy bugs. Explain how when another child at school is sick, coughing and sneezing they should give them some extra space. And when your child is sick make sure they know how important it is to cough and sneeze into a tissue and wash their hands.

While even with all these tips you can not avoid catching a bug or cold, I hope it helps minimize the number bugs your child get this school year.

Random BOOGER ...

Happy Hanna the h...

Wet Bag - Large Pur ...

Baby Girl Burp Cloth...

Soap, All Natural, Citr...

Retro Rockets Wash...

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After School Snack:: Chocolate Chip Muffins

Posted Saturday, September 08, 2012

I've had some super hungry kids coming home from school this week.  Super hungry.  It surprises them and me how much they grow over the summer.  What they took in K/3rd/5th/6th grade isn't always enough to carry them through 1st/4th/6th/7th grade.  So we've been adjusting the menu options, boosting the nutritional value of what they take and making sure they are packing enough to sustain them.  But my brood still needs a little something when they come home from school to tide them over through homework and me making dinner.  

This muffin recipe is one I haven't used in years, and my kids are so glad I pulled it out this week and made it.  In the time it took everyone to unload backpacks, lunch boxes and put everything away, I had these mixed up and in the oven.  They are quick, simple and make a small enough batch that you're in and out in 30 minutes.  Perfect for an occasional after school snack.  

Chocolate Chip Muffins
2 cups all purpose flour
1/3 cup light brown sugar
1/3 cup granulated sugar
2 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
2/3 cup whole milk (skim -2% also works)
6 tablespoons butter – melted and cooled (I needed to substitute oil here & it worked!)
2 eggs – beaten
1 teaspoon vanilla
3/4 cup mini chocolate chips

Preheat oven to 400 degrees F. Line muffin pan with papers

Sift flour, sugars, baking powder and salt. In another bowl, stir together milk, eggs, butter and vanilla until blended. Make a well in center of dry ingredients: add milk, mixture and stir just to combined. Stir in chocolate chips.

Spoon batter into muffin cups; bake 15-17 minutes, or until knife inserted in center of one muffin comes out clean. Remove muffin tin to wire rack: cool 5 minutes and remove from tins to finish cooling.

Makes a dozen beautifully full muffins.

If a dozen muffins is more than your family needs as an after school snack, consider making half the batch into mini muffins to include in lunches.  Or bag up the left overs to use for breakfast.  They also freeze well so you can freeze extras to use later in the month.   

School Days with AveryLane

Posted Saturday, September 24, 2011

Guest post from AveryLane.

For parents, the start of a new school year usually prompts shopping trips for crayons, pencils, and notebook paper. For many it stirs memories of their own feelings of anticipation and excitement: first day of school outfits, lunchboxes, and backpacks. For me, one family tradition was our special trip for new school shoes. Every year the kids would scramble into our VW Microbus and head out to the Stride Rite shoe store, a thirty minute car ride. It was usually hot, but this was a trip no one ever seemed to fuss about.
Red shoes, so unpractical, but for our special new school shoes, we were given much liberty in our choice. The signature oblong shaped balloon completed the transaction and mesmerized me all the way home. Exultantly, I would save my shoes for the anticipated day, for when the group of neighborhood kids gathered on the sidewalk and walked in groups of twos, threes, or more toward the school building 3 blocks away. Ecstatic was I to discover no one else had shoes like mine. The feeling of bounding in new school shoes has never been forgotten or too distant in my long term memory.
Traditions are a big deal to my kids today. Among the many traditions we have, we do the new school shoes thing, but I fear it does not hold the same special distinction that it once held. We usually go to Nordstom, where my little one is treated as though the multitude of other shoppers do not exist (once our number is called). Waited on by a courteous attendant, she tries on anything her heart desires and chooses her shoes according to her fancy. The balloon may or may not come at the conclusion of the event, but she does wait eagerly until the first day of school to feel the shoes on her feet again.

Things have indeed changed. Bargains supersede quality. No longer does a parent need to physically go to a store to shop. Online shopping has taken away the burden, or merriment, depending on how you look at things. Adaptation is invention’s twin sister.

