Where Ya Comin' From?

Monday, April 25, 2011

I {HEART} Holiday Weekends

I had a great Easter Weekend. We drove back to IF and on Saturday we did a Lott Easter
Egg Hunt. Oh my gosh….I think we will have to do that yearly. My brother has quite a few grand kiddos, so I was in Heaven. They loved it. We set it all up and hid the eggs….

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We had a yummy dinner.IMG_2642 IMG_2644 IMG_2646

The kids were so excited….

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We celebrate Syd’s Birthday….it is this week!

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Then watched a movie with the R’s

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Sunday we headed to church. Then Headed back to Salt Lake. Stacy and Derek prepared a wonderful Easter dinner. So yummy.


They got us a basket and Stacy made these nest cookies.

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Cole spent the night and Stacy had the day off, so today we all headed to Provo to move Nicole out of her apartment.

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So much fun. Family. I. Love. them.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Thyroid Cancer

As you know we had another diagnosis of  Thyroid Cancer in our family. Natalie had surgery this week for it. But I would like to share something.

I was able to be with Natalie this week in the hospital and at my home. I sat with Josh while he waited for the doctor to come out and tell him how it all went. I was talking to Stacy yesterday and telling her about my emotions of the week and she told me a story that I had forgotten.

When JP had surgery, Stacy was in Jr. High. Teresa (JP’s older sister and Natalie’s mom) worked at the Jr. High. Teresa went and got Stacy, checked her out of class and drove her to the hospital. She talked to her and told her what to expect. She had been through it, so she told Stacy her experiences. She told her that he would be and look sick, but that he would get better and reassured her that it would be ok. She waited for Stacy outside his room as she went in. Stacy said she still remembers how her Aunt took her hand and her heart and helped her through that rough time.

I was so touched. I hadn’t remembered all the details. It made me appreciate my family so much. It was really hard for me to know that Teresa couldn’t be with Natalie at the hospital because she had her kids at home.  That’s the thing about being a mom. We sometimes need to be in two places.  As Stacy told me the story about Teresa, I had the sweet tingly feeling that we are put on this earth to help each other. To be somewhere when someone can’t be there.

I feel so blessed to be in the Pasley Family. I sat in the hospital and watched Natalie struggle through this trial, and my mind took me back several times  to the days that we were all raising our kids together and how we always stepped in to help each other out. I thought of Natalie, Nicole, Stacy and Katie playing for hours and hours, dancing, playing house, Barbie's, you name it.  I thought of the day that Nat was born and what a struggle it was for her mom to get her into this world. Boy, does time fly. And Boy, are we blessed.

DSCN0024DSCN0021  It was a rough day, but Nat was such a trouper. She asked me to take a picture of her, but didn’t remember asking….but we are glad she asked so we have this picture!!! She did wonderful through the surgery and it all went well. They think the cancer is contained. What a blessing.

They came and stayed the night with us so she could rest and drive the 3 hour bumpy ride home on Wednesday.


Wednesday night we went to a fund raiser at the Joseph Smith Memorial. This year marks the 100 year anniversary of this building.  I love that building. I could look around for hours. They had a hat display in the lobby. It talked about when the building was a hotel and there was a man that would take the hats. He memorized faces so he never had to give out stubs or numbers.  He once returned 400 hats from memory!

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We wanted to get a picture and asked a girl to do it. I handed her my camera and she said “are you from the press?” Pretty dang funny!

Yesterday was the first day of Stacy’s spring break. We did some shopping. Went to Walgreens and got 6 rolls of tape for .30 cents. So fun. Then worked on catching up our Project Life!

Happy Happy Easter to ya’ll!

Monday, April 18, 2011


It’s amazing how much joy one can cram into a 48 hour period. Seriously.

A few weeks ago, JP said he could get tickets to the Jazz game through the bank at his work. BOX SEATS. Well I love to go to the Jazz game and have been twice. This was amazing. We got there and I asked where the restroom was……Oh yea…it was in the room. Our own potty at the Jazz game!!!! :} Then we ate from the Taco buffet, also in our room.


Not a great picture….but it was yummy.


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Then they brought in Ice Cream and cobbler

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Then I went to the restroom and had JP hold my camera…………………

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The guy behind him told him he was gonna be in lots of trouble!!!

But ya gotta love those Jazz Cheerleaders!

Jazz Won!!!!

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So fun. We drove home and Carolyn….a life long friend was at my house. She had a meeting in Utah, so she spent the night. We got up and exercised with Jillian….she’s mean! Talked for awhile and she left.



Met JP for lunch. Then another lifelong friend called. Lisa and I have been friends since we were 3. She lives in Provo and was heading my way. She came by for a visit.


It was so fun to see these great friends…..all in the same day. I am blessed with friends I made so many years ago, and they are still my dear friends. It is my Heavenly Father’s way of letting me know that I am loved and not alone in this world.

We Drove to Idaho Falls where the Sage Creek Ward threw us a going away party. I was so touched.

The theme was “PUTTING THE PASLEY’S OUT TO PASTURE” To funny. The decorations were amazing. They served the best pork sandwiches EVER and everyone brought salads and deserts. It was amazing.

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Then some of the Young Women put on a skit….It was so funny. I will try to post details later. IMG_2566


Then the primary got up and presented this quilt. It has all the hands of the kids, leaders and teachers in Primary. I bawled like a baby when I saw it. It is priceless.

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I am hanging it on the wall!!!!!!!

Then the Relief Society Presidency got up and presented him with a card that all the ward had signed and a Picture of all the Relief Society Sisters……You know me…I love pictures. It made my day to have a picture of them.


They had a table set up with our pictures….I didn’t get a pic of it…and showed a video.

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This little guy made JP a man out of marshmallows and said it was “Bishop” Oh so cute!

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The Oswalds- The Pasleys and the Andersons


Jp and his Counselors


this is Jana…the mastermind behind the party and her faithful assistant Jason. Cute couple huh?


It was a huge crowd and a wonderful tribute to JP. I am so grateful to this ward. They have loved us, prayed for us through cancer, and served us. I love them with all my heart!!!!

You can get the fabulous pork recipe HERE and read more about it. Love you Sara~~~~

Today I am at Huntsman with Natalie. She is having her thyroid cancer surgery. They took her back and hour ago. Keep her and her mom and family in your prayers. I will keep ya all posted.

Uplifting Quotes

"Good times only come into our lives when we open our hearts and let them in." Judy Pasley

"Nothing can be more bleak, than taking the World's Media Road to discover who you are.
Nothing can be more serene, than discovering who you are through service, love, charity and compassion." Lynn Crapo

"Trying to please others will not make you happy. Just being happy will in the end, please others." Lynn Crapo

. . . . . . . . . . . . Debbie Walker


Remember how it started,
remember the happiness it brought to you,
and endure the heartaches to never let it die. Natalie Williams

The closest I will ever get to heaven is through a child. Natalie Williams

..."Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we are here, we might as well dance..." Kazmin Nye

"When you don't get what you want it's because God thought of something better to give you." Holly Davis

"Sometimes God calms the storm. Other times he lets the storm rage and calms the child" Angie Guyman

"Memory making and moments come but once.
You can't bring back time, so the time you take is certainly priceless!" Lynn Crapo

"Tradition: a clock that tells us what time it is." - Elbert Hubbard

"The hardest arithmetic to master is that which enables us to count our blessings." — Eric Hoffer

Our Backyard

Our Backyard
Fun In The Sun

Hinckley Challenge