Showing posts with label cross stitch. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cross stitch. Show all posts

Sunday, October 05, 2008


Crosss stitch on linen

As promised, the lovely lady from SJ Designs Beads sent me a little bag of beads rather than making me purchase a whole packet, all for the cost of the postage only. There were more than enough beads in it too! She also sent a catologue and I notice now, that the postage cost was more than double what I paid - now that's service!


Armed with my little bag of beads, it only took me about half an hour and the cross was complete! It's called Tapestry Dreams by Serendipity Designs and is stitched on 32-count linen. I picked this one because the sample I saw hanging up was in linen and then had to search the stall to find a kit with linen (all the rest were Aida).
Crosss stitch on linen
Crosss stitch on linen - close up of border

I had to include a photo that showed the beads... Can you even see them down there?...

Crosss stitch on linen

That's one more project to strike off the "On-the-go" list.... Today I'm back to working on Sue's Japanese Quilt. I'm hoping to get the quilting finished (don't hold me to that - there's still a lot to do!) so that I can put the binding on during the week (I still haven't decided on that yet).

Follow-up: Magikquilter asked of yesterday's "Why textiles?" post, "Do I do my art full-time?" Unfortunately I have a regular job to support my 'habit'. I work with a training company running their administration area and I do enjoy it (it's a small business with people who I like working with), but if I had a choice I'd give up work for full-time art anyday. I just know that I'd never be able to support myself if I did, and I'd have to get the 'motivation thing ' and the 'finishing thing' sorted too.

Magikquilter also asked if I still do the embroidery and cloth dolls. The answer is sometimes. I still have an interest in the cloth dolls but working with my own designs than other peoples (even though I really do love some of the patterns out there), but it's not a priority and so those thoughts are staying on the backburner for now. It's a similar story for the embroidery, I still enjoy it, but now I avoid working from kits and patterns and am working on some ideas there too.

PS. All of these recent posts are a bit misleading as to what sort of work I'm interested in now, but it does show where I've come from. I'll have to get some new work up on the blog soon though...

Friday, October 03, 2008

The beads have arrived!!

Today I arrived home from a day of touring display homes and land sales offices to find a parcel with the much anticipated blue beads. Now I can get to and finish the cross-stitch this weekend.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

The beads have been located!!

I have finally managed to track down enough beads to finish the cross stitch. I contacted the company SJ Designs direct asking for a list of their Australian stockists. Turns out that there aren't any, however, as I only required a small amount, they are going to put a small amount of beads into a bag and only charge me for the postage. How wonderful is that!! Thank you so muc SJ Designs.