Since hand-me-downs are the bulk of our new school clothes wardrobe, a tradition I have created with my little girl is to pick one or two special outfits. She is my biggest fan and helps design a dress or outfit for me to sew for her. She chooses the fabric and style. She watches as my hands cut and stitch together her mind’s creation. As the clothing comes together, I can feel a part of her going into it. I think about her as I work the seams and topstitch the details. Trying on the partially completed new designs to personally fit them to her unique shape, I can see these are special to her. She asks questions and remarks about her excitement for the first day of school; she wonders who will be in her class, or who her teacher will be. It’s clear we are both personally and emotionally invested in her new garb, making it more special. You can’t buy that and it’s not possible to mass produce this.
We've carried this ideal into other traditions, like buying handmade school supplies. I feel strongly that thoughtfulness and caring goes into the product from those hands that personally create the product, something worth supporting. As a little part of the creator goes into the creation, the creator shares herself with others. Here are some thoughtful choices for ethical back to school shopping from some talented and caring Etsykids members:
A sweet pink backpack (right) from ChildishThoughts is sure to help build fond memories this fall season that will last. Or if monsters are the thing that drives them wild, this backpack (left) from TheSewingLoft will have them doing flips.
Accessories for little girls are plentiful on Etsy and EtsyKids sellers have some of the best quality and styles available, from bows to jewelry. I allow my daughters to browse the EtsyKids shops and select their own. We sit together and enjoy reading about the designers and artisans. We love it when we find a seller in our home state of Oregon, so we can do our part to boost the local economy. Help teach your kids about the ethical and helpful choice of shopping local the EtsyKids way, by using the shop local feature on etsy and then use the key words: “EtsyKids Team.”
Here are some of our favorite shops for bows and hats:

Beanie Hat, Scandie Design

Newsboy Hat

Football Pig Tail Hair Bows
Rosette Headband with Feather
Sustainable choices are a must for our family. When you do the math, those disposable baggies and juice boxes add up in unnecessary waste to the environment and exuberant cost to the family budget. Here are some lunchtime alternatives that make sense and that the whole family can feel good about. Even teens and parents can get into the Etsykids act, after all they eat lunch, too.
I have learned many EtsyKids Team members will happily take special requests for modifications and specific fabrics.
BrooksBoutique offers a beautiful collection of reusable sandwich bags and snack bags from which to choose. Love this baseball print reusable snack bag from GrannyZann, or a Yogi Bear print. MamaMade has an enormous selection of eco-friendly products, including large and sandwich sized reusable bags. And NanaBrowns offers a custom design listing for a zipper topped lunch tote.
The coolest thing in the modern lunch box has got to be the crochet apple sack. Perfect for the teacher on the first day of school! IrishHooksAndYarn has one listed that she can ship out in about a week.

Brooks Boutique
Brooks Boutique, snack bags

GrannyZann, snack bags

IrishHooksAndYarn, fruit sacks

MamaMade large & sandwich size bags

nanabrowns insulated lunch sack
If you are like me and create handmade wardrobe or supplies for your young ones, there are many supplies to be had on Etsy. From fabric to patterns, DIY can be a snap with the help of Etsykids sellers. MonkeyAndFriends offers fabric and patterns at great prices, and you'll find a wonderful hat patterns at palomiux.

With a little planning, back to school shopping can be fun and memorable for the child. Your choices can be ethical and your selections can be as unique as the child you are shopping for. Don't be in hurry for the next stage of childhood, take the time to enjoy your child today, who she or he is right now. Don't forget to just quietly watch as they walk through the wonder years.

AveryLane the Blog.

Back to School Printable from Creative Mamma

Posted Wednesday, August 17, 2011

School is starting back up all over the nation and super talented EtsyKids team member Joy Charde, the talented lady behind Creative Mamma, created a fun Kawaii Back-to-School printable to share.

I know you'll find great ways to use this multipurpose pack ... book labels, blank cards - use them as lunch box notes or messages to the teacher, weekly homework planner, and of course bookmarks.

Print off a couple sheets of book labels, blank cards, or bookmarks, cut them up and send them in as a little surprise for your child's teacher. They will appreciated and will quickly be put to good use in the classroom.

You can find more of Joy's sweet printable designs on her website Creative Mamma, and in her shop, TheArtOfJoy.

