Ok, I probably didn't need to state the obvious, I'm pretty sure that you've noticed already, but figured it was time for a new look. I was a bit over the green, and blogger kept telling me about how easy it is with the new blogger to make changes....
Yes, it is true, setting up a layout with new blogger is easy, BUT... if you've already gone through the whole process, you do end up losing a lot and have to re-set everything. It does save your old template, but by the time I realised I wanted to go back, I'd saved over it and it was too late. Anyway, as luck would have it I had copied the code of the old blog a while back and used that to set things up again - particularly with all the Webrings as you still need to do them in HTML.
So the end result isn't too bad - I think. If you do see any glaring problems, please do let me know - I would appreciate it.
Also you will notice that my links are gone, except for a few that I have re-instated. I was using a blogroll, but since I started to use Internet Explorers RSS feeds, I'd kinda let the blogroll go by the wayside and so it was a bit outta date anyway. I will progressively update the links as soon as I can.