Where Ya Comin' From?

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Let me explain………………

Sometimes in life we want to take our frustrations out on something. A few days ago I told JP that I wanted to paint something or punch someone. He said “Paint the bedroom”

So yesterday I got up and headed to town to pick up some paint, came home and set out to accomplish something. Something I could get done. Take some pride in.

So I took some before pics…………………………

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Then I began.

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I was getting up and down on this ladder. I was up taking down the curtain, thinking and working, and I must have thought I was on the bottom step………………..and stepped off. I was probably on the 3rd step up. Then Boom. Here is a diagram :>}


I messed up my knee pretty bad. Couldn’t step on it. JP came got me and took me to get an x ray. Nothing broken but something stretched or ripped. I have to stay off it for a few days and then we shall see.


JP has been taking good care of me. I got this wonderful meal.


Have to use this brace and crutches. That stinks


So after he got the dishes done, he had to finish what I started. Poor JP.


Then he had to put it all back together.

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Just a little swollen :>}


I am loving the color. It is so hard for me to set around and do nothing…….. so hard. But I just keep thinking I am grateful that I didn’t fall on something and hurt my back or crack my head.

Stacy has a sore knee and got a tooth pulled last week so she came over and hung out with me.

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Love this girl.

Oh and JP got all the paint out of the carpet. That is what I was the most upset over.

Anywhoo……..for Mother’s Day my kiddos got me a 7 Peak season’s pass. Oh so fun. While Ryan was here we went a couple times. At least I got that in before I got injured.



Stacy and Ryan

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Nothing like being forced to sit back and ponder. Nothing like having time to JUST THINK. To do nothing else. I am sure this is HIS way of saying, breath, slow your mind and heart down, take a minute for yourself and gather your thoughts. It feels like the trials never stop. That’s what I have been thinking, but then it takes a trial to gather myself together and say…..I can do this. I found this quote.

No pain that we suffer, no trial that we experience is wasted. It ministers to the development of such qualities as patience, faith, fortitude and humility. All that we suffer and all that we endure, especially when we endure it patiently, builds up our characters, purifies our hearts, expands our souls, and makes us more tender and charitable, more worthy to be called the children of God... and it is through sorrow and suffering, toil and tribulation, that we gain the education that we come here to acquire and which will make us more like our Father and Mother in heaven. Orson F Whitney

So I guess the moral to this story is…………………..

I should have bought a life alert. :}

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Daddy’s Girl

I am so blessed to be a Daddy’s Girl. I have always known that my dad loves me. He is my hero. He couldn’t be more perfect to me. He has taught me so much. I think the thing I love the most is how he taught me to laugh. He has the funnest personality and I love to hear him laugh. I love you DAD!


Also I am blessed to be married to the best DADDY in the world. He loves his kids so much and he is so good to them. He is a huge tease, but that’s how they know he loves them.

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It has been a great day. The kids are here and we made Cafe Rio Burritos. So good.

I have been MIA. Have tried to blog, but words don’t come. To much stuff going on. But it has been a great week. It has been fun having Stacy out of school. Ryan came to visit. Nicole babysat one of her friends’ kids so we took them to 7 Peaks. I love being with my kids. They can always make me laugh my head off.

Nicole, Dakota and Dillan



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Ryan and Dakota. She just loved him…..I think the feeling was mutual. She is an adorable little Nugget.

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These kiddos were so good so we had to go to Dairy Queen.

IMG_2634 IMG_2637 IMG_2642  And we did lots of shopping and “out to Lunch”

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Took some fun photos. This is Nicole, Ryan and Lucy


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Trying to make this my goal…………………


I am so far behind on the blogging stuff. In May I went with the YW Presidency to Manti to check out where our Youth Conference will be held. It was a beautiful day and I made some dear friends. I think the Manti temple is my new fave. Oh it is so beautiful

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For my picture of the day I had to tell my personality. Not so sure lately but this is another goal.


Phone Dump.


I’m not so sure anyone reads this anymore. The past 3 years my blog has been some what of a roller coaster. Lately more down than up. It has been hard to keep my faith up. To not feel abandoned. But I know that my Heavenly Father knows that I am strong enough to take it. Maybe not today, or tomorrow, but at the end of the day I will make it. He understands my emotions. He gets that trails are hard, but that if we endure……well you know the rest. Some days it’s the endure part that is hard. I am grateful for my family. I am thankful for JP, for his patience. He has experienced some MAJOR  breakdowns the past few months. He is amazing. I am grateful for my kids. They have endured so much and I love to see that they are fighters. I love to see what a trial can do. It is called “refiners fire”  We can all make it. We have each other. So so happy for that!

Uplifting Quotes

"Good times only come into our lives when we open our hearts and let them in." Judy Pasley

"Nothing can be more bleak, than taking the World's Media Road to discover who you are.
Nothing can be more serene, than discovering who you are through service, love, charity and compassion." Lynn Crapo

"Trying to please others will not make you happy. Just being happy will in the end, please others." Lynn Crapo

. . . . . . . . . . . . Debbie Walker


Remember how it started,
remember the happiness it brought to you,
and endure the heartaches to never let it die. Natalie Williams

The closest I will ever get to heaven is through a child. Natalie Williams

..."Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we are here, we might as well dance..." Kazmin Nye

"When you don't get what you want it's because God thought of something better to give you." Holly Davis

"Sometimes God calms the storm. Other times he lets the storm rage and calms the child" Angie Guyman

"Memory making and moments come but once.
You can't bring back time, so the time you take is certainly priceless!" Lynn Crapo

"Tradition: a clock that tells us what time it is." - Elbert Hubbard

"The hardest arithmetic to master is that which enables us to count our blessings." — Eric Hoffer

Our Backyard

Our Backyard
Fun In The Sun

Hinckley Challenge