Little Cheerleader Pom-Pom's - How-To

Posted Thursday, September 02, 2010

Football season will be in full swing this weekend! If your family is one who loves to cheer on the home team, this is the project for you! Perfect for home games, parades, imaginative play, and much more, young and old a like will enjoy getting in the spirit of the event with one or two of these in hand.

These pom-poms are easy to make and eco-friendly, allowing you to re-use everyday items you will likely have on hand ... and if you don't improvisation is always a good thing! The instructions were published in Family Fun magazine last summer and are available here. You might notice that we had to do a little improvisation when making the one pictured. Because of a strict event budget, dowel rods were quickly abandoned, so we turned to a local fast food restaurant who donated a box of extra tall drinking straws. Perfect! Three extra tall drinking straws taped together held the weight of our recycled grocery bags very nicely.
Hummm, maybe I need to take a dozen or so to the kids soccer games?

Refresher Course...

Posted Saturday, August 07, 2010

This weekend is a magazine weekend for me...I have tons to catch up on. While reading Parents, I came across a quick reference guide for fixing boo boos - I thought it appropriate to share with the onset of back to school and all :)

Cut or Scrape:: If there's bleeding, apply pressure to the site until the bleeding stops. Then clean it under luke warm water and gently pat dry. Bandage if needed.

Burn:: Immediately hold under cool running water or apply a cold, wet towel until the pain subsides. Cover any small blisters with a loose bandage or gauze and tape. Call a doctor as soon as possible if burns are on the face, hands or genitals or it they're larger than a quarter inch.

Nosebleed:: Have your child sit upright, but don't tilt their head back. Loosen any tight clothing around the neck. Pinch the lower end of the nose close to the nostrils and have them lean forward while you apply pressure for five to ten minutes.

Splinter or Glass:: Use soap and water to wash around the splinter. Take clean tweezers and remove. When a splinter is hard to remove - leave it alone for a day or two and see if it comes out on its own. If your child steps on a piece of glass that isn't a single shard you can easily remove...gently wrap with a clean cloth and head to the ER. Even the smallest shards can lead to infection if not removed.

Eye Trauma:: If your child has severe pain, constant tearing, light sensitivity or blurry vision after being poked or hit in the eye - hold a cold wet cloth over it and head to the ER, they may have scratched the eye's surface and will need to be treated.

Bite or Sting:: If the stinger is still in - scrape with your nail or credit card to remove. Tweezers can squeeze more venom into the skin. If your child has trouble breathing, is coughing or develops a hoarse voice, hives or swollen lips or tongue - call 911.

Im Back in the Eworld FINALLLLLLY!!!!! :)

Posted Saturday, February 06, 2010

Hi Sweets! I have been offline (except via my phone) for the last 4 months and OMG!!! I thought I was gonna DIE! But as of 2 days ago I'm back online with a brand new laptop and Im so Excited!! Ive been up until 2am almost every morning playing and catching up!

So! lets see...whats new here - we have been buried under snow for the last 2 months - we just had a new storm roll through on Friday and there is another coming on Tuesday - sheesh! They have taken 2 days of the kids spring break (((UGH)))) I hate it when they do that! I wish they would just let them make it up on Saturday or take it off their summer break. We are actually going on vacation this year!

I've become completely addicted to the movie Julie and Julia. I rented it 3 times then bought it when I got paid and its pretty much been going non stop on my dvd for weeks. I just put the settings on repeat. The kids know it- line for line! LOL! So Roman - the 8 year old - says to me last week "mom, if butter is so bad for you how did Julia live to be 92 and Paul 94?" :) So I had to think for a second b/c im the one preaching to not eat so much butter - but what I realized is that we dont eat butter - we eat margerine - which is only a couple of molecules away from being plastic. So I've started a new 'real food' campaign in my house - no more rubber or plastic food!

And in that spirit I thought I'd share one of the real recipes that my kids LOVE they would absolutely eat it 7 days a week! I've been making it for 10 years and its the best broccoli and cheese on the planet - no plastic butter or rubber cheese - its all real and all in the microwave! DE-LISH!

