It’s funny how life can change in an instant. How something so small can rock your world. I am taking this all in. Staying in the moment and enjoying every second. I can’t take my eyes off him. I touch his little fingers. I love how he wraps his teeny fingers around mine. His toes. He has long Derek toes. His little nose. Eyes. And that smell. I love that after bath baby lotion smell. Didn’t realize how much I have missed that. I love giving him his bath and then cuddling him and watching him settle down and look around. He is so alert. Has been from the second he screamed. Just cherish every second.
I am so thankful to my Heavenly Father for this sweet child. I knew our family needed him, I just didn’t realize what a blessing he would be. He has drawn us all toward Heaven. That’s for sure.
We have spent the past two weeks just loving in him. Helping Stacy out. Trying to get her some precious sleep. Even Grandpa JP is taking his turn. I am loving how he is loving this boy. We just all stare. And watch. And giggle as he makes his tiny face pull all sorts of silly faces.
Today has been a wonderful day. Just hung with ALL the family. I am so grateful.
And the photo shoots. Oh this grandma is in heaven. I am loving being able to take his newborn photos. Here are a few of the cutest.
And so grateful for this precious 4 generation pic.
He is just the best!
I don’t know if I have ever felt so amazing. I Cherish the birth of my babies, but yesterday I was able to be with Stacy all day as she was in labor and then go in with her as they did a C Section.

She was in labor all night and all day. So they finally called it. They told me I could go in with her. Oh Wow.
So, I don’t even know how to put his into words. The Worry. The excitement. The anticipation. They got her prepped and began the process of trying to get him out. I sat on the chair, not sure if I was dizzy or excited. Just the thoughts of being able to see him for the first time made me light headed. I kept peeking around to curtain. They announced he was out and I looked. Oh yea! He was a boy. They whisked him away to the corner to clean him up and get him breathing. I sat in silence waiting for “the scream” It finally came and with it came waves of sobs from me. I was able to go over and watch them work on him as he spent his first few minutes on this earth.
He cried for only a few seconds, then calmed down and seemed to be taking in all his new surroundings.

I just can’t get enough of him.
So. I had not idea of the feeling I would experience. He is perfect. My newest little love. My Sprout.
Uplifting Quotes
"Good times only come into our lives when we open our hearts and let them in." Judy Pasley
"Nothing can be more bleak, than taking the World's Media Road to discover who you are.
Nothing can be more serene, than discovering who you are through service, love, charity and compassion." Lynn Crapo
"Trying to please others will not make you happy. Just being happy will in the end, please others." Lynn Crapo
. . . . . . . . . . . . Debbie Walker
Remember how it started,
remember the happiness it brought to you,
and endure the heartaches to never let it die. Natalie Williams
The closest I will ever get to heaven is through a child. Natalie Williams
..."Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we are here, we might as well dance..." Kazmin Nye
"When you don't get what you want it's because God thought of something better to give you." Holly Davis
"Sometimes God calms the storm. Other times he lets the storm rage and calms the child" Angie Guyman
"Memory making and moments come but once.
You can't bring back time, so the time you take is certainly priceless!" Lynn Crapo
"Tradition: a clock that tells us what time it is." - Elbert Hubbard
"The hardest arithmetic to master is that which enables us to count our blessings." — Eric Hoffer