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Showing posts with label Nicole's Art. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nicole's Art. Show all posts

Thursday, July 16, 2009


I haven't done a WADAYA know for while, cause I just don't know! Just don't know what to think.
Jp has to go in today to have another CT, cause his drainin' has stopped. I'm a hopin' that is is done and not clogged!

When Cole came home last time, she finished a gift she did for me. It is so stinkin cute. Here is the picture she took it off of::
And here is the finished project:

She was almost 3 when this picture was taken. I can't even draw a stick guy! She is amazing.

I wanna share a few of the things I have discovered:
I use liquid detergent, and I hate it cause it DRIPS! Found these and LOVE them.

Another fun one is the "YOUR STORY" By Provo Craft. It laminates and binds books!!!! :)

I made JP a book for the Trek we went on last year. It was $120. With this bad boy, I can make my own. I haven't used it yet, but I am making volumes of my blog into books and will let ya know how it goes.

Ryan and Syd got me hooked on this stuff! I LOVE the Blackberry Pomegranate. The only thing that is worse than my Internet being DOWN is my digestion track being DOWN! Cranky! :)Another fun thing is Daily Gems. Click HERE

It is a daily email that sends little thoughts and such. Love it! Here is today's thought.

Angelic Mortals
“We are reminded that not all angels are from the other side of the veil. Some of them we walk with and talk with—here, now, every day. Some of them reside in our own neighborhoods. Some of them gave birth to us. . . . Heaven never seems closer than when we see the love of God manifested in the kindness and devotion of people so good and so pure that angelic is the only word that comes to mind." Jeffrey R. Holland,

I know I have had so many angels in my life lately!

Yesterday I went and saw my mom. She was telling me that the nurse that came in just kept looking at her walker. My dad finally asked her what she thought of it and the nurse said " one of my clients had a walker that looked like that and she was skitzofrantic!"

I told mom that she should have just said "Well I didn't do it.....Sybil did!" We laughed pretting dang hard!

Ok.....WADAYA think about this?

I had an awful experience the other day. I was talking to a lady that I have only known for 20 minutes. She told ME some disturbing stuff. I was very upset. Some was about the world, some about me. I went to some friends and vented. A good friend of mine said:

The Lord adds and multiplies

Satan divides and subtracts

If something comes into your life and it helps you, brings you peace and adds joy to your life, then it comes from HEAVEN!

If it brings fear, anger (which it did) or takes away from you joy, then you just made a quick trip DOWNSTAIRS!!!!! Love that LORI! Thanks!

Uplifting Quotes

"Good times only come into our lives when we open our hearts and let them in." Judy Pasley

"Nothing can be more bleak, than taking the World's Media Road to discover who you are.
Nothing can be more serene, than discovering who you are through service, love, charity and compassion." Lynn Crapo

"Trying to please others will not make you happy. Just being happy will in the end, please others." Lynn Crapo

. . . . . . . . . . . . Debbie Walker


Remember how it started,
remember the happiness it brought to you,
and endure the heartaches to never let it die. Natalie Williams

The closest I will ever get to heaven is through a child. Natalie Williams

..."Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we are here, we might as well dance..." Kazmin Nye

"When you don't get what you want it's because God thought of something better to give you." Holly Davis

"Sometimes God calms the storm. Other times he lets the storm rage and calms the child" Angie Guyman

"Memory making and moments come but once.
You can't bring back time, so the time you take is certainly priceless!" Lynn Crapo

"Tradition: a clock that tells us what time it is." - Elbert Hubbard

"The hardest arithmetic to master is that which enables us to count our blessings." — Eric Hoffer

Our Backyard

Our Backyard
Fun In The Sun

Hinckley Challenge