Ingredients: 2 bags broccoli Florettes
1 stick butter
1 large bag colby/jack cheese

-put 1 bag of broccoli into a casserole dish/slice butter up on top of it/ then add the 2nd bag of broccoli on top
-cover with plastic wrap and microwave for 10 minutes/let set for 2 minutes when finished
-drain water from broccoli(very important)
-toss in 3/4 bag of cheese - mix it in well then top with the remaining 1/4 bag of cheese
-re-cover with the plastic wrap and microwave another 10 minutes
(it will be super hot when its finished to let is set for a couple minutes)

By the way...if there are any Julie and Julia fans in the house - I found the recipe for the delicious looking bruchetta that Julie fixes for herself and Eric the night she decides to actually start a blog. You can see the recipe here!

AND I just bought Julia Childs book 'My life in France' last weekend and so far it's a GREAT read!

...and just for fun - and Valentines Day...look at thes adorable hearts I've been making! I doing homemade Valentines this year and these little cuties will be the front! If you crochet - this is for you - they take less than 2 minutes to create! Ive made all size and with all types of yarn!

Chain 4
Make 3 Triple Crochets in First Chain Stitch
Then 3 Double Crochets
Chain One
Triple Crochet
Chain One
*Then do the mirror image on the other side*
3 Double Crochets
3 Triple Crochets
Chain 3
Pull through and tie off! Its that simple! and Super Fast!
Thank you to Little Birdie Secrets for this fantastic pattern!

Design Challenge for July...and the winner is

Posted Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Congratulations to the winner of this month's challenge - Red Shoes Raglan Peasant Top by thetrendytot! The Trendy Tot is one of a kind, hip clothing store selling bright and fun play dresses, tops and more. You can visit them at thetrendytot or check out their website at

We had an amazing selection of entries this month. I'm sure it was very hard to choose just one. Cheers to all of you that participated and hope to see more of your wonderful designs next month!


Posted Tuesday, July 21, 2009

It's time to vote for your favorite item! Voting will be open through midnight EST on Monday, July 27th.

This month, EtsyKids members were challenged to create an exciting new item based on a theme 'School Days!' We received a great amount of fantastic entries and it will certainly be difficult to choose just one. So, please check out the entries below and VOTE!

1. 2. 3.
4. 5. 6.
7. 8. 9.

1. Classic Denim Ruffle Capri or Pants by: LittleBitShabby
3. Smocked Bishop Dress Perfect For Back To School by AmberlyJoy
4. Pink and Purple Flowers Girl's Dress by: bellassweetboutique
5. Fully Insulated Lunch Tote - Machine Washable - Hoot Hoot Owls by naturallyfelt
6. Luau Twirly Skirt BLUE and PINK Hula Girl Made on Maui by: tikitales
7. ItsAWrap Back to school sandwich and snack fabric bag set Eco Friendly by: Torrilynn123
8. Back To School Skirt by: bowbakery
9. Back To School Red and Blue Crayon Korker Barrette by: ringsaroundrosie
10. Butterfly Silhouette Tote and Lunch bag by: modernfrills
11. Fuzz Monster Key Chain by: befriendmantic
12. School Dayz - ABC 123 - Black and Red with an Apple on Top - Bow Hair Clip by CuzItClipz
13. Handmade (I love 2 read) dress especially made for back to school by: thePaisleyPearl
14. Children's Educational Wooden 3D Puzzle - Alphabet Apple by: PuzzledOne
15. Reusable Sandwich and Snack Bag SET for kids - Eco Friendly by: CountingBunnies
16. SESAME STREET FRIENDS by jjkgirlythings
17. CUTE AS A CUPCAKE CRAYON CASE by: NinisHandmades
18. School time fun crayon roll set by: ChildishThoughts
19. girls size 2/3 raggy chic jacket by: perennialpiecer
20. Fold Over Flap Sack Book Bag by: Bellesmademoiselles
21. Peace Sign 70s Hip Cool Personalized Monogrammed Embroidered Insulated Cooler Lunch Bag Snack Box by: MommaOh
22. Custom Boutique Back to School Ribbon Shirt - ABC and 123 by: KPCreations
23. Head of the Class Apple Barrette by: GirlettesMV
24. Primary Colors -Back to School Party Hair Bow by cuddlebuddies4kids

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